(Tomorrow) Prepare for a possible sudden Echo release!

Echo x Zen is better

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“now… avoid that.”

i’d like to know how blizz is handling this whole virus situation as well.

i wonder, do they have everything done already? and by that i mean the trailer, teasers, and the hero

arent they just releasing these things one by one? or am i mistaken

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PTSD intensifies…

Dude…you need to stop hyping yourself up this hard. I mean, it’s nice if it happens, sure. But if it doesn’t it’s going to be the end of the world at this rate.

Who the heck travels these days!?

if echo isnt released tomorrow i am holding everyone at blizz hq hostage


we’re just havin fun lad

edit: k but srs. it’s all just a bunch of speculation and (plenTy of) hype. we’re good!

give us echo, jeff >.>

It might not be echo it might be. It also might be released on Thursday if not on Tuesday.

I’m traveling inside sweden only. Not to another country. I was unclear on that.


Probably the full reveal, with her arriving on PTR the following Tuesday.

Didnt Jeff think the idea of releasing a hero first in mys hero only would be interesting? I think this was in this rapid fire question video on youtube.
Maybe it gets released secretly.

what is mys

it is always public though

this seems to be public as well

I think hero trailer tommorow, and PTR on the 19th.

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IM DYING TO MEET HER :pleading_face:

My powers are with whispers of the radioactive fish…

Not of repeating noises flying at jet speed though the sky.

U will have to wait

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I’m just so happy that you finally get your new hero tho!
Like, you have waited for so long, you have made… countless posts and and - I’m just really happy for you! :sparkles:

I just follow what the data provides… and don’t lie.

It’s up to you to trust that.

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Bookmarked for potential special cookie reward :cookie:

Meanwhile even Santa wouldn’t have enough😜jk

TECHNICALLY you deserve one my good man!

I been giving only a couple out lately

And I’m pleased with your threads
5+ special cookies :cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie::cookie:

I don’t know why I’m doing this, I haven’t been tracking it but maybe I should lol

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Mystery heroes. The arcade mode.