I only play Sombra when se have no hope of winning, sometimes that surprise pick can help break a choke and keep momentum with emp. I switch the hell off after that.
Jesus, that is some BOLD TL base you got away with there. I can’t believe between Torb, Hanzo and Rein all finding your TL, no one went and checked more then once.
I’m a big fan of the roof of mega building on defense. Takes an extra second to get back, but WAY safer.
I played her a lot, and not much 76, but recently I’ve just been playing 76 in her stead, and honestly for the aim and tracking, you get so much more value from him its not even funny. Nothing about Hack, Translocate or Stealth makes up for that in the game’s current condition, then you get sprint, healing and burst from helix rockets as well.
I’ll really only even try her if the enemy are using Doomfist and Hammond, it’s the only way Hack is going to get value against more than one player.
I just spend most of my games shield breaking and zoning with her and have a pretty high winrate, I think she entirely depends on how much value the enemy is feeding into Hack and EMP caps points harder than Nanoblade fwiw.
Some people main both. But, you’d have to be really silly to do that.
Is She hard to play? Yes.
Does She need a buff? Maybe.
But it’s not impossible to be very effective with her. (Watch as Fitzy climbs to top500 with her… I mean Yeah he struggles here and there but he Always climbs up with her so you just need to “git gud” if you cannot be good enough with Sombra)
Im personally pretty trash at most hitscans, and they dont particularly click with me. Which is why I personally really find it a lot easier to find a sneaky angle and hack a shocked Phara and pop her with Sombra, than trying to pew pew her with soldier when shes most likely gonna be looking for me and bouncing me around as soon as I show my face while being able to 2 shot me basically. Also hacking Rein usually ends in his death.
Again thats just me.
And my friend is very good with her, so really unless youre like master or GM it probably doesnt matter as long as youre good at your job, you will still be very effective with her.
She may not be good, but she is still pretty fun.
I play here in QP mostly, never in comp.
I use her in specific situations to shut down specific heroes.
But having said that-
I contest the general idea that she’s “awful”
Now don’t get me wrong- I don’t think she’s the best hero by any means,
And do think she could still use some buffs.
But I feel she only a step or two “behind” the line of balance
Which means she’s close enough to the line that with some “Extra effort” on the players part she she can be good.
But there are also situations where I definitely feel she’s “strong”.
In particular if the enemy has heroes such as Doomfist or gammon diving into your back lines- she can be amazing at shutting them down.
If there’s bunker comp such as one running bastion (rare, I admit) she can be great at shutting him down (poor bastion)
She situational- but not without her genuine uses
I will agree that if you’re using her ALL the time
You’re going to be running up hill quite a bit
Good enough that they’ll usually switch, and with it, you have to switch as well…
I don’t think that’s a great dynamic tbh.
I play her against Ball, Doomfist, any tank, etc, or as long as I have a powerhouse/projectile hero on my team. They can do the brunt of the damage and I can find the low health squishies easier
Are you asking for a fight lol
In fairness-
Overwatch is literally meant to be a game of picks and counter picks to each other.
Sure, but there should be some scope to actually be able to outplay your counter. And your counter shouldn’t only be worth playing against you.
Just deal with it. She’s in a horrible spot and people don’t even play her often. If we remove hack or make it useless, we destroy her uniqueness.
This is what I’ve always wanted. And now this is LITERALLY all I ask for besides sugar skulls above hacked targets’ heads, since I realized we can’t make her viable with this joke of a “rework”.
When you say “shield breaking” you mean hacking heroes that could deploy a barrier so that they can’t deploy a barrier for 5 seconds, but their barrier isn’t actually destroyed.
If you break a barrier it’s down for 5 seconds, and is recharging from zero. If you hack a barrier user, they lower their barrier (or keep their barrier down) with any remaining barrier-HP. This isn’t doing much to keep the overall enemy barrier-HP as low as possible.
It’s just not the same thing.
This goes back to my problem where Sombra isn’t a team player, she suffers strategically and tactically.
Easy to assasinate out of position squishies with her + emp is the best ult in the game
Where’s the fun in that?
Yeah, rather than waste time setting up, hacking and then spend even more time setting up for another one. You do more to bring the shield down just by shooting it until it breaks. After that, the tank periodically raises his partially recharged shield (which also interrupts their recharge) which is easily broken.
Just shooting the shield brings it down faster and more consistently than running around, setting up and looking for an angle.
I think people forgot barriers were nerfed as well as Hack duration being reduced, which has greatly reduced the value of Hacking down shields compared to just shooting them which was made comparatively easier.
No, I mean I sit behind my tanks and dump clips into the enemy tank line while using the threat of Hack as a zoning tool and leaving my Translocator on the enemy side of the map for instant flanks if the opportunity appears. It’s closer to a Roadhog or McCree play style that punishes aggression over farming EMP.