This YouTuber is a bad influence on the Lúcio playerbase

Reddit Lucio is the only actual viable Lucio outside of the bottom and hyper coordinated brackets, though.

People are entirely capable of autonomy.

People that are only capable of trying to emulate what they see without understanding why it was done in the first place are perhaps on the lower end of the learning capabilities spectrum.

Anyone with half a brain can tell that high rank support players fragging in a montage or a clip is more so out of necessity or based on opportunity rather than simply dpsing 24/7.

There’s only one reason. Those 7 to 10 hours you need to watch a stream in order to get an epic skin lmao.

And what if i LIKE having a bad influence, eh? You didnt think of that did you?

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i always find froggers Youtube video’s entertaining, as a player we are talking a ex contenders player and someone who has more Lucio hours then anyone. I don’t think you can point blame at frogger because he makes the game more fun and engaging, if people want to follow him and do that then that’s on them if it goes up poorly.
we are talking about a guy who lives, breathes and plays Lucio at a professional and high skill level compared to your opinion of a bronze lobby. frogger is making a dying content wise game more amusing and fun to watch, besides its Lucio they aren’t going to fully heal your sticking your rear out in main because you cant play cover :3

when they decide to work :3

When the same problem resurfaces for 8 years, it’s time to stop blaming the playerbase.

For one, it’s not obvious at all. Anyone very good–whether OW or in anything else–makes things look very easy; anyone new to the game will fall into the same trap and thanks some loud complainers, OW’s matchmaking will continue to throw in these new players or accounts in the middle elos.

For another, the full playerbase from day 1 of OW1 pointed out that OW has a problem with tutorials; there was a golden period where streamers were also learning, so it was a great way to learn the fundamentals but those days are long gone.

frogger can meme around and remain T500

A gold will likely still be gold, whether they meme or play seriously. I don’t think it’s a big deal.

Yes to Frogger–he trolled on GMs during his custom game debut on US servers, which I saw firsthand–but nah to Gold supports unless they’re super-casual.

All it takes are basics to get so much value with Lucio, including knowing which tanks/heroes Lucio synergizes with.

Not really when you consider that it’s often the same people making the same mistakes for those 8 years. Players that were bronze since day one and are still bronze now, is that the games fault?

No, only the unintelligent ones will. The smart players will realize that it’s not working and decide to learn rather than fumble. If all players were all “falling into the same trap” we wouldn’t see the skill expression gradient we do between the ranks.

I don’t believe we have loud complainers advocating for this. Many players actually have requested changes regarding this but it is Blizzard refusing to make a change as they don’t see it as fair. A few also seem to think it would facilitate smurfing by starting new accounts at the bottom. This is a moot point however as blizzard doesn’t care about smurfing nor do they see it as a problem.

I am all for brand new players starting at the bottom.

The new system requires hours and hours of QP before players can even play comp. QP is the tutorial. No amount of playing basic tutorials is going to relay the nuances and game sense required to be a competent player.

when he made the ow is stale vid not so long ago, i kind of realised hmm it isn’t just tank players feeling bad atm

Yea but to me, “you’d climb if you tried harder/played smarter” is silly. I respect anyone who plays ranked and isn’t a smurf/griefer. If they want to play ranked, are happy with gold, addicted to Lucio and don’t near deliberately feed the whole game, good for them. They’re probably winning 50% of their games.

It’s not for me to tell anyone they are capable of more if they just tried harder.

I’m guessing the OP has only seen Frogger’s YouTube videos and never seen his stream. Those videos are cobbled together after dozens of games and have plenty of theatric silliness made in workshop.

If you watch his streams, the opportunity to do silly reddit moments are few and far between. Most of the time he’s playing a more team centric Lucio. Because if he doesn’t, his team will lose. He tends to only go content hunting when his team is doing well. Or he has the green light from his team to go solo battle the enemy Lucio.

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Bronze is a gate-kept area, where (mathematically) there are 10x as many smurfs as there are real bronze players.

It’s silver, gold, and plat that’s interesting: I can tell the difference between a genuine Plat support player and a new Plat player that was thrown-in thanks to a dated placements/match-making algorithm.

Multiply this by the entirety of the playerbase and the growing number of heroes, and this problem shows-up again and again.

I tried Awkward’s Brig playstyle and after 3 games I stopped because I just can’t match his mechanics; but those were 3 ruined games. Other players are far more stubborn, even if they know that it doesn’t work–intelligence often isn’t the problem.

Oh, you’re definitely wrong here. I spent many years arguing against forumers here and on reddit that “average OW skill” != “new player”. “Gold and Plat: It literally means average!!!”

It is, but the problem I see are:

  • QP gatekeeping doesn’t have hours by role
  • Accounts need a far stricter SMS check, and not the watered-down version that Blizzard backtracked on.

Absolutely. But you’re downplaying the number of players who are trying their hardest to win and get angry, because of heavily flawed basics.

When playing tank, I went from an endorsement 3/4 (I know, useless) to silenced trying to explain what I need from supports and why. No idea how long this built–up, but I’ve been tempted to just post my chat history that I asked from Blizzard; but the number of players that are trying hard in mid-ranks you’re underestimating terribly.

I mean, I can’t argue on behalf of the reporting system. I keep my mouth shut if it isn’t announcing what I plan to do for the team. Calling out an amp speed, etc. I much sooner swap my hero than ever ask anyone to swap or even criticize their gameplay. I’m not smart or sharp enough to tell someone else what they should be doing.

In a team game and as a tank, comms are super-important. Asking for speed boost through chokes (or boops/speedout) I know because I play tank–I get heavy endorsements when I play Lucio and help the tank–but I’m resigned to explaining.

But like you said, I’ve shut-up now and just take the L.

Sidenote: Not surprisingly, nobody likes playing tank when it’s so team dependent.

Yea for me, I can’t play at a high level and be in an argument with a teammate at the same time. Plus keeping team morale high leads to more wins so I do what I can.

Bronze is easy to climb out of. People that have been bronze for 8 years, unfortunately belong there.

Sure, pretty much anyone with a reasonable number of hours could as well. How is that relevant though?

We are talking about players emulating high ranked play and essentially throwing in the process because they are trying to play above their capabilities. New players getting queued into plat is a different topic entirely.

Meh the new hero gets played a lot for a couple moths, lots of people are bad at the new hero and then it tapers off and only the dedicated players still play them.

And the players that are too dumb to realize that they just deranking by doing what they doing will end up in a much lower rank. Why do you care about them? If they are incapable of comprehending that not ever single player is capable of the output then that is their problem.

The mere fact some players are going down and others are going up playing the same heroes shows that it’s individuals making choices that the difference.

Intelligence very much is an issue. If people aren’t smart enough to recognize that they need to rethink their strategy they will drop ranks. The smart ones will climb by adjusting. This is assuming they have roughly equal levels of skill otherwise of course.

Literally never heard anyone say this. In fact most have said the opposite.

The average player skill in every rank has risen substantially since the games release. High level gameplay then was closer to Diamond level play now and your average gold- Plat player now is way better than your average diamond payer was in the early days.

The disparity in skill between Plat players and new players now is much bigger than it was between Plat player and new players back in the day.

This is a collectively agreed upon phenomenon within the OW community.

Anyone a saying that a “new player=average veteran player” is having an argument with you in bad faith and it just trying to get a rise out of you.

I agree.

Guess who these new players emulate?

  • Frogger’s how-to-DPS Lucio on Youtube shows 646k views.
  • ToastysBakery’s more informative, fundamental Lucio how-to has only 87k views.

So you “literally never heard anyone say this”, but “most have said the opposite”? So what did the rest say? Nah.

Just digging up some non-Reddits that I participated in: