Those who still play Sombra, why?

I just don’t see why you do it to yourselves or your team mates.

She is Awful.

I’ve been a long time proponent for her, trying to back her, get her buffed, but it’s not worth it anymore. She’s horrendous. I honestly feel like avoiding her players now, and that makes me feel bad.


i think sombra needs a nerf in my opinion hack is so stupid in my opinion


She’s fun and I still do well when my allies follow up on stuff.


She is kinda terrible for all involved. Most of the time it feels like 5vs6 and then she’ll EMP when no one’s around to take advantage of it. The mentality of the player is usually that they’ll mess about all match not helping until that one moment where he/she expects everyone to be in the right place at the right time to take advantage of their ult.

I don’t like having a Sombra on my team and I don’t fear my enemy team having a Sombra.


I like her skins…


thats because u prob play mercy i play rein and i h8 sombra

Shes pretty fun. I mean I very scarcely use her in comp, but when I do, there’s a doomfist or a hammy among us.


Just because a hero counters your main doesn’t mean they need a nerf. Learn to get some objectivity. She’s statistically one of the worst heroes on ladder.


Comboing EMP with another ult is an instant win in pretty much any teamfight. A Sombra in a 2-3 stack dominates games


I have fun with her. I don’t think she’s as bad as people say. She’s playable in OWL for one thing, which is a good sign. Sure, we don’t have the same amount of coordination in ranked, but when it clicks and the team takes advantage of it, it feels great.

Sure, I get A LOT of teammates calling me a thrower anytime we lose a team fight, which is annoying, but I also get called a smurf or the team’s carry just as often.


I never see it anymore. You’re 5v6 until EMP happens so it’s not enough.


i know but she counters a lot of tanks. She can actually kill a monkey close up easily if healed a little and she can hack sigma making him useless hacking hog making him useless hacking rein making him useless orisa is useless overall lol, most of the tanks are countered by her. What i need to know is what counters sombra?

Yep, I speak from my own experience. I rarely see Sombra in my games and when I do she’s a waste of space. :woman_shrugging: Even if she tries to assassinate my fellow support or other squishy, I’ll be there to save them every time… and she’s no threat to me.

Each time she fails to do her job is another tellyport out of the fight and more time wasted where the rest of her team has to go 5v6.

You know a hero is bad when my actual strategy to trying to win with one on my team is to DPS Moira as hard as I can.

honestly faster reflexes is all you need against sombra. just listen for her teleport voice line like “gotcha…” and immediately 180 and shoot. even 1 damage will mess up a sombra and if your playing mercy. even better. PULL OUT THAT PISTOL AND WHIP THAT B**** your tiny hitbox is perfect for taking duels against sombra and even if you start to lose said duel your hack is usually over and can just fly away. if you are losing the duel its probably because you jump. seriously stop jumping in duels and you will win more of them guaranteed.

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She’s one of my most played. I’m a fan because I can hack flankers bothering my out-of-position allies.

Of course, I only play Competitive Open Queue. In role lock I imagine she’d be terrible.

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Orisa, and Winston all do well against her.

People are allowed to play characters that they want.

I bet you’re going to have a heart attack when you discover people actually main Symmetra.


2bh tho, rn mccree can do more against them and everyone else, basically a universal pick.

If he’s not banned every other week ,that is…

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She’s good if you’re good with her. I still have plenty of games with her where I’m tilting the enemy team, winning team fights with EMP, and bullying enemy tanks.