Tone down Doomfist please

I understand different people like different things and every… oh.

I dont mind the cooldowns on his slam or uppercut but his rocket punch is wayyyyy too low for a one shot ability. His primary is strong though limited on ammo and al his moves are cc rocket punch ko’s need at least 2 more seconds

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Lately i’m playing only qp, and in everygame i always got matched with some doomfist against, and 90% of the time who is using that hero have a 4k skill rating (more or less), so i let you imagine get cc stunned + combo continuously is very funny. Worse than brigette. Otherwise, is you suck with him, he become automatically a trash hero, while Brigette remain good even if you can’t know how to play the game.

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Begin ration Hanzo, genji, mcree, tracer, Widowmaker are better than him at high ranks. And that’s 6 other dps that take his spot. And than you have secondary dps that aren’t far behinded him mcree. Are his stuns annoying yes. But, get one clip by tracer. One showed by Hanzo and widow isn’t fun eithere.

Doomfist dosnt have 4 highest dps pickrate in gm. Genji, Hanzo, tracer, and Widowmaker have higher pickrates. You can argue he number 5 but sombra and mcree are close that it hard to tell.

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Increase the cooldown on rocket punch and then he would become unplayable. He needs consistent mobility, take that away and you just have Deadfist every time he tries to do anything.

then it need a power nerf cause a one shot skill on such a low cooldown is horrible gameplay balance

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They could stand to tone his grunting down a little. Whenever he’s fighting nearby it sounds like someone in the can trying to pass a lead ingot.


How about they change Rocket Punch in a way that it only stuns if fully charged and otherwise only damages and pushes back.

Maybe even the same for wallimpacts. Only fully charged it will deal extra damage if the enemy hits a wall.

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stuns on low cds would be fine if there was more anti cc in this game.

why does everyone thinks nerfing cc directly will balance the game instead of ‘make it more fun’.

Doomfist players barley use it to deal damage and use it mostly for mobility


they still initiate with it then use their other abilities and by then its ready again and they retreat if they need to and good doomfist usually get two kills this way easy

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Make every non-CC hero immune to CC.

Lucio, Soldier 76 and Symmetra get screwed over by it. Actually, Symmetra does have instant mobility (between two points, after the cast time) as long as she’s touching the ground. But those 3 despite having decent (Lucio having the best of the 3) mobility all get messed up by uppercut.

If an opposing Lucio boops you off the map, you can still get back on. If Doomfist uppercuts you off the map, bye-bye.


You sure? because his uppercut and slam has 7 seconds, you used his rocket punch as a source of damage. If you use all of them, then you have no other way to escape just to sit there waiting on cooldowns becoming a shooting target.

no, make every character without really good mobility able to have anti cc, i did not say cc immune. Do not give tracer, hammond, genji, or pharah anti cc in their own kit.

id much rather have mccree have some sort of cc resistant ability that also gives something else.

  • give some air control during rising uppercut, just as during a Lucio boop
  • add falloff to rocket punch. It’s super ridiculous when he dashes the maximum 22 meters, actually slows down at the end and hits a hero at the 21.5 meter mark which launches it like a catapult to a wall 10 m away and of course making it a killing blow.

If that happens his other numbers can be buffed for all I care apart from his ult.


I am a Reinhardt main in plat, ive been getting into doomfist lately learning the ins and outs of him, what makes Doomfist well, Doomfist is his mobility. he doesn’t have a deflect like Genji or a recal like tracer or a wraith like Reaper, Doomfist in my opinion is being kept alive by his mobility so taking that away from him or putting it on a higher cool down will inevitably put him back down to F tier

You guys complained how Doomfist was OP at the start so Blizz nerfed him then you all want him back because he was useless so they reverted his change a little bit.

Same crap happened to Roadhog. No wonder why Blizzard can’t you guys seriously.

It’s almost like people want a hero that’s neither OP nor trash.