This is without a doubt the worst state OW has been

why?? i really like to play tank and get hardcountered by the enemy team… is soo fun when i swap my tank and the enemy insta swap to my hardcounters

I am mostly joking, I love this game for some reason and the industry as a whole has a gentleman’s agreement to keep it as the only relevant arena shooter. It is not as if I have a choice. Free will is an illusion. Gangsta rap made me do it…

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I think it is because there are many ways to actually fail at making and running games like this.

Plenty of things people ask for daily would be the end of it if they got their wish.

The choices that people hate the most, are the ones I think have been the most needed, not to make the player base happy, because they have not, but for the long term health of the game.

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Yeah, sorry, I don’t buy that considering Twitch/YouTube views are way down and searched interest is at an all time low.

I’d also argue that if those numbers in the past 30 days are accurate, they’re artificially inflated by Blizzcon a few weeks ago and things are returning to form for OW2 which is what was given in their Q report “low engagement”


I would expect search to drop over time, you know, I don’t have to look up much about heroes now :slight_smile:

I don’t watch tutorials for gaining rank any more, as they basically repeat themselves. They used to be more… useful?

The drop in twitch streams is correlated with the drop in quality of the streams.

Who would you even watch?

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I believe you are wrong here… Game is not retaining/gaining new players…
It is gaining new accounts… i know of ppl with 6-7 smurf accounts that only had their main and probably one other account when the game was paid…

This is the problem of F2P games with no account creating restriction…
If all players who had only one account decided to creat a single new account to smurf on, that would be a doubling in account base which is a “lying” doubling in playerbase.

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This is quite likely I have no reason to think otherwise. I do think it is also gaining new players, but what you are saying is ABSOLUTELY happening.

For OPs comment, my point was that this is pretty obviously not the worse state overwatch has been, and even if you think there is a ton of alt accounts, you would have enough players to show it is still spanking other times overwatch had.

So the “worse state it has ever been” is just crazy as hell talk.

We didn’t just drift apart, we made conscious choices to play anything else really.

You understand we all still sit on discord still right? It’s not like everything just dissolved. It’s just OW… which is fine, i’m sure it want end up like halo? right?

We actually gonna restart minecraft at the next patch, servers already setup and datapacked :slight_smile:

It was that basically none of us like the game direction so, well they left.

Is the game dead? no.

But i am not about to fool myself either.

Naw it’s fine, basically every blizzard game has lost me.

Blizzard is just not for me so much and there are lots of good games out there.


With Bobby Kotick leaving at the end of the year and Microsoft finally granting them the independence they once had (or so they say, we’ll see if that holds true), things should get better. I think him leaving and the entire company adapting to Microsoft’s goals will probably yield better results.

Balancewise, yeah, that’s not the company, that’s the balance team being bad. The other aspects of it do come back to the management, so that changing should be good.

What the devs wanted vs. what the CEO and company wanted were evidently 2 different things. Hopefully they align again.

But I’ll believe it when I see it. :grimca

I still talk to the people I did sword fighting together. We still go out for beers.

And that is the beginning and end of it. “Worse state the game has ever been in” isn’t the same as “we have moved on because it changed”

I don’t think the balance team is bad. I think they are balancing for targets which the players don’t understand, so they don’t get why the choices the balance team makes are good ones.

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*6 years.

And Microsoft probably doesn’t care, because:

a) Companies do terrible things and commit crimes all of the time, we just happened to hear about what Blizzard’s done because their victims decided to take action, and

b) There’s still a very dedicated playerbase who have been with the game since launch and won’t let it go. No matter how bad Overwatch gets or how scummy Blizzard can be, unless they really start messing around with the older heroes and game modes, there will always be an audience willing to play and buy from them.

windows 9 didnt see light due to a potentially catastrophic conflict as drivers for 95/98 was shown as win 9x…if microsoft knew what htey was doing studios wouldnt of collapsed…like the majority of studios they picked up ended up failing becuase of them

HEY!!! yeah, and other CRAZY stuff around compilers and the like. You know they did an announcement that they would be putting out windows 9, and would NEVER screw with the numbering scheme again only a few weeks before I found out, and had to move to windows 10.

Windows 19 isn’t going to work for them either no doubt :wink:

Those two things are pretty distinct from each other.

MS isn’t micromanging the gaming companies, and if they did they would cause bigger problems.

It isn’t on MS, really, they are VERY hands off. They are not the cause.

You want the parent / publisher to be relatively hands off as a game dev company. It is WAY more of a problem if they get micro on you.

Tell me what choices they made which caused the problem…

Undead Labs was EXTRMELY broken before MS came along.

Rare still have sea of thieves, and that isn’t going badly.

Minecraft is doing well, so Mojang didn’t fall over.

Ninja Theory has Hellblade 2, I’m not sure about that, but they were not expensive to get, since DmC was already not getting any better before MS brought them.

Obsidian Entertainment has avowed and The Outer Worlds 2, and they are both likely to be hits.

Double Fine was cheap to get, and has done well.

Bethesda was a WHOLE bunch of studios, and honestly, overall a good purchase. Arkane was mess with their latest game, but again, that is MS’s hands off nature coming to the
foreground. We STILL don’t know how starfield will do overall, as EVERY Bethesda game always starts poorly, but people forget every time.

Where are the bad choices?

No, it’s pretty obvious the game and blizzard as a whole are doing poorly.

There are layers of why it’s not doing great (not to be confused with some knee jerk ‘its dead’)

From reviews, cancelled projects, viewership, dedicated players leaving, OWL, queue times…

and the only other thing is a meme of a website that invents numbers.

(i mean other than us bickering lol)


And none of those is player numbers, or how much money is coming though the store.

People have hated on Overwatch since day one. I can find people in season 4 saying overwatch is dying and won’t make season 6.

That doesn’t mean they were not making money hand over fist with it, because they were.

OW2 has made crazy money, and continues to do so. It is in no danger of shutting down at all.

Has Blizzard been a bad place to work? sure. Has the CEO really screwed things up? sure.

But that doesn’t mean overwatch itself is in anything like a bad position. Could it have been in a better position now? sure.

But it is STILL one of the most popular games of all times, and it is crazy for people to think otherwise.

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Yes, and that’s going to be the game’s downfall.

Now that it’s F2P, it’s flooded more and more with smurf accounts, and they don’t buy anything. If we assume that most players are buying less from the shop, as so many players claim, that means more players but less revenue.

That sounds like an awful investor report coming in Q1 2024. It’s all over in a year, at least as we knew it, before MSFT does something drastic.

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the game was making money when abandoned, but if you have to knee jerk the talking point, even when someone says not to confuse ‘A with R’.

Like companies don’t sell when meeting goals, same is true for bethesda, it’s doesn’t mean they arn’t making money, it’s simply means they have bottomed out to a point selling is more attractive.

Paladins makes enough money to pay their lowest dev 6 figures and they arn’t doing great atm.

Saying OW is doing poorly when every real bit of evidence shows it, isn’t saying it’s dead, it’s simply being mishandled and well doing poorly.


It is funny since when I ask what people would do differently, they give a list of things which would have actually killed the game.

That is why I don’t think they are making bad choices. Sure the soon to be ex CEO has, that is absolutely without a doubt. But team 4?

Is this a case of rose-tinted glasses? This game has always been off balance from its characters to the maps. The only noticeable difference for me in OW2 is that everything costs money now and that competitive is less transparent than it used to be.

You can go play a custom 6v6 mode to see that it isn’t nostalgia for yourself. I know there was a thread around here that had some custom codes.

(I searched “custom 6v6” and found this)

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