This Game is A LOT better than these forums make it out

I’ve been playing WoW for 13 years. And this is the only game that has taken me away from it for more than a month. The last time I played was 4 months ago… and yet I still play OW just about every day.

Heck I used to love HotS and I didn’t play that for 6 months.

Dammit, I need to go to bed but now I wanna play a bit of QP first…

Finally, I’d never thought I’d see the day.
I agree with a Rich C Post.

Not implying that you’ve made bad posts, but usually I’m on the other end of the argument.

This game is three years old and it’s boring to people who’ve been playing consistently. That translates to irritation with the game design, the characters, the meta, etc. The forums is just where we come to yell about it since most of our friends have moved on to other games by now.

I said it a year before. Its pretty obvious actually

and still its lacking a lot.
My PoV:
Thing here is that if you found the hero that suits you and you feel like you have found one or a few heroes that you can always pick and have fun with/feel like having impact, youll enjoy this game for a long time and wont even bother too much about the things that are going on

However if none of the heroes aviable give you that feeling you end up searching reasons why this game is bad/terrible/dead
Me personally I never really had that hero and Im basically only playing this game when Im hyped about something (usually a new hero) or just straight up bored. DPS players cant play their lovely DPS as effective as they used to be and dont get me started on Mercy
A “rich hero rooster” doesnt relly help anyone out if they feel like majority of their heroes isnt effective/isnt fun to play
^ This isnt necessarily a balance related issue

It’s so great that it’s more fun to watch than play. I watch OWL, get hyped, play a disappointing game and stop.

Overwatch is dying because the devs made a matchmaker that assumes you can play everything and are willing to flex. Because of that we get trashcan games


RichC… I agree and disagree with your topic.

You yourself have quit the game and wanted to quit it badly due to how OW balanced and lack therof of real meaningful content / direction for competitive. All I’m saying here is you know why things are the way they are and will continue being this way.

I myself have quit because I gave up like many others by now just awaiting to see what they do next in the IP more than anything. I don’t personally think OW is something that will get it’s players back and can only attempt to retain at this point. Time has shown what the devs are willing to do and not willing to do.

The game isn’t bad, certain elements are very ugh and will seemingly always be that way but if you play casually, play with a full 6 stack, or play without taking anything serious in this game at all it’s a pretty good experience. Problem is if you can’t do one of those three it’s toxic / unbearable / doesn’t really function. It’s especially been a game that is 100% terrible for the solo player experience.

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Guantanamo bay is better than the forums make the game out to be.

I too love this game but i think it is just that when people enjoy things they don’t speak out about it but when something bothers them they are quick to voice their complaint.

Actually, I have the impression that there are more and more people here on the forums that pretty much stopped playing the game and/or only come back to briefly check out new stuff. However, stopping with playing doesn’t prevent someone from sticking around on the forums.

Anyway, only Blizzard knows their real player numbers, but I doubt that they actually dare to look at them themselves. There’s a reason they keep repeating their ‘40 million players!’ like a parrot.

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This is true for pretty much any official video game forum. Perhaps every video game forum in general. Going on forums before becoming a “seasoned” player is pretty much asking for trouble.

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1200+ hours and I love this game just as much as day one. Support/off tank player till the servers shut down baby :sunglasses:


Yea, it’s a lot of fun, just that the forums are more for complaints than anything, not to mention those complaining are even a tinier minority of the whole player base.

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I feel most people enjoy the game, they are just not fond of the direction or lack of content. Or the issues they refuse to fix. That sort of stuff. I imagine if the game itself was the problem they would eventually just leave.

Unless you’re in bronze. Then the game is FAR worse.

Balance is definitely a considerable issue in Overwatch maybe not in lower tiers but if you invest some time in it and rise above diamond MMR (regards ex-Pharah main). Almost all the metas have revolved around using OP mechanics ever since first pre-nerf triple jump Genji meta from Beyblade into release Brigitte/rework Hanzo and the few strongest synergies available, but even bigger problem is that many of the heroes are and have been just considerably weaker than others especially when you consider maps. These few patches have been really great for OW but TBH they’re something that should’ve happened 3 months ago.

You also forgot a few other issues that effect the gameplay a lot like for example matchmaking that sometimes pre-determines the outcome of a game (not all games are winnable with the tools at hand) especially if you’re matched against smurfs with non-corresponding teammates which is usually the case.

Is it one of the best games out there? Without a doubt since I didn’t pour hundreds of hours into the game out of mediocrity. The thing is that when the game is good (you get a good map, teams are balanced and players pick what they can play properly) it’s fantastic, but when things go south you’re bound to have a pretty miserable time especially if it’s because your teammates decided to soft-throw the game. Carrying in this game is one of the more frustrating things you can experience unless you’re playing with your friends.

People have complained from a lot less and considering all the terrible changes that have happened to the game or changes that haven’t happened at all yet I’d say the game more than deserves all the ridicule and criticism it gets even though some of it is just venting out excessive frustration

the game is really only fun if youre new, lets be honest, blizzard really dropped the ball with overwatch, they had a gem and they ruined it

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Me too!


Nobody would actually visit the forums before trying overwatch, IMO. I even never visit the forums before slowdown was introduced to rez even though i had played long before it.

For a casual gold/plat scrub this game is still a lot of fun. I get that the 1% gunning for top500 may burn out, but as a whole this is a well designed game. If you can learn to ignore those who rage over minor details it really is enjoyable. It’ll be even more so when we get the inevitable role que, in my opinion.

I didn’t follow owl season one, but I’ve watched a ton of season two. Last night Shock nearly took down Titans. I thought it was a blast to watch the underdogs do so well. If this patch manages to reduce the efficiency of goats I think owl will only improve.

In any way… I do like this game and hope it has a bright future.

I’m in mid platinum, and an Overwatch Fan. I don’t complain, people really should stop with the negative generalizations.

Also I’m a decent team member, never leaving endorsement level 5.

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