This is why I completely abondoned Role queue

I see the 6dps argument fairly ofen here, with the forum member writing about it generally indicating that each dps after 2 makes it a progressively worse team.

that said, given that a 6 dps team only occurs for any such forum member ONLY occurs when said poster chooses that 6th dps, one wonders why said individual chose (by their own logic) to make said team worse?

things that make you go “hmm?”

Personally, I see 4+ dps in roughly one in every twelve role-less queue games I play, but when i do it never a problem because it makes each game different, rather than the stale combos I see in 222

I’ve seen waaaaaay too many non222 teams handily beat 222 teams to ever believe that 222 innately the best arrangement

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It is not know only to one person, it is known to everyone. Apparently it is unknown to one person.

I often get frustrated at those occasional games with like 4 dps. So then I queue for role queue. And then I immediately see why I hate it. I can play up to 4 qp classic/open queue games in the time it takes to find one role queue game. 10-15 or even 20 minutes waiting for role queue and then it’s a stomp so back to the wait you go. Compared to open queue where you load into a game instantly. If you lose, so be it. You can just queue back in.

I really think that out of everything that has happened to OW, role queue has affected this game and people’s opinions and attitudes the most. It feels like the game went straight downhill after role queue.


Well, I am part of “everyone”, ergo it can not be true that “everyone” knows of this data.

But given the claim that nearly everyone knows of this data, would someone other than Crissan like to fill me in on where this alleged information can be viewed? Or, chime in to let Crissan know that you also have no knowledge of this alleged data

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I don’t get it. Classic qp and open que exists. So what exactly are you upset about? Like, 2-2-2 isn’t the only option.


You are that one person. Others have also pointed it out to you without success, it stills seems to be invisible to you.

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First off, queue times aren’t that bad. Second and off the very slight off chance they are, just get good at and play another role. You dont need to go bang bang pew pew every single game.

Well, I hope that someone does point out this alleged valid information at some point

Til then, there is from my point of view no valid data to support the claim of a majority

That’s ok. Convenient ignorance is convenient.

there is nothing convenient or ignorant about it

I have repeatedly view the alleged information, and have not provided the opportunity to do so

I cant consider information I havent viewed

The thing is, you are wrong. :man_shrugging:

I have no basis to conclude that I am wrong

Hopefully someone will let me know where this alleged information that “everyone” knows about is so i can examine it for merit myself

as a reminder, if the alleged information in question is the one day mode usage data provided by Jeff: that data is - as we’ve already discussed extensively – not proof of the claim being made

Why would you need 8 hours? Surely, the queue doesn’t take nearly that long for the majority of people.

Correction, YOU claim that it is not valid but as usual you are mistaken, that information is factual and clearly and without a doubt shows that the majority of people prefers RQ. If you are incapable of accepting that, that is your issue.

And chose to disregard the copious amounts of supporting evidence out of convenience and deference to your argument. But that’s ok, one more truth denier on the internet, or one less makes little difference in the grand scheme of things.

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So are you saying that the single day game mode usage data by region provided by Jeff :::IS::: the alleged information proving the claim of a majority?

This is the same topic that people cry about in WoW… Most players are kids or kids trapped in adult bodies. They only want to see big flashy numbers, get the most kills/damage/etc and don’t want to play a role that has a lot of weight on them like a tank or healer.

DPS probably outnumber tanks and healers 25 to 1. This is the same problem in WoW. You make a group for a mythic dungeon and for every one tank that queues, 30 dps queue…

If you want shorter queues, play something useful like a tank or healer. DPS are a dime a dozen.

by what name would I have known you previously?

I have denied no truths…I deny invalid data due to its invalidity.

as for copious - yes, there are copious amounts of invalid data out there

Ok so because of the choice of the heroes i play i have to get punished by waiting an extra 15 mins compared to everybody else yea thats very lazy

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Deathmatch is pretty fun, would not recommend parkour, its horrible ;-;