This game isn't fun for support

I’m having a lot of fun as Support, so /shrug.

Mercy is the only one who feels worse from OW1. There is definitely something off with that one. But Brig, Ana, and Kiriko are fun as flip.

I was having a lot of fun on support, but there are times where it feels it is too easy for flankers/divers to get to you. The push maps, particularly Esperança, seem to have an overabundance of flank routes. Sombra+Genji feels especially bad to play against, and often feels like it ends up being play Moira or play Respawn Simulator.


I played support last night, and got POTG. Played mostly Brigitte

Agreed OP. I hate support now and I hate OW2.


When I am with my friends, matchmaker is nice as heck. Balanced matches, mostly a win streak. Close matches really.

When I solo queue, I can pop off, go the extra mile, and somehow my team will find a way to choke or lose. Some games I am so tilted and frustrated that I am the one choking. (see what i did there, I also blamed myself ok, so quiet to people who say otherwise thinking i blame everyone else but myself, in fact let me blame myself right now… i am NOT PERFECT and I AM NOT A GM, I HAVE GOOD AND BAD GAMES, BUT THE BAD GAMES HAVE HIGHLY NOTICABLE things. I do get VOD’d and I do have coaches. I do own up to my mistakes when I make them- and I make quite a few. Sometimes I get way too tilted and play bad- and the tilt happens when I am legit playing my heart out and at my personal peak but my team can’t seem to work with it, by the time I get a balanced game- I cannot perform. It is frustrating seeing frag mindset players and not team oriented ones…)

I had one game just now with 47 elims (32 solo elims), 3 deaths, 25k damage, and because our tank played a hog into a zarya with full beam each time… the ana and bap couldnt keep him alive. We lost despite me, the other dds, and the other support having similar stats. We were all popping off but because our tank sucked, we lost. I submitted the VOD and the only thing I got back was I have to work 10x harder than the enemy team in QP to win… lol.

On support, i could legit have 25 elims, 2-3 deaths, 15-20k healing, 5-10k damage done, somehow I will be blamed for the loss… even if I get potg.

5v5 is horrible and amazing at the same time.
If 1 person sucks butt, it ripples to the rest and we cannot pick up the slack. I am not a Grandmaster. I am a Plat-Diamond player. If they expect me to always pick up the slack (which the matchmaker when Im solo expects me to do), it will get tiring and I will just leave each match where I am expected to “carry,” a team that doesn’t want to work together. I am done with that. I am so sick of seeing my other support or dd go off on their own while the team is playing together only to die and since it is 4v5 we have minimal chances during the 1st engagement. I only stay with people who are team oriented. The minute I see people playing COD or doing a skyrim quest in my lobby and not Overwatch- and they don’t make the effort to show any semblance of teamwork or try to have synergy or cooperation- I leave the match. Why would I stay and put effort into something where they don’t care? I can only have that patience in comp and I will make it work there… not in QP.

I never used to do that in OW1 because I believed I could learn from the wins and losses… right now, we are getting so many new and returning people… let alone ogs readjusting to 5v5, it is horrible rn in solo queue matchmaking. They do not play or cooperate as a team. They play the way they would in COD, Fortnite, Valorant, and or Apex. Frag mindset and not team mindset. SO MUCH FOR THE FTUE or tutorial.

Playing support right now is fun af, especially on Kiriko. But… if your tank is getting diff’d, it will ripple to the dds because they no longer have space, and since there is no space and a constant critical tank because they never use cover or engage with the team- the supports have to pump all the resources to them and cannot pump the resources to the others. By the time we can- we are getting dive bombed and have to duel with the flankers ourselves… or the enemy tank who lost respect for our tank and is literally ignoring the tank to kill us. Yah, we have to fight that and we are expected to win 1v1s with tanks as supports right now. There will be no peel and in ow2 we should not expect peel. We have a good passive, and it works with team oriented people… but with randoms or imbalanced teams? Yeah, your coin toss is now on “which team wants to work together and which team doesn’t care?” That is your coin toss, most of the time, you will be on the team that doesn’t want to work together despite your efforts to work with them, and the other side will be grouped up, focus firing, peeling, using cover, using healthpacks, and combining ults… .meanwhile you will get the people who ult in a 1v5, trickle in, timmy no thumbs who doesn’t use cover, a new tank who plays JQ into Zarya, a support who doesn’t want to support and you’re the only one trying to support, and dd’s who need milk because of the bs you got vs them. I try to be a team player, but the matchmaking is attrocious and leads to a horrible experience REGARDLESS OF ROLE. I hope it sorts itself out in due time. I do not remember having this struggle THIS OFTEN in OW1 QP, it actually felt nice and I mostly won solo. THIS EFFIN FEELS BAD rn solo. SO I WILL STACK OR HAVE A DUO AND RUIN PEOPLES LOBBIES until the mmr sorts itself out.

Support will be fun once the mmr sorts itself out and the influx of new and returning people finally figure out this is a team based game. ONCE THAT IS FIGURED OUT IT WILL BE KINDA NICE.


let me start off by saying that it does suck that support has felt a bit ignored lately. its honestly never fun to constantly die, especially when you just got back to your team. As amazing as it would be to have a perfect team that notices your callouts and ko’s flankers, that isn’t realistic. you are a healer. you chose the role of healer despite the risks. if you don’t want to embrace the masochism of being a healer with a blinking target on your back, then you don’t have to. being a healer isn’t instantly rewarding like dps. heck its not rewarding at all. we do it cause somebody else, anybody else would have got it wrong.

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If you hide and wait with lucio, the game isn’t the problem.


Then don’t follow them?

Your team isn’t entitled to healing from you, it is their job to play around your position, not the other way around. Yes, it is beneficial to play in a way that allows them to be more aggressive, but if you can tell that a flank is a bad idea then just leave.

I don’t understand how people on these forums can complain about DPS not playing with the team/around healers and then in the next sentence write about how they’re enabling that behavior. If y’all held your ground DPS players would very quickly learn to change their playstyle but you’re actively allowing them to play in crap positions by following them around.

I do mainly Support currently with Kiriko, and Brig, lot of fun in OW2. More room to make plays.

And the ones that didn’t are meta…

So, I have had a few games like this where someone made it their personal mission to hunt me down before I could even get back to my team. But this is when I needed to recognize that and swap to a support I could dual with so I could teach them a lesson instead of just repeatedly walking out of spawn with the same hero.

Yes, if the enemy is doing it right, they are going to try to kill the supports first. But that logic is built into the game because the supports are what is keeping everything else alive. You kill the supports and the rest of the team is much easier to finish. There’s literally nothing you can do to change that equation without making supports OP.

If you are constantly dying, improve your use of movement abilities, improve your positioning, pick a support that you can defend yourself better with. But stop complaining on the forums that you died because that’s the entire purpose of the other team is to kill you so you can’t heal.

Support can be really fun right now! I know it sucks to get mowed down time after time, but you will have some bad games. DPS need to learn to do more peeling now that there’s only one tank. This will take time for people to figure that out. But the role itself isn’t actually broken. Now if only we could get people to stop complaining when they get their clock cleaned by Moira.

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Yeah, that’s why I can’t stand quickplay when I play support. That game mode hasn’t gotten better at all even in OW2.

Competitive on the other hand is a whole different experience for supports and it’s soo much better gameplay wise. It’s way more fun because the matchmaking is more balanced.

Tank actually might be the least tilting role right now in quickplay. Because even if the game is unwinnable, your action tends to matter more than other roles, so if you did your part it’s not as tilting. But support, if your team is constantly dying, you can’t really practice your role, it’s just a waste of time, GG go next.

Blizzard with an evil smile and rubbing hands together

Yes…working as intended. Now for my next pro gamer move

genji screaming in the distance I need healing and dies


As a Master + DPS main I agree this is Call of Duty now, I feel like I am back pre Overwatch when COD was my main game just dominating quickscoping with snipers.

I feel like Blizzard looked at what the zoomer kids likes in CoD and copied it as this game requires so little teamplay now and snipers can just pick off everything but the tank…
I said it in OW1 but its even worse in OW2 but Widow and Hanzo should not exist in this game.
But neither should characters like Moira, bap, lucio and brigg receive their passive as it stacks ontop of their selfhealing.

-Sincerely a Widow Hanzo main.


Brig need more dps,or unlimited cookies,only heal who can’t fully heal tank with low hp and no enemy to hit

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Just play Lucio and youll have fun

I think Mercy/Ana are def easier to play than Widow/Tracer.
If your team is being bullied and not working together tho I feel Widow/Tracer can often do more about it. Exception is Ana can carry with sleep and bionade. Tho mercy can carry with schmovement and rez but it’s less direct.

Esperança is the only push map I like. The shape of the map makes the spawns feel less punishing, and it’s really easy to get around quickly as Lucio even with my very rudimentary wallriding skills.

I’m enjoying support in OW2.

What you mean? Moira Lucio simulator is tons of fun

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