This is my beef with Sym

She’s a DPS character who is favoured in exactly 0 DPS duels.

Playing Sym and trying to deal with enemy DPS is bloody exhausting, you have to move mountains and run hurdles just to get on even footing.

She has the weird design remnant of a support hero in that regard, and it gets really frustrating.

She also has the most counters in the game. Enemy picks Doomfist, Pharah, Widow, Hanzo, Mei, Reaper? Lol goodluck.

Your only hope of outplaying an enemy DPS is to try and target a hero without an AOE ability and TP bomb them, which is seriously lame.

I love this hero so much but she can be so exhausting with how cheaply she can be shut down.


Pharah has more counters and Sym works like a support in the way she aids team movement or shields with her ulti.

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Honestly she’s pretty decent duel potential in her beam range (12m), it’s outside of that that she struggles, but can still be effective with good orb placement

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how and who counters pharah that doesn’t counter sym?

that’s a very low value and noob trap way to play sym esp given how immovable tp has been made.

high doubt.

I used to play sym in ffa frequently (don’t now because of how terrible the tp nerf made her), and I disagree.

like with primary she deals low damage until she charges up, and the ttk on her from most heroes are much faster than that. esp when factoring other heroes have more sustain and/or mobility than sym


uh you drunk bruv? Sym has like 10x the amount of counters pharah does


My beef with her is when i try to kill her, her turrets kill me, when i try to kill her turrets she kills me. Along with having the ability to m2 spam chokes that have an aoe damage burst effect. All in all i just hate turrets in this game and dont believe they belong in it because it removes all sense of a 1v1 fight if the situation occurs.


Speak for yourself. I only have problems killing mei, reaper, and roadhog.
I also have a 60+ wr every season with the character and the only reason i don’t spam her to climb is that she’s not as fun a pre-rework symmetra. I’d rather play widowmaker or doomfist who are more enjoyable characters than sym who was once the main reason i play the game but she got reworked

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Beef? I am lacking in beef. Fawful is beefless.


It’s obvious the devs don’t want her to be viable, because the one time she actually was they had a panic attack.



Fastest hero to get nerf in history of this game just cause she is seeing play In meta who happens to favor her.

But let other slide and get slight nerf patch by patch just cause! But no they cant let symmetry have that moment, 8 nerfs on a row! Im like is she day 1 brigitte now?


That would actually go to Torb. Literally he wasn’t even meta, just viable back in May and he immediately got a nerf. But it wasn’t a sledgehammer like Symmetra.

Also if I recall correctly in a blizzcon Q&A camp, in an interview he said he played her a lot during the time she was meta and ended up in a really high skill rating than he thought he’d end up as a DPS. He said she was overpowered during that time "and even now she’s very strong ".

So I guess this is the devs’ opinion on symm so probably no hero changes for her (maybe when they go over all the heroes for OW2)

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He can go as number 2 as he didnt have that (lets nerf her other kit that is not prt of the problem)

The devs said she doing like 20-40 percent dmg coz of the bugfix, the beam Nerf was justified but why nerf turret, ultimate and TP? I just dont get it.


Because of the Jeff thing I mentioned. Basically he played her for the first time and felt like he was “doing too much”.



When I saw that clip I groaned so hard. Death sentence for the character,

Also did we face eachother on LiJiang tower a few days ago

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Pretty sure. I was the Orisa.

Especially for a hero that bad, I was impressed with how much you could do on her.

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You know, Symmetra has a weird design. I have nothing against the character per se, but I find it odd how she can feel insanely overturned at times (sometimes it feels like you die to Symmetra at the exact same second she uses TP to go behind you. You recognize she’s there and kabum, you’re dead) and then at other times she feels disgustingly UP, like you can just approach her like she’s nothing and easily outdmg her.

This is something that kind of bothers me about her kit. It isn’t accurate to say she is OP, but it isn’t 100% accurate to say she is entirely UP, either.

Symmetry heavily punishes unaware player or player who have low gamesense and positioning
But once you know her gimmicks its easy to kill her and make her almost useless.

She is the only hero of this game for me that looks so out of place and her kits always contradicts herself most of the time.

She is not symmetrical for someone with a symmetry as a name!

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I just have to point out that Hinduism, the chief religion in Sym’s India, prohibits eating beef.

Not that it has anything to do with the OP, but I found the title of the thread chuckleworthy as a result.


Assuming you haven’t charged your beam at all and the enemy hero is at full HP which is unlikely, your ttk on a 200hp hero is 2 seconds. When I get level 3 charge on sym (which is very often) I quite literally shred through the enemy team. The enemy team has to immediately focus you or you melt through them. I can only imagine what it would be like if teammates realized her potential & supported her with Mercy/Lucio/Brig