Too many AimBot Hacker in PC

Thing is, the petra footage isn’t even suspicious.

All those shots were either minor adjustments… or adjustments prior to do flicks.

You can tell they were flicks because the cursor didn’t stop… he pressed the button through the flick like good shots do.

As surefour has stated… you don’t flick to where you think they’ll be… you have to click where you know your cursor will be during the movement.

Where the guy ended his movement to click, were on stationary targets.

Just because the guy is a flick aimer, and does less tracking, doesn’t make him an aimbot.

Omg mercy aimbot hacks! There’s no way I can get through bronze now!

Lol? That’s as bad as me…

That’s NOT good widow play. Are you on drugs?

Meh I’ve seen enemies accuse my teammate Sombra of wallhacking. I call bs.

You do know sombra does legitamtly have a form of wall hacks right? She can see low health enimies through walls


That’s like a… Random widow taking potshots. Every single flick is either easy or very easy.
The 1st kill she doesnt even have to move the mouse while the scope charges…

I can tell by what you’re typing here that you just don’t have the experience it takes to identify cheaters. I looked at your hero history and you don’t use any heros that require aim. You act like you want the facts but draw conclusions about things having little experience.

I rank in comp better than 95% of players (top 5%), I only use skill aim hero’s (no brig, mercy, moira etc), and I am telling you that person in the video is with extremely high certainty using some kind of cheat.


Well, since Sombra has wallhacks built into her kit then your enemies were correct. Maybe they just didn’t understand she has wallhacks natively.

No need to cheat, since the hitbox (especially when flicking) in this game is simply broken. Flick hard enough with Hanzo and the game will recognize all the area that you were moving your crosshair over during the 10ms of the shot, drastically increasing the overall covered pixels.

On top, look up on youtube the videos where they are shooting (with Mcree, Hanzo, Widow and the HogHook) clearly next to the target and OW still registered it as hit.

You are looking up other profiles, but post with a smurf yourself xD
Maybe he did the same? :wink:

I have only seen one person using hacks and they were terrible at this game. People that use hacks compensate for their lack of skill. They typically have horrendous positioning which can easily be exploited. But this was a very long time ago I don’t think hackers are that big of an issue right now

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My widow play looks like that. That’s not good widow play btw. Shots take too long, cursor placement is meh, and enemies seem gold level.

Also master soldier with 30% accuracy? Is this even your account?
Even I didn’t drop that low and I literally can’t aim because of an injury.

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LOL did you just rank and hero shame me in a thread that has to do with visually indentifing cheaters from a VOD?!?

wow, thats a new low for even forum posters. Lol.

I know what milk tastes like, doesn’t mean I have to milk the cow in order to tell if it comes from a cow or from almonds.

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Don’t worry he’s a master soldier with 30% weapon accuracy. Let him play from an account that’s actually his or ignore him.

As I stated before, I pretty confidently believe that S23 is boosted. Also you wanna play some tonight?

I’m on ORD1 but yall I couldn’t pass up Destiny 2 on sale.

Genuinely don’t mean to be rude but I was talking to Mace

So you’re obviously not on ORD1.

I have no accounts to play with you, unless you want to carry a brig 1trick LOL.

Im ranking ineedhealing last week of the season, easier climb, no effort, no decay :wink:

Or if you have like a silver account i have one too =D

Lol send me a message

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