Too many AimBot Hacker in PC

Most of them throw enough to keep themselves in the lower tiers so they can screw with everybody else. Can’t keep cheat if you climb up too fast and attract attention.


I think the secret reason for the upcoming “patch” being a complete re-install is that major fundamental changes are being implemented to combat cheating. Since that was announced, I’ve noticed a big increase in cheating in Gold matches, like people are trying to boost as much as possible before the reinstall. I think there’s going to be a really refreshing quiet period after the patch/reinstall where there’s no hacking and we all get to play with people at our rank… then the cheat devs will find workarounds and we’ll all be back to where we are now.

I’ve played a lot of OW… more than 3k competitive matches, and probably close to that number of QP and Arcade. I’ve watched dozens of hours of pro VODs for mid-level ranks, and read tens of thousands of words in articles on strategy and tactics for the heroes I play. And you know what? The more experience I get in this game, the easier it is for me to recognize cheating. That’s the exact opposite of the popular argument that sub-Masters ELO ranking makes you unable to recognize aimbotting. In reality, when I started playing OW I thought everyone was better than me and just accepted that as a fact. As I learn more and improve, it’s much more clear to me that some people really are more skilled, and some are blatantly cheating. Over time, the grey area between the two is getting smaller.


I’ve seen a lot more aim hacks lately. Last night I was in a comp match that had 3 obviously hacking because I would cloak my Sombra in spawn where they couldn’t see me, then ran out, only to have a the 76, Doomfist, and/or Widowmaker know where I was without being detected by WM’s ult. If I was able to get past them and head to the point, they’d suddenly turn around and start chasing me and shooting.

Overwatch has been out long enough for the hackers to find weak points to exploit. The hacks are real and ramping up lately.


The funny/sad thing is, cheaters aren’t necessarily winning. They’re playing deathmatch and ignoring objectives, so if you get some good tanks and play very carefully, they’ll often lose. It’s just that those matches are incredibly difficult, every little mistake is punished with a headshot or hook combo.

I was watching a Jayne VOD for Soldier over the weekend. It was a Platinum game from last year, and I was shocked at how much easier it looked than what’s in Gold or even Silver right now.

I thought it was making me a better player, but I’ve realized that there’s not much to gain other than being paranoid about small mistakes. A few of the heroes I like to play situationally are totally shut off to me because they get tracked through walls and instagibbed. My ults aren’t countered so much as headshotted or insta-stunned/slept/hooked. High ground is bad because it makes you a sitting duck. There’s nowhere you can go where you aren’t seen. It’s not fun, even when I win.

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It’s people like you why I DON’T believe people when they say there are hackers without proof. They actually spend time to aim, I’ve landed far better shots then this and my aim is pretty garbage. There is nothing blatant about this. “OMG THIS WIDOW LANDS SHOTS, THEY ARE SO GOOD! THEY MUST BE AIM BOTTING!”. You don’t even try to cover it up with some of the things other people use as aimbot detection. I wish people would stop crying wolf and actually learn how high of a skill cap aiming is. This is nothing. If you notice in about every kill, they are either walking in a straight line in relation to the widow or on a falling trajectory from jumping. All of these are pretty predictable and you see no one properly straffing or anything.


Wrong Platform, the Console Forums are that way ------>

Cool story bro. A $30 cheat is good enough. 10’s of 1000’s are cheating right now. Does know one else see how obvious this rhuetoric of “only seen 2 cheaters in 1 million hours of play” is? I mean it’s like these guys are c&p. I pray legit players who aren’t initiated don’t fall for this c r a p.


Well said. Cheating is rampant. It real is obvious.


If you can’t see how this is a blatant aimbot there really is no hope for you but I think you might cheat yourself to be honest.


No sweety, I just know how easy these shots are to land. Big difference between an actual aim better and someone who is given free kills


“Honey” I think he’s just bumping the post so more people see the video.

So he’s gonna bump it 3 times within roughly 10 minutes in the dead of night?

There are far more aimbots than people know at higher ranks. Even many of the major streamers are toggling a humanized aimbot. People who say they have never seen one don’t know what modern aimbots look like, they are like 50 years old and still think that aimbots work by hard locking onto peoples heads. Aimbots are so natural looking now someone could use it right in front of you and you wouldn’t know unless you know what to look for.


implying that anyone who disagrees with you just doesn’t know what aim looks like.
I’m convinced you are boosted with all the conspiracy’s you spew

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See, I don’t see the point of this. One, the videos posted here don’t look like crazy cheating. Not like it is given super human abilities to pull something off that someone couldn’t do.

The other, being whats the point in cheating. I don’t understand it… like, you aren’t getting better, you still just suck. Especially if you STILL are at low rank? hahahaha… just proves that aim doesn’t equal skill in this game.

The last point I’d like to make is I don’t believe most people that call people cheaters.

My son frequently gets called a mouse user for his sick Widow plays on console. He’s put hundreds of hours to work on his widow aim with a controller on multiple accounts. I watch him and tease him about it, because he brags about how awesome he is, but he never plays comp with widow.

The thing is, people whine about him cheating and I know for a fact that he doesn’t. We don’t own any of that stuff and I sit and watch him play.

People always look to project their failings on others and discredit the hard work and practice people put in to get good at a particular skill set.

Unless you know for a fact he is cheating… unless they are performing tasks that can’t be attributes to luck… Keep your mouth shut.

More likely then not, they are just better than you.


So… you didn’t watch the video?

If you think this is blantant aim botting, I’ve got some news for ya

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This is 100% a humanized aimbot, not even a good one really. You can see it SOFT locking onto people when he’s zooming in. When he brings the crosshair naturally close to someone then the bot soft locks onto the person. Only experienced players can spot these types of bots.

Again, it’s not because he’s accurate, a lot of people can shoot that accurately, it’s the bizarre movement behavior that gives it away.


There were two videos posted, one at petra that didn’t look like aimbotting… and then the training bot video that expressly said they were showing off how good the aimbot was.

The 2nd one was aimbotting cause you can prove it. The 1st one could very well just be good aiming. I’ll side with innocent until proven guilty.

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As an individual player you’ll never be able to “prove” anyone is cheating, ever. So by your philosophy nobody is a cheater unless they actually admit it (why would they ever do that?)

Facts aren’t always available but you can use your observations and intuition in order to make reasonable assessments. For example, the person on petra shouldn’t necessarily be banned instantly, but they should be reported and investigated due to suspicious activity, i.e. we should try to get Blizzard to find out facts about this person as a result of our observations.