Time to Remove Genji's Training Wheels

C Tier in OWL though.


He’s picked about as much or more than McCree, and it’s only fallen this low recently.

Been C Tier the whole time/.

It isn’t a skill shot if you are unable to see him reflecting. In fact it is a pretty amateurish thing to do.

No he hasn’t, even as far back as season 3 he was competeing with heroes like Tracer and Soldier. Even now, c tier is better than most of the roster.

You also don’t argue any of my other points.

Neither does D.va with her Defense matrix or Zarya with her bubbles. Choosing fights is a side effect of mobility.

This is just blatantly false. Please enlighten me on his use during the triple tank meta.

Damage them from afar with his pitiful 86 damage per second from a projectile that is 2.5x smaller than Mercy’s pistol. If his counters force him to disengage then they did their job. I swear people here expect counters to insta kill who they counter.

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I’m talking about the Overwatch League, where hero popularity (in terms of lore/design/etc.) doesn’t impact usage rates

It does though. You can bat Genjo around all day.

How about…no? That’s the whole point of deflect. To deflect any and ALL attacks for those 2 secs. Wanna counter it? Don’t shoot at him.

Literally this. I will never understand why people continue to spray into a Genji who is CLEARLY deflecting. Sure I understand how it’s frustrating when you aim at the Mercy to the side of him and it still deflects but that literally only happened to me twice.

His unparalleled mobility does help with that, but his deflect further cements it as the moment he starts deflecting you have to cease all combat towards him.

Here, during the highpoint of the tank meta he was still c tier, which is and was useful. He’s never gone lower than that to my knowledge. This is probably because despite his lower effectivness in the meta he could still properly dispose of healers and do decent chip damage to tanks like Zarya and Roadhog, who don’t have any armor.

This is a lie, his shuriken hitboxes are the same size as hanzos pre nerf hitboxes, as are all projectile heroes hitboxes.

Reinhardts hammer is rocket-propelled, it would crush any sword that’s used to try to parry it… nevermind the fact it’s too big to parry with a sword…

He’s still used fairly often in league, it’s only Tracer’s power that’s overshadowing him completely at the moment that’s led to his decline. If she’s ever nerfed, Genji will see a much increased usage.

During that 2 seconds he cannot attack you, while he can swift strike, if he does he just used his 2 abilities. If you did not shoot into him making your own health disappear then he is pretty helpless with his 86 damage per second and low mobility options without using skills.

That is true. This however did not mean he was “meta”. They outright state that "If you aren’t able to make solo picks, or provide ample space for your team to act, his impact is just not comparable. "

Right here from word of god. It is not a lie.

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No they’re not… You’re the one lying…

Completely false, if Genji was powerful enough to warrant a nerf he’d be picked alongside Tracer, every game, Genji+Tracer, it turns out that Genji has much more synergy with Tracer than Soldier, Widowmaker and Junkrat, yet they all have usage rates similar to Genji’s.

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As much as i hate how badly implemented deflect and its animation is, this is just a terrible idea.

What next, shoot rein through shield if its a headshot? and call it training wheels? it’s still ridiculous, no matter how you call it.

This must’ve been changed recently, last time they mentioned hitboxes, they stated that the hitboxes across the board were all the same size during the mass hitbox nerf they later reverted.

This was around the time of the Zenyatta changes to his discord initially.

“Meta” is debatable, more like flexible enough to function at some level regardless of meta. Removing two seconds from his ult was not a bugfix, nor was removing one of his stronger animation cancels, and I’m willing to bet his triple jump wasn’t a bug either.

Junkrat and Soldier see higher pickrates in bronze through gold, and then Tracer sees higher pickrates in master and GM. Genji only has his popularity in quickplay, plat and diamond, neither most popular dps at the top nor the bottom of the skill ratings.

Why aren’t you complaining about Widow then?

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He’s still picked competitively at the pro level, like soldier, McCree, and Sombra till her nerf. That’s still in meta.

Prior to Tracer’s boon in popularity he often competed for the top slot with Tracer, and Soldier before his nerf.

You are actually trolling if you think Genji wouldn’t be an F tier pick with your proposed changes.

Not really sure why people make these unconstructive posts on the forums. You don’t want balance, so stop pretending like you want balance. You want Genji to be a useless F tier hero because you dislike playing against him and your brain can’t process vertical movements and can’t stop shooting into a very obvious deflect animation. 1 ounce of statistics or research and you’d see that Genji is not even near OP. Widow has near the same exact pick rate as Genji in OWL, should we nerf Widow to the ground too? Give me a break.