Those who still play Sombra, why?

Because she’s cool and I need a way to shut down High Noon every 12 seconds.

i mean her hack it lasts for 6 seconds bit to long??? like maybe 4 or 5

im on console bruh wish i could 180 flick

Shes still has the most op ult n the game so i dont think they should buff her maybe a little tweak idk but bastion is still way worse than sombra n my opinion

Because people can’t simply turn their aim at her and fire… she’s still a f tier hero , op ones that needed nerfs were others :wink: but you know… forum sombra was like ‘‘pick her, easy plat’’

It’s more of the problem that a lot of players play her wrong, horrendously wrong. It has been months since I saw some team could win a match using Sombra.

It’s hard to judge a hero being OP or UP when most of her players are just plainly bad. This is just my limited observation and confirmation bias, but Sombra is one of the go-to DPS pick for Mercy mains, and we all know how Mercy mains are with aiming (it’s not bashing, it’s just aiming is not their forte.)

Therefore a lot of Sombra that I played against are not lethal, a mild annoyance at best, and would tele away after took a single point of damage. So yeah, Sombra mostly make your team fight 5v6 non stop.

Then the hacks, I see more Sombra got a wrong hack than a good ones. Sombra should hack that Rein/Doom/Tracer who overextends, not that Hanzo or Ana in the back with their teammates, it achieved nothing, you just waste one of the best CC abilities.

EMP is one of them winning ults, you don’t even need to combo with that Dva bomb or that shatter, you get it off right when both team are inches away from each other and you can still easily win the fight, don’t waste time waiting for the best combo, it rarely comes. In fact I could EMP on cooldowns when I could, even just to break their shields.

So if you are one of those Sombra who just likes to lurk around with your mic off, you play her wrong, plain and simple. Play the hero the right way first before we can talk about buffing/nerfing.

No, people aren’t just playing her wrong after 3 1/2 years. She’s bad.

So much drivel. Are you actually serious, or is this satire?

It was already nerfed to 5s.

This is the real issue, just hardwired, irrational bias that causes people to just make anything up to try to justify their warped worldview that she’s actually secretly really good.

She isn’t.

You both sound like this meme thread.


Because I can coordinate with my teammates with or without a microphone and my tracking is pretty damn good.

I like playing Tracer without the risk of a stray Mei shot one tapping me.
Also, EMP.

I play sombra when Hammond and doomfist are killing my team to much.

Maybe someone of us should really try to write a direct email to Jeff in hopes that someone will read it. 4 years of threads about her viability and buff suggestions went ignored. Posting here about her is a waste of time.

I mean i don’t play her all of the time but I’ve never caused an issue on my teams? No one has ever said anything about it either.

I mean sure she could use some tuning but so could almost every other character on the roster.

Didnt really read OP’s post but I had a a Sombra in my last match and I had the exact same reaction.

“Why Sombra?”

dude was terrible, didnt see any hack anyone could take advantage of and never actually managed to build Ult. Swapped after we pretty much lost second point in blizzard world.

She’s fine imo if you like that kind of play

What kind? Bad ineffective kind?

The soldier 76 play but , closer in encounters

The difference is that Sombra doesnt have issues since yesterday. She struggles to be viable since day 1. However the devs for the major part of this games lifecircle went with a 1 step forward 2 steps back approach when trying to balance her, because there is a very vocal part of the community who doesnt like playing against her and call her unfun.

As a result they dont want to deal with her at all and prefer her being nerfed to a point of unviability, so they dont have to adapt to her. Thats why they resort to constant fearmongering with made up arguments like Sombra is always on the verge of being OP, or she has no counterplay etc.

And apparently there are many pros which are of this opinion even though their supposed opinion of her isnt reflected in her actual usage and successrate in the league. However, the devs listen very closely to what they have to say, so we cant expect her to ever be made viable for the general player base.

She has always been balanced where people who spend hundrets of hours into her can barely make her work.

I still see bad Tracer, bad Genji, bad Widow after 4 years? It s probably just be my bad luck but all these Sombra I got on my team just played her wrong after all this time, they can’t out aim anyone, they stay invisible and don’t use mic, hack all the wrong targets ect. It doesn’t matter how long she has been released, bad players are still bad, and somehow all these players are gravitated towards Sombra I don’t know. A Sombra who actually play around her team is rare, the rest is just playing a slow tactical espionage in a fast pace FPS, it just doesn’t work.

Maybe Sombra mains should play her more like an actual DPS, shooting non stop and only scout in down time, instead of leaving team 5v6 for a good minutes while she is slowly building her ult by tickling their backline for 1, 2 seconds at a time.

Her hack and EMP were already nerfed to last 5 seconds. She also has a cast-time on EMP now.

Not sure how else you want it nerfed without making her trash and worthy of you flaming anyone for picking her on your team…

There are also a statistically significant number of good ones. They literally don’t exist for Sombra. Is it because Sombra is bad, or because 50m people can’t make her work, but you have some unique insight but refuse to use or share it?