Too much cancer in overwatch

Oh yeah. A good 'rat is a thing of joy. He is scarier for sure. For pure cancer plays though, I can’t go past Mei.

I love thrown down that ult, and just as people get to the edge where they think their is safety, you throw down that wall, and let them scrabble against it for the last moments of life.

I love putting walls in front of ulting McCrees. Using walls to isolate people from their group, and ending them before help can come.

Or just little joys, like walling in front of their Ana, so the group stops getting healing, but they don’t know that the supports been nullified quite yet.

So many little joys with Mei. So many little ways to make the enemy team fall apart.

It isn’t that you have to think, how can I make the enemy team cry, it is having to choose which of the many ways you want to do so.

It just makes my cold dark heart feel good to Mei a team.

Im so jealous, totally unrelated but i want to be able to post links ffs.

Moira Popcorn would be so good here right now.

Not today, we eat fish for now


I am pretty sure he does. I should go test it. Every time someone says something which I am sure it works one way, and they say is the other, I go test it.

I learn a lot of new things that way.

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I think they should remove these 2, but also Winston, Rein, Zarya, Hog, Hammond,, Orisa (CAN TANK SO MUCH), All DPS (SO OVERPOWERED, TOO MUCH DAMAGE), Mercy, Lucio, Baptiste, Zen, Ana (CAN KEEP PEOPLE ALIVE).


If you’re complaining about them, the problem is you. Next time learn to focus fire+ tanking.

I actually appreciate you doing this for me and my pleb posting status you god.

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Yup, would make this game a lot more fun. The Spectator will finally be regonized as a playable character.

Can’t complain about balance if you can’t start a game…

That is pretty clever right there :slight_smile:

69 posts about deleting heroes,
69 posts and more,
You check one out,
Reply and karma out,
74 more posts about deleting heroes.

You are not gonna make the Brig mains admit that their hero is trash design and an unhealthy addition to the game. Take their crutch away, what else can they even play?

That said, just think of it this way, the other dps mains rise through the ranks and files while destroying Briggie, you will eventually compete against those dps if you want to rank up. So use Brig as your stepping stone/skill check to train; once you are comfortable playing against Brig, you are ready to move up.

Not a fan of fish personally.
How about some cake?

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I’m blocked. You’re level 1907 and you say for delete characters. In your level you can know it’s impossible to delete. I believe you’re not real people behind the account .

Troll post

The issues i see here are:

  1. to close to brig
  2. not behind a tank against moira
  3. wrong picks against them
  4. a scatered team

Say what now?

god i lovethese kind of posts,it shows how bad players in gold are lol. so as you can tell from my name, ive played a lot of brig, and i have also played agianst a lot of brig as a tracer in gold, and you know how many of those duels ive won, about 99% of them. its not hard to counter brig nor is it hard to counter moria but those in gold would rather whine about how she is soooo op when she really isnt. you just need to learn how to beat her which there are many that can. mccree, winston, rein, widow, etc. heck even tracer can beat her if you arent a potato at the game. this is one of the posts where Git Gud is definitely needed.

Genji or tracer main detected. L2P before whining.

Your handle says it all…

I lost it at this point.
this is hilarious :rofl:

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