This game is isn't good

I totally get what you mean. Both modes have largely the same issues, non-competitive wins for me personally purely because of nothing really being on the line, and with that causing less anxiety. I always try my best and never leave unless it’s an emergency, but those of us who spend the vast majority of our playtime there learned to accept it for what it is. At least someone backfills eventually, and it’s not 5v6 sadness for up to 20 minutes like in competitive. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I do my placements and usually never look at competitive again till next season. OW has become a filler game for me. A game when I’m extremely bored or waiting on a new game to release. It’s actually even less than a filler game for me now because there are other, better games that can do that.

so I agree with your title

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it looks thesame on qp but more smurfs.
I know that feel bro

that’s why i play quick play and only comp for the points

This dude is a troll…complaining about the same things all over the forum.

  • complaining about tryhards and throwing people (yet he plays full dps Moira and thinks it´s ok, “cause only good healer is Mercy”)
  • complaining about smurfs - attacking people for their second account on console, that they spent 1 day on it to try the game there - yet he has at least two different accounts to play with (as I´ve noticed)
  • complaining about people “trying hard” in arcade, yet at the same time accusing of throwing, if you don´t play there your best picks…
  • demanding “team play” and lecturing about it, while he plays solo - usualy full dps Moira, that doesn´t throw a single heal to a dying team mate in front of him “cause her healing sucks”
  • and don´t forget - how he get´s steamrolled 99% of the time, cause smurfs are always in enemy team and throwers in his team (definetly not fault of his bad positioning and playing support as dps).

At this point, it´s just a sad joke this guy…
(I will get “troll - the usual argument” thing, when he finds this :face_with_hand_over_mouth: )


Totally agree. They’ve made this game waaaay too team reliant, and if one person isn’t doing their job (deliberately or unknowingly just because they’re bad) you lose the game and lose as much SR as the person on your team who threw.

Had one yesterday where our Moira instantly says: “you’re losing this”
Someone else: “what?”
Moira: “You heard me, you’re losing this game”

Then the Moira kept jumping off the edge, running into 6 enemies spamming ‘hello’ to feed. Completely unprovoked. When everyone ignored them and presumably just mentally took the loss, they started attention seeking by typing “we’re losing, oh nooooooo” and stuff like that.
Felt super satisfying to see no one respond in the slightest, and just move on. We even won one round of KOTH.

Other games, you’re just at a disadvantage if someone on your team isn’t pulling their weight, but the game is still winnable with a little extra effort. Overwatch? Totally unwinnable, and you’re held hostage for the next 15 minutes. Which feels bad, and in turn makes the experience bad, and the general playerbase toxic and aggressive.


If and only if the community for once joined together to make Blizzard understand the problems we feel we have and the possible solutions then maybe we would get results.
For example this video explains a lot about the current MMR flaws and what could be done to have a greater experience:

I personally disagree with some of his statements but overall it’s a solid video that speaks facts and not enough attention has gone to it which is a shame because it’s proven that things with enough attention someday make it to the OW dev team.

Such as my Quality of Life Updates Megathread which I highly encourage you to check out in hopes of a better future for this game:

Now i know why OW gets soo much hate , people lose in comp due to a player problem but blame the problem on the game , no game can do anything if a player leaves m throwers and smurfs also exist in every game , how has this something to do with OW being trash ?

It is a team game, so if you don’t have a team it’s gonna be infinitely rougher.

I wouldn’t use this as an argument when it could be completely inaccurate.

Its from a recent article. Those are very small numbers compared to Apex & Fortnite alone. Besides, with all the game’s problems, no way tens of millions of people still play OW.

The article itself says “Estimated data only, not to be used as factual”

And in that same article apparently OW has more active users today than it did in 2019 which I find hard to believe.

That Dexerto article doesnt even mention active player count numbers from 2019.

The chart they use goes back to March 2019

But the article doesnt say that the current active player count is higher than the numbers from 2019. The point of the article is that the numbers are pathetically small. If the numbers were small in 2019, the article wouldve mentioned that.

That is correct though isn’t it

The 2021 numbers are, considering all the game’s problems.

And since Blizzard themselves dont release Playercount numbers often, there is no reason to not believe that recent article. Blizzard themselves no doubt dont want to piss off investors more than they already have.

Until you get a streamer or a pro player that is playing with viewers or carrying by themself.

I have a few accounts from the time they were giving them away, those are likely counted as separate players as well

So, from what I’m getting from this, the game isn’t trash but the people playing it are.