This game is isn't good

I played 10 competitive games today, 3 games someone left, 4 games people threw, 3 games i got put against smurfer’s, this game is unplayable unless you have a full lobby of people you know. A solo player or a 2 person party can’t rank up in competitive its impossible


Quick play is pretty good though.


Lol everyone knows that solo comp is a nightmare and a migraine to play.

@ me that doesn’t have any friends that play this game


You call the game trash, yet every reason you gave just now is because of people and not the actual game.

So direct your hate at the correct source.


QP is just Comp. If not, worse. 99% of matches are one-sided steamrolls. The enemy team is filled with Smurfs & legit accounts that are Diamond & up Comp tryhards.

Meanwhile, the other team has just 1 good player & 5 legit newbies, or weak mindset “its just qp” pricks, or 5 absolute morons that do crap like go Soldier or Genji against Roadhog.

The game either causes these problems or never fix them. Such as Smurfs, still no bans & before anyone says anything, OW’s active player count being 5 mil per month(7.3 mil at best), small numbers for Blizzard standards & smaller thanks to Smurfs, shows that Smurf accounts are costing Blizzard money.


Why? Are you gonna be my friend?

I mean, yeah. Comp can’t be any better than QP, at least in my honest opinion.


Solo queue is definitely tough to do on this game especially since it’s very team reliant. But don’t be fooled if you think this is the worst game in ranked full of throwers, derankers etc.

I’ve played a couple of games of valorant in ranked and it was arguably worse because of how much griefers can do to annoy you. Somtimes I come across 3 or 4 stack griefers whos only purpose all game is to try and body blocking you so that you can’t move, inflicint friendly damage and kill you while refusing to surrender and make you waste half an hour in ranked. And they even try to get you reported for things you didn’t do by telling the enemy teammates lies.

Ranked in overwatch in comparison have been LESS toxic than valorant from my experience and that’s saying something. I’d rather play a ranked in overwatch than valorant any day of the week.

enjoy your ban from the forums

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I must lucky as hell then cause I don’t find that to be the case at all. Once in awhile, sure, but most games are at least okay. The worst ones are on Horizon and Paris cause everyone keeps leaving…


They hated him cuz he spoke the truth

That is OW in a nutshell.

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Am i to understand you have smurfered defeat?

(Sorry it was right there…)

But yes, game is in a poop state.

I genuinely don’t understand why anyone would play competitive anymore, aside from grinding for gold weapons which I can sympathize with. It’s been in a horrible state for so long.

Come to the non-competitive modes, I promise we have more fun here. :blush:

This is one of the most stretched puns I’ve ever seen and I love it. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


You’ve got the worst luck in the world.

I’ve played probably 30 games of comp & I don’t think I’ve had a single leaver, and maybe 2 throwers tops? And I’ve climbed.

I got puns for days. Used to moderate for Warframe. cringe Never again.

Why you Overwatch haters lurk on the forums I’ll never know :laughing: Kinda weird tbh. Don’t you have… Something better to do? :grimacing: I guess not…


@ me who does not have a single friend, neither here nor in the real world

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bad b8. Try again.

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Honestly i just hate the inconsistency. People leaving like nothing in a game where a few seconds can be critical (it always takes the new guy time to connect and run to the action all the way from spawn. Comp isnt that consistent either but neither is it that bad. Plus defense games are too often a lose sentence.