This game is isn't good

I just don’t play competitive at all.

Blizzard has ZERO desire to fix it. So I recommend staying off of the mode.

(actions speak louder than words).

If it really was proving grounds for competitive play. They would have addressed these problems ages ago. :rofl:

I am only here to get the golden guns. Ill farm 10 seasons for one gun. Game does not reward any other type of content

Trying to find the issue here

The article shows that according to activeplayer which is an incredibly inaccurate website, there are more average monthly players now than there were in 2019. Also the article doesn’t mention OW’s playercount being incredibly small, infact it states

"But, despite some harsh community sentiments, people still love to play Overwatch five years later. A lot of people, in fact."

"But, how many people are still logging on to play Overwatch?
It’s more than you might think."

"This data is an estimate, the site claims, but still stands to be a staggering amount for a game that is now over five years old."

Imagine playing comp in 2021

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Will you become back your money?

I said pathetically small. The article brought up active player counts in other games. 5 to 7 million is small.

Again, if that chart really showed the numbers now are higher than they were in 2019, it’d be brought up. In fact, its hard to tell because that disclaimer covers up part of the chart.

That’s bs though.

How is not a problem when dumb teammates dont counterpick to deal with a Hog tryhard thats getting kills left & right?

Literally look at the chart?

Not my words.

You’ve summarized my experience perfectly. It’s why I stopped comp.

Did you? There’s a disclaimer, and it covers up part of the top right of the chart.

You’re telling me 1 letter covering up the obvious line is preventing you from seeing that OW apparently has more monthly players in 2021 than it did in 2019?

Soldier is one of best heroes vs a hog, therefore I dont see the issue of picking soldier vs hog.

It’s even worse in Quickplay actually - if you go 222 you get to wait 10+ minutes for every match only to get paired up with a significantly lower group in one area. No matter how many times I play 222 there’s always one category (tanks, healers, or DPS) that is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than the rest of us; I’ve even had games where they themselves pointed out that they were not at the same level and asking why they got matched with us. It’s bad when even the bad people pick up on it. Sometimes I’m the bad one too, could go either way, but the point I’m making is that there is a huge disparity in skill level with 222, it’s not a fair and even match, for you or the enemy. Which leads to pointless games, because if you happened to get potato healers and the enemy just got potato dps, they can bully you into death with two really good tanks that outdamage the DPS on their own team; but you can’t do crap because your potato healers can’t keep up, etc. The disparity is constant though, and it’s not fun to play with.

Then if you go to arcade QP, it’s pure chaos randomness and you have all the smurfs, throwers, etc. just randomly sprinkled throughout. That’s also not fun, AND no one is even ‘allowed’ to want a ‘real match’ there because people say “It’s just QP, why are you so salty?” as if this isn’t one of the only ways to play a match of OW without waiting for 10-15 minutes!

The game IS trash. Can’t even play it anymore.

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I think they meant that the disclaimer saying “This is estimated, not meant to be taken as factual.” which, if you read and interpret, means that these are estimations, not known facts, which… Means you probably shouldn’t bet all your chickens on it.

Plus we don’t even know where this graph came from, who made it, etc. Blizzard doesn’t release these kinds of numbers, who put this together? What motive did they have? Where did they get these numbers to graph? It raises a lot of questions considering that we don’t see these kinds of informational graphs from the company itself, which means a third party had to make it - and how actually true a third party’s information is is like… Well I wouldn’t bet my opinion on it.

Especially when I’ve been playing the game actively since it came out and I’ve noticed a real steady decline in actual players, and a huge influx in bots.

Saw this earlier today…still the 6th most popular game in Korean pc bangs

How can you tell if that highest point that factual is covering, is higher than 2019 point?

Soldier dies to the hook, and he cant outdamage Hog’s healing. Mei & Reaper are the best heroes vs a Hog. Not Soldier.

So do like 70% of the roster in the game.

Soldier’s poke dmg especially with dmg boost and/or discord far surpasses hog’s sustain.

Mei is terrible at most maps in the game

A weaker tankbuster than hanzo with far less range, at far higher risk of getting hooked not tom ention he can get oneshot by hook combo as well. Is heavily surpassed by soldier hanzo in every map, and even by genji in almost every map.

And thats how we know the issue is with u, and not the team. Soldier currently is heavily overperforming the higher rank u go, with a whopping 58.49% WINRATE in the past MONTH, being #3 most picked dps.

Play2Win Id say its time to Learn2Play

I used to only play comp, whether by myself or with a friend, but now I only ever play comp when I have someone to duo with which is not too often. I find I play better in QP because it’s so much more fun and relaxing to play when there’s not something you have to worry about like your sr.

But unlike Soldier, Reaper & Mei have ways to deal with it.

Soldier’s just the CoD chatacter.

So you mean no kills?

Then its not solely Soldier handling Hog. He needs help.

Reaper & Mei dont.

Not as long as she can freeze enemies & heal herself.

Weaker? He was designed specifically to kill Tanks.

Reaper easily wipes out Tanks, thanks to his passive. Soldier cant, and you’ve said so yourself that he needs help to fight Hog.

Hanzo’s op, but he’s not the one fighting in close range.

And Genji, come on, Genji tryhards are very reliant on swift getting the last hit on low hp enemies right now. Even he cant fight Tanks solo.

There is no issue. He’s not Reaper. He has no phase ability to use to bait the hook. And he doesnt wipe out a Tank in few shots solo & live due to a health regain passive.

Soldier isn’t Mei either. He doesnt have any CC that can stop the hook & heals from happening in the first place, then proceed to headshot an immobile target.

Doesnt say much when Comp favors DPS. Not to mention, before his dmg buff, hitscans got nerfed except Widow. So Soldier’s dmg makes up for that, its no wonder he’s performing better, McCree, Ashe & the rest cant perform well like they used to right now.

Says the person that thinks an assisted Soldier is a better option against Hog than solo Mei & her freezing, or solo Reaper & his wraith form and passive.