This YouTuber is a bad influence on the Lúcio playerbase

So it’s Froggers fault that people are bad at the game?



just kidding :heart:


If a Lucio main is in your game in ranked then he/she is at the same rank you are. Whatever playstyle they are using is working for them enough that they are in your games.

Obviously if a person who has never played Lucio watches Frogger and miserably tries to copy it, they will fall in rank to where they belong.

In the end most of the people who are bad in our ranked games are people who either haven’t played for ages or are playing a hero they do not main. The problem isn’t streamers or bad playstyles. Also sometimes the enemy has a Smurf which undermines the ranked system.

It is the same with DPS Moira. People complain about these playstyles but they work at least some of the time. As a Lucio player I stay with my team but not everyone does and many of them are better players than me.

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They all are. Celebrity worship, and yt personality admiring should be discouraged, and punished.


Instructions unclear. Valked the Widow.

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Just don’t bully her hard enough that she swaps

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I do not even enjoy Frogger because I am not really into fake people. That being said, that’s just how you get value as Lucio and ALL of the top Lucio play that way. Sure, he also throws for content, but, like, if that is influencing someone in your ranked games, that is on them. I am not sure where Frogger is responsible for someone believing that a misplay that failed miserably is somehow the key to success.

took me a second lol

In my experience with Lucio, you need a balance between the aggressive play and the team support play. You have to figure out where your efforts are best utilized.

Lucio is anything BUT a heal bot. He’s not there to keep you healthy or save your posterior, he’s there to displace the enemy, enable tanks, and trade ults. He’s great for topping you off after a skirmish, but he’s not going to save your bacon in most cases.

Everything else he does is bonus.

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I am not entirely sure what that means. If you are implying that I am fake, nah. If you just mean I wrote the sentence weird, my bad. If you were making a joke about how he is a frog and not a person, whoosh, right over my head.

I assumed it was that Australia is not real


well blizzard relased a mode based on what youtubers said and is awfull so

I wish I was Australian and I also I want to fight a kangaroo…

Dude, I’ve seen some of those Kangaroos, they’re jacked! You sure you wanna fight something that could literally kick your bits off?!


I wouldn’t say popular.

Dude gets his rocks off memeing on poor guys in QP in a duo.

If you even listen to him he sounds snarky egotistical and full of himself.

Dpstanky he is not…

At least dpstanky knew when to quit it…

But Jesus man. Fgr’s ibfluence has really created a blight on matches. I don’t even come across the basic supporting Lucio that hovers around teammates.

Its usually the rare memeflank Lucio or a newbie one whom is really hard to tell if theyare just trying to mimic Fgr or are just that bad at the game.

I’m starting to even recognize playstyle patterns too, because Lucio players tend to wallride on the same familiar paths. Eskay and Fgr have different methods of travel but one thing is for sure…Lucios always take the same confortable route for movement because its built into their muscle memories.

Because of this…sense of recognizing players. I’ve started to remember certain teammates or opponents…who seem to be spamming alt accounts…

So they are getting reported. But they are also just mass producing alt accounts.

I understand it is a strange desire, and I would definitely be afraid of one. It is not about that. It is just that I want to… For whatever reason. I do not understand myself. I have seen the videos and for whatever reason I am jealous. One day, in the great outback, a kangaroo jacked will step up and I will be able to cross that off my bucket list.

I wish I had the muscle memory he has on Lucio.

I’m not a horrible Lucio, but neither am I great. I sometimes have trouble transitioning from one direction to the other and staying attached to the wall. My muscle memory just isn’t there, I have to think about everything I do with him, even when it comes to leading shots and alternating between healing/boosting.

It’s very conscious when I do it, and when I see the other pros at it, it’s like they learned to crawl, walk, then run, and now it’s just natural for them.

I do NOT have that down, at all, so I guess I’m a pretty cruddy Lucio lol.

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I still get plenty of Lucios who speed tanks, escort respawning teammates, drop the perfect beats, stall point for ages, boop enemies into our damage, amp aoe heals when we all take burst, etc. I love Lucio players.

Some T500s memeing for clicks isn’t ruining the Lucio community.


I don’t ever touch Lucio
In my mind he’s kind of useless
For what I do at least
Just my thoughts though
And frogger, well he can do what he wants because again I don’t care about tik tok toad boy

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Newsflash, the people who tend to main lucio tend to like these playstyles.

It’s fun to wallride and learn/use movement techs, it’s fun to shoot people, it’s fun to get crazy boops, all of it is fun. Then the people who are really good at doing that on lucio stream it and get an audience because people love to see that stuff executed at a high level.

Lucios have been playing like this since 2016, the only thing that makes the streamers relevant is that people see them pull off specific techs they otherwise wouldn’t know about and then try to learn that for themselves.

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And the damage is irreversible