(Tomorrow) Prepare for a possible sudden Echo release!

Those Xs were most likely to avoid an actual day. Similar to how megaman uses “year of 200X” to make it more timeless.

I think tomorrow or even this week is a bit optimistic.

Stylosa said he was on Blizzard HQ, last time he was there it was for Switch release, so I’m guessing he was recording promotional collaborated material like Seagull did for Sigma and stuff, hence I’m guessing end March the new hero will be on the PTR.

The teaser released had the Roman numerals for 20 in place of a date.

A new hero might get released tomorrow but I’m thinking it’s more likely to be announced on the 20th (21st for me at least)

Could that mean we get Overwatch 2 news in late March/April? Stylosa could be there for that. I’m sure Echo or whoever will come this week.

Origin stories came out early in 2019. If that countinues, we may expect the origin story drop today, then Echo at thursday.

Roman numerals are Latin now?

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We already gone over why that’s likely false above

*Edit an hour later: if anyone looking for me… gone to sleep early.

in 2 hours

we shall receive an answer

The 20th is a Friday though. Heroes have only been revealed on Tues or Thurs.


There’s a lot of streamer and content creator NDAs that end on the 19th.

So hero 32 is sometime soon.

I know that there’s a (very popular) theory that Liao and Echo are the same character (which I believe tbh); but in the case that they are not the same, I would be down for them to release Liao as a new builder Hero 32 and Echo as hero 33 at the same time

Not to be ungrateful of the new hero we’re getting, I just like new heroes :slightly_smiling_face: (the more the better)

I think it would be cool if there were two distinct personalities, like Firestorm.

where are NDAs and their end dates listed, if you dont mind saying?

Just passing comment from streamers talking about it.

XQC, Dafran, two I can recall saying it personally. There was a french overwatch caster talking about a podcast set for the 19th to discuss new content.

And we know Stylosa was at Blizz HQ recently.

That’s more wholesome than I think when hearing a paired fanfic. Ngl

All signs point toward the 19th. Perhaps an origin story tomorrow.


Called it- a terrible accident involving Liao. Bet she’s going to become Echo.

The sooner the better but there’s usually 3 teasers before they drop the hero (1 per day) so if I am to have a guess, I’d say Thursday night (1 a.m on Friday for European players ?)

But again, this is just pure speculation. If it’s tonight or tomorrow, fine by me ^^’ !

Edit : oh, here comes the second one ! Thanks WhatTheDuck !