This is without a doubt the worst state OW has been

Again same skill rebalance issue.

Saying it’s not in the best state ever as you proclaim without solid evidence doesn’t mean I’m saying the game is dogwster and is failing.

Look i just go based off my interactions… I had 3 discords and dozens (not even exaggerating) of people to play with up until OW2 launched, i now sit there alone and have to beg to even get 1…

I made a few new “friends” since then and all of them are offline most of the time…

Like how well am i supposed to think OW2 is doing?


You are not TiderLaw.

By having a look around at the state of games in general. Exactly which hero shooter is Blizzard losing players to?

While they have a niche which no one else is really competing with, they will do well.


we see this hyperbolic title every single patch

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Because the game is FREE TO PLAY. The correlation of player count to profit does not apply when everyone ends up a freeloader. If your theory were true Q1 would not have marginally lower profits than the last quarter of OW1.

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Neither of y’all have any solid evidence at all given that Blizz had never released the API for player numbers and there’s no link to this MAU claim.

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The last quarter of OW1 was selling OW2 starter packs, if you don’t remember. Yes, they sold a lot of them, yes, it was very profitable.

That bit at the start where you make money during new releases and people are buying up large? yes, that is a thing.

I literally gave you a link.

You’re not who I was referring to there

Oh my god, but it still wouldn’t be the lowest earnings of ALL time.

All I will say is hanzo,kirko sombra carried last season with sales and interest.

After the poor seasons before with LW and bad pve season were bp was dogwater.

Good skins have more interest than bad game modes with mediocre skins.

The Orissa season seems like a repeat of LW sigma season.

It wasn’t. You do realize I read every financial report which came out of Blizzard right?

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What was the last one after last year’s first quarter one, cause if there was one stylosa would have ranted about it for half hour

There was one. It mostly talked about diablo because that was the big release at the time.

It also talked about they were expecting to see an increase in players because of invasion, which is exactly what we see on the player estimate charts.

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And I’d give you the benefit of the doubt if you hadn’t been conflating player count and profits for the last half hour. Believe what you wish. I’m not going in circles with you any more.

I guess you can’t read.

You were the one who couldn’t understand how you could drop in money coming in and gain players at the same time, and I had to spell it out to you.

Simply based on q times and viewer counts invasion season was the worst season, the current season feels a lot better.

I think so too, and the estimates show this season HAS the higher players numbers of the two.

You know, almost at the very peek OW2 has ever had, which is more than OW1 ever got.

It is hard to see this, and come to the conclusion that the game is dying you know.

But people are going to hate on it and wish that it was dying because they don’t enjoy it any more.

But that isn’t how it work you know?

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You can try and bully or belittle me all you want. It changes nothing. Get your last word in champ, I know how you roll.

What because you decide to try to say stuff about me which wasn’t true?

Let me show you…

When I was literally explaining that it wasn’t directly connected.

Right here…

and here

So telling you that you are full of it, with proof from the conversation you have just had isn’t bullying you.

It is pointing out the conversation we have just had, is not what you are trying to make it out to be.

I bet money its gonna get worse lol