This is my beef with Sym

yet apparently some people still die to her turrets in 1v1s :clown_face:
not even surprised tbh. if some people are so horrendous they called 1.0 sym of all things op, its no surprise what i mentioned before still happens

So what do you swap to vs a Widow or Doom, if they’re in 100% of your games? Let’s see here… not Torb, not Sombra, not Tracer, not Bastion, not Ashe, not Mccree… not Reaper… not Soldier… not Genji…
It’s almost as if the pick itself has never been the problem, but rather that there’s always some disgustingly OP trash that’s a dimension above all their competition and turning 20 heroes into throw picks.

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If only they didn’t take away photon barrier. That was the one thing sym use to have for duels.

They really dumbed down syms combat in the 3.0 rework.

Sym doesn’t eat beef, she worships it.

What a useless comment, like seriously. Are characters allowed to be weak because you can just swap off them?

I’m also not a onetrick, not that I need to justify anything to trolls.


Widow, Soldier, Ashe, McCree, Bastion,, Baptiste, Wrecking ball, Moira, Torb turret, Ana. also you can counter pharah as any projectile character if you are good enough, so add on normal torb, hanzo, etc.

That’s like saying S76 is a support because he can drop healing for his team.

im laughing so hard oh my god
your post lost all value the moment you said hitscans and SNIPERS out of EVERYONE dont counter sym

also moira is one of the best supports against sym just sayin unless you waste fade and orb all the time and her ult + buffed movements basically ignores everything sym can do


…Torb… Turret? Wha?

Also Widow and Ashe and McCree absolutely do counter Sym. They will destroy her. How does wrecking ball counter pharah more than he counters sym? Do you know how easy it is for hammond to demolish Sym turrets with his rolls / piledriver?

Moira is stronger against Sym than she is against Pharah, by a very long shot.

Sorry but I disagree with your post.


Just make Sym a selfish DPS like everyone else screw my team

A part of me dies inside everytime he piledrives my brand new turret bomb and now I have to wait 30 secs


Somehow this forums says she spam her turrets left and right! 30 sec cooldown is like rez you cant spam rez either!

Forum logic i guess?!


This is my beef with sym



so why wouldn’t they counter sym? sym’s got lower effective range than pharah nor does sym have as much access to sneaky angles to surprise the enemy from through projectile shots (sym’s are slower anyways). i.e. hitscans definitely zone out sym easily due to her lack of range and lack of ability to close the gap with how tp’s been nerfed to such a long down time.

notable mentions: moira can damage through shields with 2 abilities, hanzo has walls to more easily outplay a sym peeking corners, snipers have much more range and can be further away from what tp can reach.

unless you laid a nest which the dva came in on to get you and/or you have a team supporting you, a sym isn’t going to kill a dva before she bursts sym down. dva’s got that much more hp to outlive sym’s uncharged primary (which likely will be uncharged in the engagements).

so not only his turret would zone a sym but also zone out her turrets. there would have been an argument for your side with pre-infinite tp sym that she could use her tp to draw aggro from turret (assuming torb doesn’t immediately land a primary on sym) via using tp, but that’s no longer viable due to the down time of tp so :man_shrugging:

back to trying to peek corners for turrets while torb closes in and kills you since his weapon doesn’t have charge up and he has his mini super saiyan form.

I disagree about Moira, as Sym dumpsters her or at the very least can nearly always escape her.

TP. Blocks. The beam. Since Moira does such low damage and her orb doesn’t target the TP, it will take her a long time to burn through it. She can safely be orb or beamed down since she can’t heal off of the TP. Her beam will also fail to target turrets on the TP, forcing her to Fade at them and melee, or to disengage.

Seriously, just plop the TP in her face. Sym is one of the few DPS that really either obliterates Moira or sends her running.

it’s either stuck somewhere else or on cd or you need to “save it for something worth it”… this ain’t pre-infinite tp sym, it’s sym1.5

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You should save it for things. Even if it’s down, you should most likely be near it as it’s pretty much your only real survivability.

except you need to be more strict with that you save it for with that guaranteed 12s down time.

cool…because bunker sym is great way to get value when you’re often stuck outside of your effective range when doing so… not to mention the team repositioning much more often than you can move tp.

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She was never really meant to be very mobile in the first place, and bunkering down in areas has pretty much always been her purpose as well. She’s also still true to her design of a DPS that creates space akin to tanks. You can’t really be mad at the kit, because she has always been like this. It’s why I don’t much mind her mobility being regressed slightly. It’s more of an inconvenience in situations where you die, but nobody kills the TP or they kill it after you respawn.

not as mobile as say a tracer of course, but not bunkering down to 1 static area for 1+ entire fight(s) until a cool down period where you can finally move tp. that’s not dynamic or flexible at all. even bastion would move around more unless he’s hard pocketted (which is not a requirement you want to put on a hero in a game like overwatch anyways).

she is definitely supposed to move around even in the heat of battle:

  • shift from 6 turrets to 3 for shorter setup
  • the very basis of putting tp on a cd ability and what it does
  • making turrets throwable
  • making photon barrier infinitely large

all of that points to making sym move around more and not just simply when fights are over. And this isn’t even going into how objectives move and the upcoming shift in barrier tank balance yet.

Geoff’s comments for when 3.0 was released:

the whole point of the 3.0 rework was to get sym to not be so static like 2.0 and move around more.

You’re also really downplaying how much the guaranteed 12s downtime on tp as affected her gameplay. an “inconvenience” is a huge understatement given how many individual uses got gutted by this change.

And just to cover my bases, individual uses are cumulatively just as valuable as team uses mind you given how low frequency the team actually needs or wants any of the team uses and their variance in getting value from teammate consent.


It’s not one static area it’s two. That’s kinda the point of the TP.

That’s not what he’s saying. He’s referring to the process of placing Syms old turrets. It took a decade comparatively to set each individual turret in each spot to what she has now. And as a result, those placements mattered significantly more since it was a 60s cd for her full set and she could only place them around herself, therefor, failing to properly predict where the best nest was ended up being more punishing.

She’s still supposed to bunker down, she’s just not as punished by it as her old placement mechanics forced her to be. Both in actually placing the nests and where she could place them.