They’re ruining Symmetra

I can see this being beneficial to her character. She won’t be massively improved from what I can tell, but it does give her a greater level of utility that didn’t exist before. For instance, deploying active defenses from a distance, or being able to teleport teammates directly behind an enemy’s defenses can substantially increase overall utility (Though I can see this basically becoming a makeshift dive replica), particularly on attack (Pincer attacks: Doomfist and McCree just spontaneously appearing behind enemy lines to rock their supports or DPS for instance, or putting Soldier on the high ground somewhere he couldn’t get to before, but just wreck the enemy team from), or putting non-mobile heroes somewhere advantageous they had a hard time accessing before. I can see almost everyone collectively losing their mind over teleporting D.Va’s exploding mech or RipTire though. It seems like a cool idea, but in practice it’d likely be comically overpowered.

Photon Barrier will be infuriating, no ifs-ands-or-buts about it. It effectively splits the battlefield in half for only one team, and has a ridiculously high HP. I can’t see them honestly keeping this the way it is, it’s just too obvious how terrible this would be in practice, regardless of how cool the idea is.

i’m way more excited about her new gun than I am worried about her turrets. Also if I can shoot her turrets to deploy them that is a huge plus. Change is good. Sym was my first main since launch. Can’t wait. :slightly_smiling_face:


People I think are more upset about the Shield Gen, Turrets, and Microwave, and the fact she doesn’t really sound like Symmetra; but a new hero with the same name. Maybe she’ll be good, we gotta wait and see

Really, they got rid of sheild generator😱

C’mon, I loved that thing

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The changes are making her more versatile.

You can’t just say her ult is now her e and therefore it’s bad cuz mercy. That’s just buzzwording. You’re missing the context! This makes her tp much less situational because you can place both ends anywhere effectively making it always useable unlike before where they had to implement this awkward hanfisted 2 ult system.

Her lock on does not define her. It’s literally a straight up buff because it now damages more but now it’s an aimed ability.

Her three turrets are way stronger and no one scattered sentries because in practice it actually wasn’t useful.

This is exactly what I was thinking. How is it that people keep complaining when their hero gets massively buffed? I mean, this is going to make Symmetra a lot stronger and less cheesy.


I’m not really complaining about the changes. Just lamenting about what could have been.

I’m gonna like the hell out of the new Symmetra, truth be told I never loved Symmetra more than when I unlocked the full potential of her RMB orbs. (and I’ve loved the HELL out of Symmetra since this game’s inception)

But making my favorite hero a defense isn’t gonna change how much more I love the idea of a non-healing support. All healing does is lull people into assuming that smart engagements/good positioning means nothing in this game. The old Symmetra was the queen of the good positioning game. Which is why her Teleporter rework is what’s got me the most excited out of ALL the upcoming changes. (wow a positioning-focused hero that no longer has to take stairs everywhere? What a godsend!)

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The lock on absolutely needed changing. That was the part of her kit in most need of changing. And I’m glad they are actually going to do something about that.

It really didn’t though, I think a lot of Symmetra players picked her up for that exact reason and provided good safety against characters like Genji who are highly mobile.


And replaced it with a 5000 HP Barrier wall. :thinking: A teleporter that can be used to get your team to high ground more efficiently. Turrets that don’t get 1 shot. A left click that does more damage and a right click that travels faster and explodes. :thinking: I’ll trade Mercy’s kit for this one. Any takers?

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I mean. I have no opinion on it because I don’t play her.

But, man, is this an intense rework. Everything about her is changing.

I think the concern is totally justified, though we’ll have to wait and see.

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What they replaced it with sounds pretty interesting though.

Well, actually she always has been quite the barrier buster… Her M1 and M2 are quite reliable to kill shields(or rather work around and make use of them) especially if she’s pocketed by a Mercy.

Her reworked M1 is there to compensate for the reworked M2, which now no longer goes through barriers.
Though tbh i’m a bit iffy of the reworks on her M1 and M2 since it’s a bit too similar to Zarya’s now :confused:

And if anything, her zoning capability just went up, no? Playing Symm was always a bit stiff because her turret placements are limited by range, but now with the TP and turret placements reworks, the possibilities of zoning certain areas just increased!

Sym main of 140 hours, I love these changes, those who cant aim can peish

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It did. It absolutely did. It was the one thing on my wish list for a Symmetra rework. That was holding her back. It was incredibly boring and infuriating. The new weapon does more damage, and sounds a lot more interesting. It makes me actually want to play Symmetra.

auto aim gone is good
less but more powerful turrets is good
no more 6 man teleports is good
no more sheild gen is good
the new ult is a bit weird

I really couldn’t care less, I dont play Sym. As long as she isn’t underpowered, I’m good😁

Wonder if she’ll be a :star::star::star: or still a :star::star: considering how much there seems to manage with her new kit. Tele, flying turrets, shield ULT, new Zarya gun.

A bit off topic, but forgive me

3 turrets, you can launch to a wall, ceiling, or floor at any range that has 30 health and deals more damage. While also giving us teleporter as a non-ultimate that lets us move our entire team to flanking positions.

She’s totally ruined.

This is definitely an increase to her skill ceiling. I think she’ll still be somewhat easy to pick up, but there’s going to be a lot more potential for her now.