This YouTuber is a bad influence on the Lúcio playerbase

People will imitate them regardless. Well, what’s the alternative?

The players playing Lucio effectively stop playing that way?

With Lucio, you don’t just get the Widow, you literally dance on her grave.

Which, for players dealing with a capable Widow on the opposing team, is a happy moment.

Do you remember how many streamers were like content drought this that nonsense, that overwatch will die if we don’t get content in 2022 .
Honestly wish they had shut up.

The game still had decent q times in qp and comp while long had much better quality.

I preferred openq pre rq, but even the content drought overwatch was so much better than this mess.

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That’s why they get angry enough to swap lol. I might Valk to dive a Widow but I do it clean, businesslike. No t-bags, no problem. Ego unbruised, she spawns to get Valked in another life. Shoutout to all stubborn Widows. :purple_heart:

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I never teabag, but then, I don’t main Lucio either. I am just pointing out the reality that exists whether or not I approve of it.

It IS true that a capable Widow absolutely drives people nuts, especially if she’s not countered. It’s like the match has devolved to one person playing Duck Hunt with five people’s heads.

When I play support I use him in all bhoop map points.
Sanctum, illios light house , well, Rialto first point.

You are basically playing a one shot hero.

My first game of ow2 was Lucio lighthouse 4k bhoop.

You basically zone players there.

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When I see lucios in ranks below GM, that’s just instant avoid. They never reform, it is just a sort, the same like balls and dooms.

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Actually it seems most Lucios like fun and are having the greatest time. How dare you tell them not to have fun like everyone else and play the way you want them to.

Still a better influence than Flats

Stuff like this is never a problem when those players succeed. It’s when they fail their rollout and/or don’t secure the environmentals is when people realize they also aren’t healing their team.

All creators are fools. People who watch streamers are equally the problem. You made a nobody famous in any capacity and that means other people will praise them left and right, etc. I can think of maybe 2 creators at all that deserve anything, the rest are nobodies who should be getting real jobs but y’all keep watching for some reason.

He didn’t do anything wrong. It’s not his fault people can’t imitate him.

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No it doesn’t, frogger has nothing to do with people being bad at lucio.

so much fanboys here…smurfing, bad comments, no idea of virtual communication, is like YT 2010 where everybody says everything and BOOM trash contents in 3,2,1…

So. Do you think great Ball players just learn from pure match play?

No, every one of us fool about on maps for hours just practicing our conplex movement and learning techniques to get around the map.

And if you want it to be fun go do some Lucio parkour. I did dozens of parkour maps just to learn tech and movement. And you know what?

It made my control so much sharper. All those repeititions helped so much with learning how to control my hero in stressful situations.

I always say this and I’ll say it again. Practice doesn’t make perfect. Proper practice makes things better. Perfect is just a limit that you set for yourself.

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Well, with the game being the way it is, and the direction it’s going, why shouldn’t Lucio players be allowed to have fun? It’s just a game… A failing one at that.

My advice is to just enjoy the game how you like!

Oh, I’m aware of what practice does. I’ve gotten better with Lucio over the years, but I’m still no young buck when it comes to twitch factor.

I think my main concern is whether or not I’m having fun playing the character I’m on, and with Lucio, it never fails to disappoint. I always enjoy my matches, even if I’m on the losing side.

That’s why I play this game… Fun!

Influencers gonna influence.

Companies like them because they cost less than a proper marketing department and - unlike traditional advertising - people watch their content willingly. Unfortunately, they also promote groupthink and generally ruin discourse around everything they touch.

There was many many other widow streamers who had a good following and created a lot of bad games for others when these widows were “practicing” trying to be like K***i who got accused of cheating soo many times. Who knows if it was true or not but I think thats what started the mass reports of seeing widows, they would automatically get a report by some people.

I disagree.

The youtuber isn’t a bad influence.

It’s the bad players assuming they can just mimic high tier play that are the issue.

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