This is why I completely abondoned Role queue

The available official data (They release official statistics after OQ was in the arcade) points towards RQ being more popular than OQ outside of Asia. It would be absolutely asinine to assume that OQ is more popular in spite of that.
The only data available would support the presumption that RQ still is preferred by most of the players.

I don’t have the ability to post images so you’ll have to expand the quote.

Of course, focusing on gamesense in OQ means you are slowly distorting what you learned in RQ…

I mean there is DM and Skirmish…

EU’s been kinda on life support for awhile now… not surprising in the least.

Don’t bother - its his thing to harp on. “Show me da dataz” is not an argument over time to hold up when this forum and means of communication cannot directly support it.

this data has been discussed many times, and while it is valid to answer the question “what game modes were played in what regions on a single selected day?”, it does not address game mode popularity, particularly between 222 and role-less queue

  1. the data is for a single solitary day

  2. on said day, role-less queue had just been reintroduced to the game, and many players werent even aware it was available

  3. on said day, role-less queue was not available side by side on the same main game selection screen, but was buried down a menu where many players never saw it

and most importantly

  1. the data in question is usage data, not preference data. usage <> preference
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It implies preference, and is also still the only available data. It doesn’t matter if it’s for a single day when there literally is no other data available. Your opinion on the modes certainly doesn’t hold any more value than that.

Now, realistically the modes are likely to be much closer in player numbers than they were back then, but it’s extremely unlikely that OQ has a larger playerbase than RQ.

Because there are about half as many players in OQ. Its not easier, the ranks are just less inflated

not really

if someone tracked my usage (consumption) of hamburger and prime steak, they would probably conclude using similar logic that I vastly prefer hamburger…and I assure you, the opposite is true :slight_smile:

invalid data remains invalid whether it is all one has or not.

not at all…its tiny bit of usage data.

in any case, preference data is needed to address the claim made, not usage data

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People act like the community was not in general favor of the idea of 2-2-2 and it was mentioned and promoted repeatedly by streamers and many pros prior to it’s introduction (not to mention how often people pushed for it even under original queue and now even in OQ of all things).

To act like it was some ridiculous internally concocted Blizzard-borne burden foisted on everyone without broad popular support is kind of ridiculous.

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Haha. You work for Blizzard? Just had a 12 minute queue for role queue comp.

What you’re suggesting would require a forum-driven survey, which would be inherently biased because the forum users don’t accurately represent the rest of the playerbase. There is no incentive (other than 25 gold per match for tank, which has negligible impact on any stats) whatsoever for people to pick RQ over OQ. The only reasonable conclusion is that people prefer RQ over OQ.

The data is from one day, not day one. All we know is that it’s from the first week of it being available, and that it’s more likely to be from the day he posted it than the first day it was out.
It is not invalid data just because you disagree with it. It’s still data from at least 50k players, which is a large sample size. The likelihood of the data being too inaccurate to be usable unless it actually was from the first day (still unlikely) is low.

Seeing as how prime steak costs far more while there is more incentive for people who don’t prefer either mode to play OQ than RQ, since the queue times are shorter, this comparison is asinine at best.

The initial claim made was that more people play RQ, which still is extremely likely no matter how biased you believe that the available data is.
Even if the OQ population had doubled since then, which there is no evidence alluding to whatsoever, that would still put RQ on top.

Now, aside from all this there is actually one other piece of current data we do have available; The in-game leaderboard.
The disparity in rank between the highest and lowest T500 players in OQ compared to RQ shows very clearly that it has a much, much smaller number of players, closer to the people who have reached a combined T500 status than that of the T500 players in any single role.
Whether you want to believe that RQ is preferred by more players or not, it’s clearly still played by more people.

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my own (or anyone’s, for that matter) preference is irrelevant to the claim being made

the data presented simply doesnt support the claim being made

The data you claim is invalid supports it (i.e. the claim that it’s more popular, i.e. played by more players), while the in-game leaderboard supports both the claim that it’s more popular and the data you claim to be invalid.
As an example, the NA OQ leaderboard goes from 4465 SR down to 3670.

As someone who is Plat, I get wait times over 10 minutes regularly, and I get wait times over 15 minutes more often than I get wait times less than 10 minutes. It can be a struggle.

said data doesn’t support the claim of a majority because

  1. it is for a single day
  2. it is usage rather than preference data
  3. it creates an apples to oranges comparision between 222 and role-less queue data because
    a. the two game modes were not on the same game selection menu and ergo not equally visible as choices
    b. the new role-less queue mode had just come out and ergo a lot of players did not know on the date the data was taken that the mode was even available at all

an apples to oranges comparison using a single day’s usage data to draw a conclusion on preference?

highly invalid

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So you aren’t even reading it anymore or what?
The in-game leaderboard clearly shows that OQ currently has a much lower number of players in addition to that data.
The in-game leaderboard is for this entire season with both RQ and OQ available.

I really have no patience for this left, so I’ll leave it up to you to read up on how player distribution works in an ELO system for yourself and mute this thread.

LMAO I play widowmaker in masters open q and some masters sup player who is plat dps decides to mirror.
Open q in a nutshell.