Too much cancer in overwatch

Flag for troll guys.


It is a pretty common reason to hate a hero.

She was put in because mobility was too strong, and there wasnā€™t a counter.

People hated the mobility heroes because never having to play into a counter also seemed unfair.

Blizzard tries to balance heroes, but they donā€™t always get it right. They are learning same as everyone.

Iā€™m always amazed how well they did considering the diversity of the cast.

Anyway, if you hate her so much, take a hero, and learn to punish her. Hanzoā€™s storm arrows do a number on her, and he is pretty fun.

She tends to over extend, so Mei is also pretty good at punishing her, and Mei is as fun as the game gets (at least for me).

Find a way to make the Brigs life not worth living, you will find your days brighter, and your nights happier.


dude in gold beig with little healing from lucio is invincible , brig does not die . the only solution is pick brig to counter brig , phrarah has counters windows doesnt work in gold , i mean she hides behind rein shield from distance and you have to confront her some how and in a close range , how can people defend a hero that is broken and requires no skill , i am so shocked really jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever played a Gold game where Brigitte was wiping entire teams either, though.

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Gold you say?

She can be a bit tricky at gold, no focus fire from your team means she can be a tough nut to crack.

What kind of heroes do you like playing? We will see if we can come up with a way to make a Brig cry.

ā€¦the real cancer :stuck_out_tongue:

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Dude just stop. Go take a chillpill or something and calm down for a bit.
You just make you look foolish right now when you keep saying these heroes doesnt need any skills or they are brokenā€¦
Learn to counter these heroes & get better. Easiest answer for your salty tears.

well thanks for typing that , i feel little less sad now

As a Mei main, I take exception to that :slight_smile:

I am the real cancer.

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So when are we gonna add a ā€œmakes entire thread to demand hero X be deletedā€ as a flag option


This right here

This is Blizzards first FPS
Of course they arenā€™t going to be balancing prodigyā€™s

Iā€™m actually surprised at how well theyā€™ve done balancing the game over the years and canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s to come!

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Do you think it would be to strong to let Friendly Junkrat shots bounce off your wall instead of just blowing up like they currently do?

I find her to be slightly more manageable in most situations. A good rat from what ive played will usually always be more of a threat than a good mei.

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Andā€¦ i stopped reading.

LMAO to this.

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They do that, so you can break through a wall, which your Mei put in and then died :slight_smile:

Iā€™d prefer if you could bounce the 'rats mines off the wall, because it add skill and complexity to both heroes.

And, I ALWAYS am up for more expressions of skill to be added to the game, especially ones (excuse the pun here) as off the wall as this one.

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Friendly rat doesnā€™t do damage to your walls thoughā€¦?

I said usually :stuck_out_tongue: she just doesnt have a stupid knock back damage combo bull$@&#($&@#!$!%&$@# that rat does.

The freezing does suck though.

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I usually use my mines for mobility unless I see an opportunity to assassinate an enemy support.