To the Doomfist players

I can’t fly back to my team :(.

Well you were out of position :V

But he can still do that

As i said, i don’t play doomfist in ranked, but when i do, i destroy the other team, and i know i do that because is easy to play, also broken. Not anymore, maybe ill give it a try.

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Genji is perfectly fine. He’s easily countered in some scenarios and in others he can dominate. His skill ceiling is incredibly high which is what makes him so fun to play but when you play against a “pro Genji” then it just becomes frustrating due to the fact that you need someone of equal skill on your team in order to counter him, such as a godlike McCree, Roadhog, Winston, and even Doomfist sometimes. Doom is just as frustrating to play as, as he is to play against. Sometimes as his large hitbox can make you lose half your health before you have even hit the ground during your slam. The only problem Doom has is the people who are supposed to counter him and punish him, are pretty weak in this meta. McCree and Hog both perform terribly against “hold W and win” compositions.

He’s not easy to play against people who know how to counter him.

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A logical thinking player. Finally.

Considering everyone across all ranks were complaining about him, I’m not sure if that’s true.

Doomfist didn’t dominate in what GM? The best players? Maybe masters? Below that a gold could mindlessly spam his abilities and dominate their games. It why masters is littered with Doomfist player s that’s are terrible.

Most of Doom’s skill comes from map knowledge. Knowing how to get from one end to the map to the other to slam the enemy zen using as few abilities possible and still be able to get safely back to your team. The problem currently is nothing forces him to play safe in this meta, as the only threat to him is a Zarya bubbling whoever he’s comboing, getting shield bashed by an ulting Brig, and getting earthshattered. Also when the enemy has all that rally armor, he can’t just go ham but usually all he needs to do is punch them into a wall to get rid of it. He wasn’t a problem until this meta, so he shouldn’t be nerfed to bring it down, at least not so heavily.


But you can get out of there, i can’t.

My ult gets countered easy, Any shield, a genji, a widow, a Dva , an Ana. It sucks? no, it just require skill. Does DF requires skill? well, yes, but nothing compared to a tracer,genji,mcree,soldier or widow.

Doomfist became a problem the moment they fixed all his bugs and decided to buff him what. 3 patches in a row?

His bugs were evidently the only thing keeping him bad. That’s literally it.

I admit he appears strong at times, and maybe you all are right and he’ll be fine after the nerfs, but he spent so much time being barely usable broken garbage, that these nerfs scare me. Only time will tell, and hopefully Blizz keeps a watchful eye on Doom, and buffs him or reverts one of these nerfs to balance the scale.

Compared to the others dps that i play, ill say yes.

Not necessarily. His punch hit box was terrible, and some of its interactions were bugs yes, but most of it was the nerf to his punch hit box shortly after his initial release.

So I’m guessing you play Junkrat?

That’s a joke btw…

You can always go to PTR and try him, still good.

Yeah, because it’s hitbox was the size of a bus

Like i said Mcree is indeed weak but DF ult is only good at killing 2 heroes (Ana and Zen)

And Doomfist requires a different type of skill than Soldier, Mcree or Widow

He is kinda near Genji and Tracer but not the same

His RP was smaller than mercy pistol

His ult was trash (and is still kinda bad)

And his shields might have been unnecessary but it wasnt THAT great

Console doesn’t have PTR. Feelsbadman

Great now I’ve lost any and all credibility.

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Only when they have a widow.