This is why I completely abondoned Role queue

Role Queue on DPS: 10-15 minutes of queue time, 15-30 minutes of gameplay in some annoying 222 meta, 10-15 minutes of queue time again.

Not to mention the struggle of keeping your aim and game sense warmed up in such long queue times, you never get in a groove because of the long queues. Every game is like your first game of the day.

In that entire timespan I could’ve gone on open Q and played 3 games already.

I sometimes play Role queue on tank or support, and I notice the DPS players are not mentally ok, they seem to have no spirit left, I don’t blame them because I know what they experience.

I think unless you are GM on DPS you need much more quantity of games rather than quality, to progressively improve and to enjoy the game.


I definitely agree with you about q times. Although that can be somewhat resolved by grouping.


15-20 minutes of queue time for a Tank to throw the game so he can claim his free loot box.


I frequently got 10 minutes or higher q times in platinum (solo)

EU, normal/peak times


15 minutes in Silver/Gold. I don’t know where you’re getting 4-6 minutes unless you’re queueing support.


I remember when back when I used to play it and for a period queue times got to 15-20 minutes, that was soulcrushing, quit the game for long time after that.

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God joke. Unless you live on the “End of the world like australia” or “africa” and you are playing on sleeping hours like 1 am to 6 am. Probably

On NA servers Bronze to platinum not more than 5 minutes as DPS playing 6 pm to 12 am every night with multple accounts one for tracer/ashe another one for genji/mccree etc

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Waaah, i cant wait 15 minutes, waah

Bunch of lazy people now days. Play in deathmatch While you wait

Or even browse the custom games


It’s not lazy to not want to wait

But I do think people should be encouraged to group more as this solves it


it is. Youre literally saying youre impatient.

There are tools in place to help you sad people who cant wait more than 35s


One should not have to exercise patience for their leisure time video game


Oh be quiet.

Again, if one cant deal with waiting for a game, play in the custom lobbies.

Or better yet, play in LFG. so that you can wait with people and then complain whenever you have to wait which is stupid nowdays

You think waiting 15 minutes for a 10 minute match is okay?


Honestly 15 minutes queue is still stupid even with the ‘wait for queue’ features this is not a MMO…


im sorry, cant hear you over my 30s tank queues


Most people play RQ. Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean it’s bad.

If you don’t want to wait then why are you playing RQ? Just go play the classic modes, they are there for a reason.


I would be very happy to make use of the LFG function more frequently if they added simple functionality such as automatically resuming searching if someone leaves the group as well as allowing me to use while you wait game modes while searching for people to join the group


Cool. We all know open queue exists. I’m glad you like it, and can play it.

So what’s the point of this topic again?


Its there for a reason, just use it and stop being so damn needy

There is nothing needy about requesting simple additional functionality that would not require significant development time

But to clarify, yes I do use it even with its inadequacies

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