Time to Remove Genji's Training Wheels

Boomer in Left 4 Dead, Androxus’ reversal in Paladins, Zarya’s bubbles, That boss in the meteor belt stage in Star Fox 64. Big Daddies in Bioshock unless you know you can fight them.


I bet you play a lot of McCree…nah, that’s impossible

Second point, not true, you could remove Swift Strike and even his secondary shot, or even take away his reflect on deflect and he would still be perfectly fine.

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The “just don’t shoot at him” argument is flawed in many ways.
His deflect hitbox is huge, deflecting projectiles even if they were supposed to hit someone else. It’s also unpredictable meaning that you can’t put all effort into just shooting at him because you’re scared he’s gonna put declect up any minute. If it was less unpredictable, you could actually calm down and shoot.


-Suppressing Skill

-Super Smash Brothers Melee

Pick one.

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McCree is my most played hero. If you remove swift strike he would EASILY go to F tier. If you remove his secondary fire you remove his burst damage. You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.


So make a defensive ability literally useless ? thanks but no thanks.

Well atleast now I know you’re a troll.

Just remove Genji’s primary source of mobility and finishing power while also removing a suplementary source of damage from a hero who already can be considered to be struggling in the current me.


It is large but you still should see the fact that he is deflecting and stop shooting in his direction. When I see a Boomer in Left 4 Dead I shoot around it and play around it.

I think Semantics are very important when something that claims to do one thing does another.
I am sure that if it says “sugar” and you get “salt”, you would really be pissed off at the guy that looks at you and says “ARE YOU CLAIMING SEMANTICS?!”

His primary sources of mobility are his increased walking speed and cyber agility, which allows him to go over any wall in existence…seriously, you are accusing me of trolling? Look at what you’r writing, it’s pure fanboyism dude.

Wow. Deflecting is changing the direction of something, reflecting is putting it back in the direction of the source. So reflecting is a type of deflecting.

Increased walking speed of 9.09% wow like that’s noticeable with the field of view being as small as it is.

What you’re writing is pure garbage that shows you have no idea what you’re talking about.

(of a surface or body) throw back (heat, light, or sound) without absorbing it.
“when the sun’s rays hit the earth a lot of the heat is reflected back into space”
synonyms: send back, throw back, cast back
“the snow reflects light”

cause (something) to change direction by interposing something; turn aside from a straight course.
“the bullet was deflected harmlessly into the ceiling”
synonyms: turn aside/away, divert, avert, sidetrack;

No sir, they are 2 entirely different things.

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Change direction, throw back. Throwing back is a change of direction. If you don’t understand that I don’t know what to tell ya.

Are bullets heat, light or sound?

I don’t see “throw back” as a synonym of deflect. But you are more than welcome to rummage the internet to find something what you think it is.

Way to completely ignore what I said.

Fanboys will be boys. I’ll leave it at that.

He doesn’t have to wait for it to be up, and can escape in vitually any direction should he choose to end the fight. Genji completely controlls the fights he’s in.

He’s also never not been meta despite being nerfed (bugfixed) several times, he’s also one of the most popular picks in all tiers.

Additionally, none of his counters actually work on him in any significant way other than Moira, with Genji being able to outpace them and damage them from afar, like Winston, Zarya, Symmettra, Torb, etc. So only one out of his 6 or so counters actually works to counter him, I’d say that’s over performing by a wide margin.