This game isn't fun for support

With an overemphasized focus on making Damage players happy, and curtailing the “Tank” role to become “Bigger DPS,” I think that A LOT was lost in the transition.

The game isn’t fun, it’s a respawn simulator, and you die instantaneously. IMMEDIATE DEATH IS NOT AND HAS NEVER BEEN FUN!

I could be the victim of a shoddy matchmaker, because my tanks are crap and my second support (when I get slotted into Support) has focused on damage output instead of Healing or Damage Mitigation…

The game in the current patch (2.1) feels horrible to exist in, and is not worth playing in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I know there will be an “acclimation period,” but the absence of a secondary tank with no nerfs to damage output has resulted in a game environment which is extremely irritating and wholly uninteresting.

This is as close to a COD clone as it gets, but with a 10-14 second respawn timer. It’s awful, and isn’t worth playing IMO. The spirit of Overwatch has finally been killed with this terrible rollout and unbalanced patch.

I’m no longer here for it. :v:


Support is fun as hell right now lol


No they’re not. ‎ ‎ ‎


It would be nice if dps were as skill based as the supports. Sadly they get the easy mode and pretend like they are living the struggle.


Damage did go down for several characters.

Not every hero experienced a damage reduction; but many did.


Please group me up with competent teammates so that I might experience what “fun” can be had as a support player.

I feel like third chair in the orchestra, and if first and second char can’t play, then wtf am I doing in a losing battle. I don’t die every fight, but it’s irritating to try my best to do what I can but everything I did in overwatch 1.x gets punished by fat dps or isn’t supported by the timid allies I have.

Or, my team plays Hog + Projectiles vs a Pharmercy+Hitscan comp. I’m extremely irritated by this, and feel like I’m being handicapped by the matchmaker once more.


I’ve had tons of fun playing Support but Lucio is also tons of fun to play as.

Duly noted, but I think that a widespread damage output reduction is warranted.


y’know, initially I was sympathetic.

At this point, I think it’s just a skill issue. Widow isn’t very fun if you can’t hit any shots or survive a dive, either.


If you want my entire honest opinion , playing healer made me feel like i was someones B I T C H. So i switched back to tank/damage


I have at least 500 hours on lucio, and it’s a blasty blast in the former game environment. I had a lot of flexibility and could do a lot more to support my team and make individual plays.

In the current game environment, I’m forced to hide & wait behind walls, get punished whenever I poke my head out, can’t do anything to score an advantage, and am paired with teammates who refuse to contribute anything useful.

That’s partially why I think the matchmaker is working against me.


I have bad matches about as often as I have good matches but even when I am having a bad match I am still enjoying the game as a support. It sucks that other people are not enjoying the new paint on the game though.


I could just be ranting after a bad day of gaming tbh.

I haven’t won a single match since I started playing at 10:30 am with multiple breaks throughout the day.

I also get irritated when I go to support/heal an ally who has decided to take a lone wolf position completely separated from the team because they want to “dank flank,” and then we both die or the Zarya comes and just bombs me as I try to make an escape.

I’m only compelled to continue playing because of the dailies.

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No character in the game is more fun than Kiriko imo
Im glad they gave me a character I genuinely enjoy + in the support role so short queues are also now a benefit :skull:


I’m not sure such a thing is warranted; there already support-level healing that outpaces the damage of several heroes in the game. For example, neither Moira or Brigitte can do damage to a non-armored target being healed by Mercy, (or even Kiriko now). And Winston’s damage is completely negated by Valkyrie, and Biotic Orb.

Likewise, Coalescence can’t kill any target being healed by Valkyrie, or Moira’s own healing and biotic orb.

Running checks now with Kiriko’s 40 damage shots at .6 fire rate, but I don’t think she can kill a target being healed this way, either.

Static defenses such as Sentries and Turret are severely mitigated by healing, but especially now with Sentries taking a damage loss and their slow being bugged (it’s not stacking); it is especially prevalent.

Further, with the buffed health and armor of many Tanks; reducing damage would make it that much harder and that much more in favor of Tanks. But I can see some individual heroes losing some damage.

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Game aint fun for anyone bruh theres a reason its already dead


What heroes are you playing that you’re having this issue? Not all supports are made equal. Are you playing in a high skill tier?

I’m genuinely wondering because I’m not having these issues in my mid-tier MMR games, except with Mercy.

You make some excellent points as to why damage output shouldn’t be reduced across the board, and so the quote I highlighted is the point I’ll concede to.

I typically play in high skill tier MMR for quick play. I’m accustomed to grouping in stacks, but my solo q games haven’t been this weird until OW2.1 was released.

When I would solo q in OW 1.X, I’d usually be put in games with 3.6-4.2 players.

I have no idea what MMR groups I’m in, but the games I get solo Q’d into seem to heavily stack the opposing team while putting me with suboptimal players.

When I just recently group queued with my silver/gold friends, the 2 games I’ve played have been extremely slow, boring, and sloppy

I’m having my best games ever as support in competitive open queue right now, give it a try if you haven’t.

There is often another support but even solo healing as never been as fun/easy.

The games are fun, the comps are refreshing, they might get boring in a few weeks so carpe diem if you ask me.

The other day as Tracer my flanking partner was Reinhardt and that game was hilarious.

There are a lot of “skilled beginners” and I have noticed today that they tend to listen actually, at least to the main healer that I was, so you can easily save games with basic stuff like ‘mates wait, group, don’t 1v5 them’ and it works it’s amazing.

People are just chill so far, good old open queue feeling, and the removal of that stupid SR number makes it even better.

Just gonna ignore a lot of the hyperbole in the post and say I disagree with the title. Always been a fan of support in most hero games that I play and I enjoy support a lot in OW2.

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