Tier List for Season 3 so far

im not contradicting myself at all

he actually has an infinity of those
they are not home seeking but with their increased hitbox and bouncing you might as well say they are

it has better speed than ball who is fastest hero in the game while wall climbing. how is that easily killed? you need best reaction to destroy it

while cree has an actual homeseeking one that does 131 damage which is LESS than Junk’s mine LMAO

bro, it has 100 hp and has a huge hitbox.

i cant say this enough to you but you just gotta realise that you unironically have a skill issue.

I would personally bump Phara to A tier same with echo

Doom isn’t terrible but he is also super player dependent so I would throw him in C tier

Hanzo isn’t super terrible and I would bump him too a B

Zen and brig should both be in S tier

Rein and ball should also both be in S tier

Sym and torb should be bumped to A as well

I would also bump sombra to low B

Junk in B tier as well

MAJOR skill issue. Even a silver Widow can hit it. About the only way you’re going to get a kill with it is using the map/terrain to your advantage, thus reducing the time your tire is out in the open. One thing I forgot…3 of the supports can completely negate it; with only one of them requiring an ult to do so.

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and yet you are the one complaining about the hero with worst winrate in the game

you do realise that he still has the highest pickrate after the buff right while junkrat’s has been going down? I wonder why…
maybe because he is not as bad as you say he is

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Woah buddy, you having a homing nuke in your back pocket increased fall of distance which allows you to two tap at farther ranges not many shield tanks are played if any and god forbid he gets a pocket. Your ult and roll can both save you from life threatening ults or abilities. 50% DR on roll as well as letting you no clip through players and 40% DR on your ult you may use it to reload but Cassidy’s bullets are deadly so it isn’t that bad.

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Cassidy tracer are neck and neck for highest WR in high Ello as well as the highest pick rate you clearly don’t read any information the dev team gives.

how are you questioning GM players when you yourself aren’t even GM
this is beyond delusion

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pickrate alone is close to meaningless. it can depend on how fun the hero is and even how powerful they are indeed
in gm you need to use heroes to average more than 50% winrate. and in Cass’ case - majority of people using him actually derank meaning the hero is indeed not good

I said pick rate and WiNRATE read before you try to spin something to fit your narrative.

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nah it replied to the wrong poster. it was meant to reply to another one

Ahhh, fair my apologies. They mentioned in a recent blog post tracer Cassidy and widow are the top 3 in high Ello rn like I kept telling people widow is busted and same with Cassidy that one little change pushed him into S tracer is seeing crazy play because of zen and ball being played more I wouldn’t necessarily say she is the cause of the meta but she is really strong.

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i’m honestly so flabbergasted at this one change of Cree that 5m range buff may sound small on paper, but it is a very noticeable difference that players like Wanted expressed how much this change help Cree substantially

Current state of hitscans keep them lower.

I semi agree with this one actually

As stated before, being dependent keeps him lowish; though the value he can get on his good maps is pretty insane, so yeah B is fair.

My only issue with this is they’re extremely comp dependent. I will admit though, they make a strong duo since they cover each others weaknesses almost perfectly,

Ball already is, but I’m iffy on Rein. But, I haven’t played him or seen him much since his buff, so I have very limited experience with it; you could be right.

Torb maybe, symm would map dependent.

Somewhat agree, but it’s a real toss up between low b and mid-high C. I think it more or less comes down to the comp. Example: Ball, Tracer, Sombra, Brig, Zen is a pretty damn good comp to run her in.

I wish. As a Junk main, I’d honestly put him borderline D tier personally. The mine nerf severely crippled one of his main sources of value. While yes, you can still 1 shot most heroes, the mine has to be pretty on point to do so…also Cass just survives it even without rolling/ulting.

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Because people don’t realize how a bunch of small changes end up making a character busted. there was a reason all hitscans had their range nerfed giving them range back is the worst thing they can do. The issue with Cassidy is his weakness barring the start of Ow has been he is easy to kill if knocked in the air “not the case anymore” and if you stay out of his effective range. Which they kept taking his weakness away slowly but surely. Cassidy is deadly up close and farther ranges yes he doesn’t have the most complex KIT but the kit is easy to use and consistent which is what makes things broken CONSISTENCY will always trump he has a consistent guaranteed body shot one shot stick on every flanker in the game besides 1 which just requires two body shots. He can one tap widow tracer two tap mercy two tap pretty much every squishy if he has a Mecry he doesn’t need to head shot and can just sit in the mid range and duel everyone and if you duel him you 100% die no question unless he misses sticky even then he can roll your ability for 50%DR and then pull a W

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Honestly I considered him to be a sleeper pick in earlier seasons and only struggling due to Sojourn making him irrelevant. As she was weakened even that small buff pushed him way over the top.

He never needed the buff.


I always knew he was going to creep into meta just because he has been getting buffed through 1 into 2 I wouldn’t even consider losing flash a nerf when it’s replaced with a pretty much guarantee kill with almost zero chance of counter play.


Kinda like how flash/fan was. Could they really not allow him to NOT have an instant, nearly guanrateed kill? :frowning:

Good points here. yeah at this point, im a firm believer that at the very least, cree going back to 200hp is more than a reasonable nerf for him at the very least

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