Too much cancer in overwatch

brig and moira should be deleted from the game , brig and moira make sym and torb 's turret look skilled , brig is making this game unplayable for me , every single match people pick them and its hard for gold dps to kill brig and noone wants to pick brig in my team , brig and moira require no skill what so ever , this game would be far better without these 2 in the game , PLEASE BLIZZARD DELETE BRIG AND MOIRA


Remember scrub, she is only op if you have to be in melee range to aim.


Lol I read title and immediately thought…

“Yep half the people on here probably shouldn’t be playing”

I should’ve known it was a brig post


Thank you for your constructive criticism.


yea you have to go to her if you want to capture the point

One of these kind of posts again… Gotta love the salty tears : )
If you think these heroes doesnt require any kind of skills not even in ult usages/abilitys I guess that your just a salty dps main or something.

Also if youre saying heroes are trash/should be deleted this will post will most likely to get flagged as a troll post. Sorry buddy.


Playing mobility heroes are ye?

They are counters to them. It was a long time coming.

well brig is the reason alot of people stopped playing this game , she has no place in this game , there should some skill but she s got none what so ever

Doesn’t mean you have to get in her face to shoot her.

She doesn’t have an infinity hit point shield. She can’t defend against splash damage explosions. She can’t heal (hit something) or armor pack without putting down her shield.

Good try though.


yea man i dont even post stuff on the internet much but today i felt so bad i had to , its not gonna do anything but still , i hope blizzard is looking

If you stopped playing because brig got put in the game it didn’t need you to begin with.

Ohh no… The support has a defense against diving dps now WHAT SHALL I EVER DOOoOOOOoooOOOoO



If she is on the point, and you go to the point you, you can’t capture it cos she’s on the point and you can’t kill her in melee range cos that’s the one string to her bow.

Here’s an alternative, kill her from a distance then get on the point =_=“ best case scenario, you kill her and get on the point. Worst case, you don’t kill her and don’t get the point, but your not dead. Would you get on the point into melee range of Rein/Hog/Reaper/etc? 0_o


buddy , i am serious but i understand how it could be flagged in troll category , i just wanted to express my feeling as a overwatch player after losing so many matches and watching that no skill hero get so much reward without using no skill or llittle skill , oh well

I don’t like the hero design, but I understand what Blizzard was trying to do with her.

Just do what I did, when she come into the game. I took up Mei again.

If you are playing a hero you truly enjoy, then, you will enjoy the game. It is too easy to get tied up in hating on different heroes and the like.

It’s a game, play something which makes you happy.

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well she counters almost everyone but my problem is high reward for low skill against other dps heroes , its so unfair to them



Idk if you keep losing so many matches to a ‘‘no skilled heroes’’ maybe its cause you arent that good yourself & your positioning is bad or you just dont know how to counter these heroes.
Its just how the most of these kind of players are, who makes these kind of post that these heroes should be deleted babyrage.

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dude brig with minimal healing from lucio and she gets healing from hitting enemies that hero does not die and it has 700 something health with shield , a shield that never never never ever break or if ever does it comes back in 1 ms , you are trolling or you are diamond player , here in gold brig can wipe entire enemy team , brig is just cancer in every game mode

salty gengi tears …


This is why I laugh at people like OP.

If a player is actually skilled it’s extremely flippin easy to kill Brig outside her effective range.

And because I’m a Junk 1 trick.