This YouTuber is a bad influence on the Lúcio playerbase

No, you see this in the low elos and randoms quite a bit; and streamers are bad for the game.

I played tank in QP and was matched with a rando lucio who really believed Frogger’s approach was the right way to play. I explained to the lucio why the team needed him and how he can help but no luck and he probably reported me. Next game, I got an actual top 500 (non-support) player in QP next game and the other lucio on the opponent’s team.

The other lucio I think avoided me but happily, he called me out as well :slight_smile:

My top 500 did exactly what I explained last game by playing with the team, speeding me in/out and booping away enemies when I was about to get overrun. After the win, the top 500 just simply said " you have to play with your team", I then pointed out that the Lucio let me play very aggressively and survive, then the former Lucio player became a lot more open to suggestions.

He and the Top 500 went off (top 500) and grouped so that the top 500 could show him the ropes.

I also remember in OW1 when Frogger first tried promoting his stream years ago, by creating a custom game to 1v1 anyone–and he was good then, no doubt, but ugh.

I get no enjoyment playing like Frogger because I just feed. That’s not fun for anyone. How someone has fun being 4-10, I don’t know. I like to maximize my beats per 10 mins and actually win games.

When the single biggest advice for 8 years has been that supports get value by killing, and all of the youtube highlights and streamers are about the kills and not the fundamentals, why would anyone think differently?

same thing with every doom noob that wears the thunder skin and wants to be zbra

Imagine hating Frogger…

The man is doing Gods work killing those Widows.


yea bro is just doing his best to try to enjoy his 15,000th hour in a row on Lucio.


“noooo you’re not allowed to play lucio because you’re gonna throw my silver games until you become good, you’re supposed to never practice and stay bad forever!!”

Boi, there are bigger fish to forget about when it comes to Overwatch streamers.

We cannot finish the work but neither are we free to abandon it.

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That’s how you learn. If you never play aggressively on support, don’t blame your teammates for not carrying you to victory.
Most of the games, I’m happier with a bad aggressive Lucio who will be used as target practice for the enemy team than I am with a really passive Lucio who will mostly spam their primary, is on healing the whole game, and won’t bring much to the team.
At least, They’re distracting them.

Also, the playstyle is called “Reddit Lucio”. Come on my guy. Are you new to Overwatch?

Eskay is still a better lucio.

Yea but Frogger has better lore (psychotic delusions)

Well i get that part about him being a fellow aussie lol

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Can’t imagine what 6 years of 200 ping does to someone

You Americans merely adopted the ping, we were born in it, moulded by it, we didn’t know fast internet untill we were men.

Aussie gamers know the pain.

Thank god for oceanic servers.


Emong sets them straight while watching a Lucio make this mistake. It can be a good or bad influence. Many seasons ago a YTer claimed you could climb easily on Lucio with mostly heals around your team. I tried that out when learning Lucio. It worked like a charm. Then started speed boosting to help group the team up and get them out of bad situations. The only flank I go on is with a DPS to help secure elims. It works out for me.

They’re on PEDs.

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Yeh man those big reds are jacked as.

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DPS Lucio has a hard learning curve. Do you think Frogger or DPStankey just popped out of the womb doing wallride rollouts?? It takes a lot of time and practice getting good at that kind of playstyle, so people are gonna suck at it for a while. Let them play how they want, and they’ll get better at it eventually.

I think I speak for all Lucio players when I say we do not care what you think.


how is frogger a fake person?