(Tomorrow) Prepare for a possible sudden Echo release!

think about it this way: by the time ya come back, she’ll probs be live


Its all a red herring and they’re gonna release “Liao’s super fantastic Gibraltar Nights: An Overwatch Dating Sim” spinoff game

… don’t recommend currently traveling with the virus going around.

But if you have to, recommend to get a n95 mask.

emmm i think most likley it would be thursday

Too late. I already left home XD
We don’t care about the virus here in sweden. We’re living as normal and schools are open etc. We don’t wear masks either.


You are pretty much doomed then (at least 10% doomed)

he just got DoomFished :wink:

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please just let it be tomorrow. i need something to entertain me during quarantine please- i need something. i’m bored and boredom is suffering please oh please papa jeff give us some ripe and juicy content tomorrow hsjshsisjqonqisdndj

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I have to head into work guys. (Using my last N95 mask)

Got figure out how to clean these without touching the Respirator

I probably won’t even know if i’m infected or not since they only test seriously ill people (like old people)


I predict that the back story trailer will be released tomorrow or Wednesday and then on Thursday, Hero 32 will be available on PTR.

It is not Tomorrow Doomfish. Streamer’s signed NDA’s that expire on this Thursday about the new patch. She is comming on thursday.

I felt that


:mag_right: so according to my c cccacalations, tomorroe we should be getting another teaser
then on wednseday we get a hero trailer
and then the hero gets released on thursday
is that right


Dont be overcome with excitement! Always expect the worst possible outcome to minimize your disappointment!

:nail_care: your calculations are correct. I am already writing my Orisa x Echo fanfic where Orisa cries into Echo’s arms.

It would be nice if They did before this virus closes them off from working. I may be wrong but not sure if they can do everything from home.

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Same here. Hadn’t thought about that.