Those who still play Sombra, why?

What are you talking about??? Jeff said symm, bastion and sombra are totally viable.
Heavy sarcasm

Has she had a secret buff recently?

I have honestly seen her in every match I have played today.

Its amazing how fast she can make Rein useless.

She’s by far the most fun character in game.

I fully acknowledge she’s not in a great spot, and likely never will be, but I play games to have fun and she still is heaps of fun.


Well she’s a unique hero but a lot of her kit is pulling her in bad directions and it’s hard to resist.

There’s something very wrong with infinite stealth in a 6 vs 6 games.

Sombra’s stealth needs to work far more like Soldier 76’s sprint, it’s for moving around and repositioning far more than lurking. The more you lurk, the more your team is in a 5 vs 6 fight. I now exactly see what so many mean when they say it was a nerf to give sombra infinite stealth if it took away the speed she needed to reposition.

Translocator is a really powerful ability but it encourages getting far too far out of the fight. You can’t leave the translocator near the fight where it’ll likely be found, you need to leave it way WAYY back so this encourages far too hard a disengage. Once again, you’re leaving your team in a 5 vs 6.

Sombra needs her kit to enable her to play in the rest of her 6-hero team and STAY WITH the team.

That… and Sombra just can’t do much in the fight. Her weapon could do low damage or have high spread… not both. I think having narrower spread would be better as it doesn’t make her any tougher, it just lets her deal the same damage from a safer distance.


She’s still my favorite hero and I still win more than I lose with her. But I do cringe when I see other players on Sombra.

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i think that her camo should have a resource meter and/or faster activation time. it’d be a nice balance between timed and infinite stealth.

and it’d still be very much usable in the middle of a fight.

Sombra and Wrecking Ball have such BAD stigmas. Although I get more good games with Sombra than Ball I really hope that sooner or later we can put these beliefs that these heroes are always bad away :confused:

Oh, if we’re talking buffs can we add a damage threshold so that Sombra doesn’t just lose her hack by some stray bullet? Like maybe 25 damage or 10?

And to think that most of the forum people think she’s op…

Guess turn your mouse and fire at her to pressure her is hard…

By the way since I use a lot Sombra a lot I can assure you that most of the time (at least for me) I see:

People sleeping after a 6 men emp , and I can assure you I always check if my team is near to push.

Not a ulti follow up… even if I track the ally ultimates… (but here I know that not everytime there is the right condition to do the tasty wombo combo)

No follow on a hacked hero… usually is the Tank like Hammond or Rein… I can’t count the times I had to deal alone vs hammond… (usually end good for me but a little help won’t hurt)

I call hacks and emps on voice… most of the time just few people care.

I see that enemies pressure me and my engages are useless and I just charge 5% of ulti? I switch.

Sombra is neither op or bad.

Is just that she need a team that follow her… and good choices making… I will say something just to boost a little my self esteem of a gold dps (let me do that for once), once I had to use her TO DEFEND my healers that were kept dived by Hammond (zen+ana) …

Usually I never used her like that… but we won and our healers thanked me…

She’s is good , but since she need to do a lot of choices not everytimes are the right ones…

focus on yourself instead of others that maybe are learning the hero btw.

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After the gun buff she’s decent, I am really, really suprised people aren’t playing her more. Look, I’m 54, if I can aim and get kills with Sombra much younger folks should have no problem…

I’m pretty good at being in the backline getting at least one pick and dipping out before the enemy team can react, so I guess that’s why I play her.

There’s a lot of bad that goes on with her kit, but also a lot of good.

I personally detest the community trying to push her towards being a Support just because at one point she gained ult charge from people using health packs, especially when her kit (when it’s functioning) makes her a pretty lethal DPS in the right hands.

Problem is, she is pretty team dependent and does need some form of help in order to maximize her output, and well…the Overwatch community isn’t really fond of teamwork.

See that’s something I actually like about Sombra, there are so many ways that you can go about playing her that it doesn’t really become boring.

I still don’t know why Blizzard took away her speed while in stealth, but then again, this is the same dev team that buffed McCree’s fire rate instead of improving his woeful survivability.

Spend almost 300 hours into her. Old habits die hard, even though its frustrating as hell.

Because she fun and I can win games with her
Idk what you’re talking about

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They could keep it infinite for the sake of simplicity (I hate these patch changes were so much is changed), it really doesn’t matter, it’s like soldier’s sprint being infinite. As long as you’re staying in either sprint or stealth you’re not in the fight so it’s naturally self-limiting.

I definitely agree with faster activation time. That’s exactly what soldier’s sprint got, faster into and out-of sprint and that made Soldier massively increase in valuations.

Stealth needs to be the way for Sombra to quickly disengage and falling back on translocator is a last resort. The shimmer is too punishing, there could be a grace period shortly after activation where Sombra is unconditionally invisible and cannot be “detected”. The cooldown after deactivation is also unnecessary or could be made much shorter to prevent constant on-off flickering.

Why not make translocator invisible when it lands? Or something else that makes it less vulnerable like it sticks to the first surface it lands on so you can put it way up in a high hiding spot. Or how about both? You can keep the translocator REALLY close to the fight if it’s like that, you don’t have to hide it way way out of the fight.

Really good sombra players try to use the translocator in the fight throwing it over their opponent’s heads and while this is strategically more viable (you’re staying in the fight) it’s just not very tactically viable. Sure you get a cleanse and a quick reposition, but it’s like having a single long Tracer blink, it doesn’t give enough of an advantage to make up for the poor SMG.

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Exactly lol. My point exactly

Yeah, supports is not a dumping ground for “failed damage heroes”, sombra cannot work as a support, even lore wise, none of her mechanics could plausibly be made compatible with what supports have to do.

I get it that to balance excessive DPS queue times one serious option is moving some heroes from DPS to supports (or tanks) but Sombra can’t be moved just because she’s struggling as a DPS. She has problems and could do with buffs to help her as a DPS, it’d be far easier to change her to work as a DPS than work as a Support.

I play for fun, not to win :slight_smile:

Sombra’s perfectly fine you’re indifferent to the match’s outcome. If the team complains, they should be the one asking for buffs :smile:

If I can trust my teammates to coordinate with me, I can play her and it usually yields pretty good success.

However, that’s…not common at all. I usually cannot run her because they won’t coordinate with me, and Sombra has some of the weakest “carry” potential.

Hope you don’t mean a net-nerf, because that’s just wrong.

IMO I’d like them to scrap infinite stealth, give me back +75% movement speed, and let me actually have to time my positioning and be smart about it, instead of free spectator camera

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Because shes fun, even if you have to trudge through mud to get that fun after all the nerfs she got.

She absolutely does not need anymore nerfs. Shes right above Bastion in terms of lowest win rates AND pickrates

As a Sombra main with almost 400 hours put in, the wall of text wouldn’t even be read.

Nobody wants to help her, nobody wants to be in VC, nobody wants to coordinate, nobody wants to pick a hero with an ult that compliments.

Literally by one tricking Sombra since her release I could write a book. An unread book, just like the follow up on her abilities.

Idk depends how good you are and what level youre playing at I guess.

I played with a friend of mine who used to be a hard core Sombra main. He played Sombra for 2 of the comp games and basically everyone on the team were very happy with him, and how well he played. I get that in masters and GM its probably suicide to do it, but in plat at least, if youre good at it, why the hell not? Hack is still a good ability, EMP is strong af and she deals very nice dmg if you got aim.

Tbh my friend picked her cause we were having issues dealing with a Phara, and well, Widow and cree are out of rotation. He ended up bullying the phara pretty hard. I used to do it too when I played dps more.