This is without a doubt the worst state OW has been

Eventually you will be right.

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They’re out of their f****n mind if they think I’m spending money in their shop lol. I bought a game a few years ago, they took that from me. They’ll steal my money again if I let them.


If you didn’t leave that response, I’d be concerned. I’d think you were a bodysnatcher

Have you seen what state Halo Infinite is in? How about Starfield? MWIII? Microsoft has no standards whatsoever.

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What the heck are you on about? Have a few bad games, did we?

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People don’t just leave for anything game of the same genre. necessarily. I have a personal sample thats pretty large (not a 100% it’s just a rather large sample)

I am playing ghost song rn.

4-5 left to play FF14 before they got bored.

some in minecraft.

some play Apex, which is technically a hero shooter BR thingy, but the audio is totally broken RN :frowning:

Valorant is a hero shooter CSGO bomb plant thingy and yes some are there.

OW is just the only one that took TF2 gameplay loop and added heroes.

So i guess in a way there are 2 games they are losing too.

If this is the lowest, what about the previous lowests? Is there a lower point than the lowest currently?

I wanna see how low players claim it to go, something tells me we are actually at a high point comparatively and haven’t seen the actual objective lowest point this franchise can go, we just want to be hyperbolic for clicks.


Oh I get that, but people are always going to get bored of a Genre, If you feel like playing a hero shooter, it is likely you will fire up overwatch again.

Maybe Paladins, and have another community saying exactly the same things.

I’m currently playing a bunch of rim world, and battletech with the battletech advanced mod. It doesn’t mean overwatch is dying though.

It means I have enough time that I’m not feeling it right now, but, mistaking that for “the game is in it’s worse state” isn’t a thing I’m going to do. I’ve been gaming for 40 years, I know what a dying game looks like, and this isn’t it.

Pretty much :slight_smile:

All of gaming is dying, and each game is at the lowest point they have ever been, and there is nothing but bleakness and sadness everywhere.

Where, you know, it is actually looking pretty good for overwatch right now, even if there is a bunch of stuff I would prefer the devs to do differently.

I’m not going to claim it is a failed game, and that it is the worse state it has ever been because they don’t have the heroes balanced exactly as I would have them done.

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your realize microsoft is way more brainless heck they are so brainless that they had studios collapse

You don’t need to be MS to have game studios collapse. Hell, I watched Ion Storm go down while System Shock 2 was being released.

I watched the death of Bullfrog one of the best game companies which had ever been.

To think that MS is brainless because they had game studios collapse, is VERY much not knowing of all of the game studios which collapsed for years before this.

MS is as dumb as a sack of hammers about many things (God damn Halloween papers, and the entire SCO mess is far more of a sign. Hell everything to do with windows ME, and Vista, and why Windows 9 never saw the light of day is good for a laugh as well), but pointing at a game studio going under as proof isn’t exactly a compelling argument.

Can you be specific on why this is the worst time and state for Overwatch?

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They didn’t like current role balancing, and they don’t like the leaver penalties. (looking at the past things they have been complaining about).

I will, alone… like i have for the last year. I never said i don’t, just that there were a lot of us… now they all won’t play.

These are people who had fun till the OW1 servers went down.

But honestly OW barely get a fraction of my free time, i literally just left a comp match mid game and don’t even care.

eventually ill get a ban bad enough ill be gone forever too if im lucky.

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But there is piles of new people who do, you have already played a crazy number of hours, so have your friends no doubt.

The shine goes away when you do that. Mistaking that for “the game is dying because my group, which have basically burnt themselves out on a thing” doesn’t mean it is gone.

Most of my friends used to do sword fighting, they don’t now. It doesn’t mean that sword fighting has taken a nose dive in a global stage.

It just means the people I know have moved on, we were all similar in a lot of ways, we move on for similar reasons. I don’t know the people who have taken it up. But, I can see that people are doing it, they have gotten their armor, and their swords, they fly banners, on the same fields I once did.

I, and most of my friends have moved on, but that doesn’t mean that sword fighting is gone. I have my swords near my desk, and I still look at them with fond memories, and maybe I will pick them up again, adjust the chainmail I have, and see if I can still hold my own. As I have done a couple of times since I stopped doing this every week as a thing I did often.

It will be with new people, the people down on the fields now. I won’t see my friends there, but that doesn’t mean that the real steel sword fighting I so enjoyed is dead.

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Ah, okay, thank you. @OP: Role balancing will never be perfect and is often fairly subjective. IMO, the general balance in the game is pretty good. It’s actually kind of amazing how well-balanced OW is considering the complex and diverse nature of the game.

I understand not liking the leaver penalty. I don’t think it’s needed for QP. At the same time though, from what I remember you can leave up to 4 matches before being penalized, so. I feel there’s no real excuse for leaving that many games in that quick of succession.

Lastly. Two things. Two things and that somehow makes this the worst state the game has ever been. Despite getting new, consistent, good-quality content. Regular updates and soon an entire Ranked revamp and improvements. The game could be in a far, far worse state by a country mile!

IMO, it’s in a great place overall.


Balance leaves everything feeling unearned and lousy to play against.

Maps are meh at best, with decoration making otherwise usable places bad. Like you could just double spawn times and remove the useless parts and it would be the same.

Games fighting apex for worst match maker ever made.

Textures and sounds and voices are amazing as always, kinda carrying to other departments.

You don’t get to invent our reasoning to fit your opinion.

Like we sat there each night for years while OW was abandoned and were happy, then a very specific change and change in balancing style happened.

You are just trying to invent some nothing, to act like it’s not the state of the game.

like for your example, did someone walk up, take your swords you likes and give you axes? because if not its just a drivel talking point.

The game is at its worst state every season so far.

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No, we moved on because one of the people who was more important than we thought to the group died. But, we would have moved on anyway, it wasn’t them dying which ended it, it was that it took less and less of an activation energy for us to move.

And this was just what pushed it over.

The game is not gone for you either. You can pick up a hero you played, and queue, and you do.

Changes which means you play less, may be the very same changes which is why others play more.

But your friend not being there, doesn’t mean the game has died. It just means others are flying the banners, and not you.

And that happens. But it doesn’t mean that everyone left, or a majority left, or that it isn’t more popular than ever.

It just means your group left.

It isn’t drivel, it is just changes which you would likely taken in your stride earlier was not one you take in your stride now.

There were times where if we were given axes we would have fought with axes. There were times later we would have taken it as a time to bow out.

But today, there are people on that field, even if I am not.

It is almost somewhat sad that there are those of us who are not even afraid of being falsely banned and would even consider it good fortune as it will inevitably put us out of our misery. That is so backwards. :sob:


It means it is time to go.

Let someone else pick up the hook, and make someone elses lives hell with it :slight_smile: - I stop playing when it feels like work, because I have stayed when I should have left for games earlier. I know when it is time to go.

Just make sure we keep in touch ok?

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