Yeah I don’t get it. It’s fine to want changes but omg people are so disrespectful. Why should Blizzard have to put up with it?
Seems like a lot of people are upset huh… Do you think they would have had so many duplicates if they responded?
What a load of assumptions and exaggerations. Even conspiracy theories.
Nice to see this got some traction…ty for all the people chiming in…but after reading some of these responses i wanted to emphasize that the point was not to say that there are no legitimate complaints about the game…it is far from perfect…it was just to showcase how overly non-constructuve the forums as a whole have become…
if youre a dev…even with the best intentions…if you log on and immediately see what you see on here on a typical day…youre closing the screen and going back to work on something else…i would literally not want to waste my time addressing anyone…thats not excusing it…thats just human nature…if anything im glad we’ve gotten the few responses we have…
also worth mentioning:
sometimes no response IS a response (reading between the lines) - you can decide for yourself where that applies
sometimes i wonder if people REALLY want to hear the dev response on some things…just cause you get an answer doesnt mean youre going to like it…in a perfect world where they literally answer everything…i imagine it would just lead to further arguing (as it has COUNTLESS times in the past when they do)
I have nothing to add as I’m very aware of how ridiculous the forums are most of the time. I just wanted to say, dude, you reaaallllyyy love ellipsis. Like… Really… Really… Love… Ellipsis… I counted like 24 uses of an ellipsis in your post… That’s a lot of ellipsis.
lol ive had many people point that out…im not sure when i picked up the habit…but ive been typing like this since i can remember (well…outside of formal settings)
You are part of the reason why this game isn’t looking good.
It’s cool. I just read it with pauses like how William Shatner talks. 10/10 would recommend.
They didn’t rig the algorithms smurfs are a variable they don’t account for ruining the algorithm (think of dividing by zero) and no loot boxes were rigged the first year to almost always be dupes even if you had 15% of everything (from mine and all my friends experience) that has since been fixed
lootboxes are fine now but arcade is nearly impossible to get wins for anyone not in diamond which is where you would get most of the loot boxes from. mmr is borked and not considered a priority, really I’d rather they fix the shoddy hit reg because the more and more updates the game gets the worse hit reg becomes
you can’t deny some responsibility from the devs they have been wrong in the past (remember that one mcree buff in the august when everyone said his fth was broken and op because it could literally kill tanks in one go and can be spammed, they buffed it making it slightly faster and increased his reload speed before reverting the changes made to it and dropped it’s damage)
and you can’t deny that their idea of rework everything and not try and make minute changes isn’t working so hot the only reworks that have worked so far are symmetra, and possibly sombra depending on who you are asking.
constant complaining isn’t doing the game good but neither is white-knighting in fact its worse because it promotes the bad habits the devs have
Funny. The community is “being mean” and that’s why the devs are MIA.
We aren’t being even 1/4 as toxic towards them as one of them (look up the story of EverQuest and one “Tigole-Bitties”) once was (and that toxic screed against the devs of the aforementioned game is pretty much the sole reason he got the job he now has).
But sure, blame the community yelling because the devs won’t listen as to the reason why the devs won’t listen.
Failed rework number 3
Symmetra rework worked? News to me, last I heard she’s still floundeirng in D tier just even more frutrating to deal with but not in a way that makees her viable.
We already tried that for a year and they ignored us then.
LMFAOOOOOOOOO, the delusion is palpable.
What these forums don’t understand is there is a vast difference between constructive feedback and feedback that doesn’t help. Titanium’s feedback regarding Mercy is awesome. Posts that proclaim “The game is dying” is not helpful, nor funny - because it’s been done to death.
On a side note, I REALLY wish there were more subforums for things like Balance and Lore as it would keep the repetitive threads (especially mercy and LGBT) off the main page. But that’s just my opinion.
And that’s the difference between good devs and crappy ones. That’s why people love Warframe and Path of Exile devs.
Blizzard/Activision has such a disconnect with its community and that’s why you end up with trash like Diablo 3 and DJ Khaled clowning on stage.
When was the last time Blizzard/Activision did something great? Blizzard is better at making short animated films than they are at making video games.
We don’t speak of this! How dare you >.> <.<
All the complaints are because they are terrible at balancing this game and are focusing heavily on OWL versus the casual playerbase. This summer event is also terrible and does not have enough content and is using the same Lucioball the past few years.
So yeah we’ll complain, sorry.
Thank you for taking the time to make this post, you stole the words/idea right out of my head. It honestly saddens me how much literary garbage the developers have to go through to get a decent idea/criticism out of our community. Instead of doing research to back up their opinions, many jump to making a quick, lazy post that doesn’t help the community at all…