Things going straight through Brig's shield


Updating for OW2, I guess.

Edit #2:

So here I am again. I had a lazy morning so I decided to do some test runs on this Brig shield thingy with the workshop code ZM47H, using 0.12 delay (as defined by the workshop code itself).

tl;dr: 28 tests and 4 of them failed. Sometimes, regardless if it is high or low likelihood, the shield will just not work.

Now of course a workshop code isn’t akin to real gameplay, but at the very least it shows there’s a potential for an issue with the shield. Combined with the examples of its inconsistency in real gameplay, I’d say it’s knackered.


Some reddit user has interesting findings on the subject:

With workshop code ZM47H anyone can test it with a rip tire. Sometimes the shield will block it, sometimes it will not, it is demonstrably inconsistent.

Toyed about with the workshop code mentioned above and yep, Brig shield is demonstrably inconsistent even in a controlled test:

Do these seem weird to anyone else or that just me?


I’ve noticed this a lot on Brigitte, and countless repulsing support bugs in general that won’t help DPS queue times, thanks for clipping it


All I have to say is: WTF

No wonder why sometimes all I hear is her death, but never heard her saying her shield is about to go before she died. I thought it was a voice line bug. Nope… not at all.


Maybe it’s another stealth nerf

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How high is your ping?

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another thing is shatters going through shields, both rein and brig


Shatter doesn’t care about Brig’s shield though, but I agree that it should stop her from falling, but still go behind her, maybe have the shield break as compensation.

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im joining… WTF!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

If your ping is to high it can look like things go through because from your view it does but from your enemys view your shield wasn’t up. Have the same issue with Sombra when I get killed after I translocated.

most times its not even a ping issue

I’ll be there holding shield and not doing anything else, the enemy rein shattering into my shield

and next thing I know I’m on the ground stunned


Umm, it’s intentional that Brig can’t block Earthshatter… even for herself.

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In addition to the whole lag thing, I’ll add that the way Brig’s shield is shaped (specifically, the way it curves at the bottom) means that occasionally splash damage seems to “leak” through (same reason it fails to block Shatter.)

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An other issue with Brig is that her shield is ridiculously small and as long as there is a bit of her hitbox visible things like shatter will hit her … see this a lot when i hack brigs.

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since when

idk my duo today was playing brig and blocked shatter for some of us when our rein was dead

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replay code or it didn’t happen lol. I’ve played brig for dozens of hours, never blocked Earthshatter. Never.

…then you’re bad.

Brig is absolutely supposed to be able to block Earthshatter.


Only the last clip is mine, so I can’t answer for the others.

However, the better question is, how low must one’s ping be for Brig’s shield to work properly?

I live ~300Km from São Paulo, the city where the server is located, and I get 20ms ping with 20ms IND most days. In bad days it spikes to 40ms.

It would seem any AoE effects have no trouble going through Brig’s shield at all.

Here’s another one:

Easy enough to test in a controlled environment. Pretty sure I have blocked shatters to myself, the thing is you have to hold your shield for a long time so the thing kicks is and hope you have a straight as an arrow line to the rein, any AoE is gone drop Brig to the ground like a sack of potatoes.

Rein ult is supposed to blocked by shields…

What’s the actual point of creating a hero with a shield that can’t serve one of its many purposes?


Since when? I don’t recall this ever being a thing…

Also, I wonder if the issue is that her hitbox is larger than her barrier. Her mace is like… right up against the edge of the barrier. I don’t know if it’s part of her hitbox, but if so, it wouldn’t surprise me if it peeks to the side and in front of it.

I’ve been saying it for a long while now, Brig’s shield sucks!

Who cares about the health, the shape and size of the shield make it so much less reliable than it’s supposed to be!