This YouTuber is a bad influence on the Lúcio playerbase

:frog:ger is a popular YouTuber who I don’t think realises how much this hero’s playerbase looks up to him. They will try to copy him, fail miserably, and then throw the game for their team because they’re not playing the hero like it was intended to be played.

Some people are good at the “DPStankey” playstyle, like :frog:ger. The majority are not, and make playing the game so much more difficult than it needs to be because you’re down a Support the entire match basically.

This really needs to be discussed more.


Lucios. We must get the widow.


i think theres been a LOT of streamers in general that have been bad influences on the playerbase as a whole


So hes a bad dude because some noobs failed trying to copy his playstyle ?

You ok op ?


Frogger has definitely had an effect on the volume of insufferable and bad Lucio players in my games, but there’s not exactly anything I can expect him to do about it. :woman_shrugging: Like, yes, he’s the cause… But he didn’t do anything wrong. I can’t really hold it against him. But for the love of god if you are NOT him and you die on CD trying to le epic reddit dps please switch it up. I finally got a Lucio who speed boosted ME (the tank) one game and gave speed boost TO HIS TEAM and it felt incredible.


Or perhaps this people, like Frogger (the last youtuber actually having fun in this game), are trying to have fun? Is there a single, right way to play this game? Is it Frogger’s fault in any way?


A public figure influencing people in a way you don’t like? Now where have I heard that before?

Also, get over yourself. People aren’t robots programmed to do the same thing every time. They make mistakes, and they want to have fun.


Nobody tell OP about Bastionmain’s channel


I have an easy solution to your problem, how about you main Lucio and play him “the way he’s supposed to be played” so that you never get “bad” Lucio’s on your team :slight_smile:

these players have been around ever since Lucio got reworked away from being a “sits on cart” bot. It has nothing to do with Frogger.

If Frogger and Redshell (does he even still play OW or does he just react to tiktok full time now) didn’t exist they’d just be playing DSPStanky videos on a loop on their second monitor.

Welcome to the (not exclusively) human experience of education.

Every single Ball player has had to throw thousands of engagements to learn the mechanics of that hero properly, and that’s just the example I chose out of many available.

Frogger has been here a very long time and isn’t going anywhere. Even if he did, he would just be replaced by RedShell or stanky or someone new. This isn’t something you’re gonna stop.

So no, IMO discussing this is a borderline waste of time.


I would rather have a dps lucio than a healbot spacebar princess mercy


I think streamers have always been a bad influence on the community. I’ve explained that they advocate for changes that would help them in their specific tier of the game, and its had horrible ramifications for everyone else.

Plus, there’s several cases of them being duplicitous or clearly biased to an unhealthy degree. Samito is the poster boy for this, but really all of them are like that, but so are the people who hate bap because they think they should be able to dive in and get a kill every time or something stupid like that.

Opinions like this have already ruined Overwatch. People cried “I want more DPS supports!” and then people cried when they released Illari. In reality, people just want supports that can’t heal so they can pew pew more.


Yeah I always cringe internally whenever I see YouTubers/streamers using meme strats because I worry that some scrub is going to toss my game emulating them


Remember, it’s an even fight if both Lucios are fighting in spawn


better than people regurgitating Flats takes everywhere because they cant come up with anything themselves


Personally I feel like we need to discuss those streamers in particular who disagree with me and who play the game differently from me. Those guys are the worst!


Reddit lucios have always existed, if you really want to nail the problem down, create a time machine and stop dspstanky from becoming popular forever ago.

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all i ever see is bad lucios.

Frogger is still up there with sleepy, as streamers who kind of throw for entertainment.