Top 5 Reasons Why People are Stuck in Gold Rank

Like I said previously and in several otehr threads this week. I have been 1 match from Plat. 2496 SR…only to get a leaver or thrower who makes it a 5v6. Yeah, I waited an hour. Got another one. Waited again. Still got a leaver.

It is pure luck. Nothing more. Some people get very few leavers. I see quite a few of them.

Decided by who?
Prime example is xQc, he has terrible aim and made it to pro.

I don’t need to, my other skills make up for my average aiming skills.

A Pharah should never be countered by Tracer. A good Pharah never lands, Tracer has no way to reach her without ignoring the actual teamfight to go for an heroic play that will lose the teamfight for Tracer’s team.

Saying Tracer counters Pharah is like saying Genji counters Brigitte because he gets the occasional kill.

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I agree. soft throwing is just the sort you see in games to attempt to obscure the fact. A hard throw would be a repeated leap of faith off the edge of the map outside spawn or walking in to the enemy team saying hello.

There is throwing, and there is not throwing, and there is a SMALL grey area in between when you have to look at the specific situation.

If a player with good intentions is either asked to switch by their team to a hero they do not normally play just because it “counters” something and because they choose the path of least resistance and flex because they want to be a peaceful and cooperative player and do what they can to help a team, and then they perform poorly is NOT throwing!!

When you have the salty player who hero snipes your hero from you when the round switches so now you AND they suffer for that forced change. So in THAT situation, the person who HERO SNIPED a herro from you when you were performing IS the one throwing.

i feel your pain on leavers. 2 or 3 seasons ago I was trying to break back into gold. it took me THIRTEEN tries at the cusp to finally do it.

Half of em had leavers it sucks I have been there.

I was back and forth with win, loss, win loss, win loss. I ended that day at 2490. Came back the next day and just plummeted from 4 groups in a row of toxic players who were hero sniping, throwing etc. This was back in the time when they had prefer player instead of avoid. A very harsh time for everyone TBH.

A grifer Mei was putting her wall up in front of me when I was playing MCCree and mid ult. I was so mad…

Same thing happened when I played Dva on anotehr match. The Mei ice walled my ult and saved the enemy team from it. My whole TEAM was mad at her.

Because I can aim. And I would rather uninstall the game then play that Fischer price hero. That’s something people like you will never understand. We invest thousands of hours over years into perfecting our aim, we “got gud” through extreme amounts of dedication, discipline, and practice. You took the easy route, you are not my peer.

I would surely hope that you wouldn’t claim to have such good aim if you are in gold/low plat…

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Are you just delusional? Look at the amount of alts in the game, brand new accounts with mechanical skill, decent game sense and positioning (probably plat mains) trolling gold games literally non-stop. It’s not the existence of smurfs, it’s when you wreck them and they make it their mission to take you out of the game. You don’t click enough heads, so you probably don’t get that kind of pressure.

I like toxic players when they have a mic. First, because its nice to hear someone actually talk on Xbox. Second, because it often sparks an argument with another person, and finally; because thats often hilarious

I’ve seen plenty of em. I’ve gone 43 and 2 down there recently. It genuinely isn’t that hard if you are better. My DPS is at like, a 2700 level? Genuinely not a good DPS and gold is a cakewalk

In YOUR games, but matchmaker puts me with people in my skill range within the SR floor and ceiling, and they are head shotting diamond smurfs, 100%

What you don’t understand is that skill is a determinant factor when the matchmaker seeks a game. So the games it puts me in are different from yours. It puts me in games expecting me to carry, and if I fail, we lose. And before you say anything, this is stated fact. it’s not just an SR match up, it finds players of equal skill to pit you against. The players of equal skill that show up in my games are plat and diamond alt accounts because I head shot, and matchmaking knows that. when you upset your internal MMR, it throws the system into chaos and it will try to find your actual MMR. It does this by putting you in unwinnable games to see if you can carry.

Perhaps you get actual gold players that can’t aim. Must be nice!

It finds players of equal MMR, it does not expect you to carry. Everyone in your games has a similar MMR, there is no extra pressure put on you.

The game doesn’t put you in unwinnable situations, it adjusts your MMR according to how well it believes you to be doing. The only adjustment is how much SR you. Your team mates are matched solely on their MMR, the Enemy is matched solely on their MMR. You are paired with and against people who have similar MMR. Win streaks and loss streaks are not taken into consideration.


You are incorrect. Internal MMR is the skill value that is checked when finding a match. It seeks a fair match. If I have 12% critical hit accuracy on Hanzo, it’s not going to find someone with 5% accuracy to pit me against. It’s going to find someone that has my aim, and put them in the game against me.

It absolutely does put you in unwinnable situations when you go on a streak, that’s why players are in the forums saying they can’t win. They failed the skill check to gain the SR boost from PBSR to get them out. Let me spell this out for you one more time. When you upset what Blizzard thinks your internal MMR should be, the system’s confidence in your actual SR goes down. In order to re-adjust, the system will place you in extremely hard games to see how you perform, if you win - you get a huge boost while it tries to determine where you SHOULD be placed. If you lose, you lose big. it creates this sort of trap for players when they aren’t playing against other players in their elo. It’s really that simple.

Ask Kawuumba, someone else who has actually spent time studying this, or ask Jeff, who has already confirmed how MMR behaves. The only thing keeping you back is your skill, not your poor understanding of the system


Then uninstall the game. The fact is i’m plat, and you’re not =)

Sure i could fall back to gold, and it wouldn’t bother me one bit. You take this shiz way too seriously. I play competitively. After each match, even those i win, i think about what i could’ve done better and how to MAKE it better.

I don’t think about my perfect stats that should carry me to plat/diamond but doesn’t. I just play game after game, i am positive to my team, i joke with them, we do callout. I get the occasional thrower which i recognize is a problem, but i also get the smurfs in the ennemy team and trust me i LOVE to play against them.

Those are a true challenge. Those are the guys coming after me all the time and trying to end my life, and trust me i do have developped a fairly good game sense to escape them. My aim is probably shi**er than you, but it turn out i beat you in every other aspects.

You keep referring overwatch as an “fps game” where “aim is all that count.” That is your first mistake.

You’re upset at the fact i can climb with a “hero that take no skill” while “your skill doesnt’ carry you.”

And here i am, laughing at your so called “logic.”

Uninstall the game my friend, you don’t deserve to play it with that mentality.

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Literally I would get one leaver every ten games and usually on the enemy team. I would get a thrower every twelve or something, usually on enemy team. 95% of the time I lose due to me and my teammates being worse than the enemy team. So stop whining.

That… applies for only like the first 100 games. At the amount of hours that you and I have played you should be normalizing to ~20-25 SR gain/loss a match unless something seriously goes awry.

Also through my games yesterday, roughly 80% of the time my team’s SR average was lower than mine. Is that what you mean when you say the “system” expects you to hard carry? Cause even when the matchmaker expected me to carry, these matches still felt no different from any others that I’ve played.

ALT…ACCOUNTS!! You do not follow the INTENT of the system!! it is meant to GAUGE YOUR OVERALL SKILL…NOT SKILL WITH 1 OR 2 HEROS!!!

Kindly get that through your head.

It tests your ability to win. There is no where that it states how many heros you should play or that you should flex. Blizzard has explicitly stated that you are allowed to one trick. Regardless, you are in the same boat as me with how many heros you play and your hours. Also, regardless of what hero’s someone play, their choices lead them to win more games than you, that’s what matters the most.