They’re ruining Symmetra

no. NO.

Please read the posts yourself, instead of accepting second hand information. It won’t be as accurate.


This is why the Overwatch team does not like to share stuff before they are finalized, they get people like OP who think that whatever they do will always go to live. Op, THIS IS NOT FINALIZED they are testing it!

Well if you consider the Mercy rework to be a failure then perhaps this time they’ve learned from their mistake? I totally understand being worried about a hero you like being changed and all, but I just think that it’s too early to judge when there’s not many confirmed details or changes. Maybe she’ll still have some of her old elements I’m not sure we’ll just have to wait and see.

I can see that being completely broken OP.


She still sounds fun and fair (we will have to wait and see), unlike MERCY

You are unworthy of the new reality.

You must be a fun person to be around. Maybe you are right, let’s leave Sym completely behind.


Yea personally I loved the way she played, I got into high Diamond with her after the initial re-work she received.

Why they are doing this huge re-work again, when there are other heros like Bastion who are more deserving of re-work time.

Honestly it seems vastly different to me as is, they made her a barrier buster (Like that’s something we needed to begin with) and killed her zoning outside of her ultimate.

The teleporter changes sound cool but at the same time that’s somewhat worrying to me because it sounds like they’re just throwing a powerful ability on E again.


(20 Characters)

Finally symetra will take skill,ty blizzard,DEATH TO AIMLOCKS!

Symmetra is so boring now on live, open up your eyes.

Unlike Mercy, Symmetra doesn’t have nearly a third of the player base sinking 90% of their time into her. There might be some exaggerations in those statistics, but the point stands - virtually no one plays Symmetra, while an absurd number of them play Mercy (just rarely in my games.)

And for what it’s worth, heroes ARE going to experience changes that put people that loved them OFF of them because those changes are necessary for the health of the game. Mercy’s mass rez was causing too much grief, Symmetra’s… everything was just triggering people simply for existing.

And if you think I’m being apathetic, I kind of am. I wanted to like Symmetra way back, but she just doesn’t work. Likewise, I’m somewhat sympathetic because I know what it’s like for a hero I really like to be changed enough to render me largely disinterested in them… for the health of the game. RIP, 4 second defense matrix.

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Are you serious? Those changes are RUINING SYMMETRA WHAT??? If that was my main I’d be threw the moon those changes look so sick and I’m hyped for them!


Sym’s kit is unsalvagable in its current state. They tried and failed. She needs this do-over.

Glad we can see eye to eye.

Brilliant (Moira voice).

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i will just simply say I disagree. Can’t wait to play the new sym. I love how all the heroes i play have been getting changes


This was why I was afraid when they finally admitted willingness to move her off support. I would have much rather seen them find utility for her turrets in the form of something alternate to healing. (It did seem like a bit of a handwave when they were like “we tried making the turrets heal, but that didn’t work out, so we just gave up on her ever fitting a support role”)

All I’m saying is that if the new turrets aren’t as effective as a lvl 1 torb turret, I don’t hold out a whole lot of hope for their practical viability. (Well, unless they do something crazy like letting a single turret hit multiple targets within range or something)

IKR?? Like shield gen was just SO much fun placing down. Just so much fun -sheds a tear- . Im gonna miss it.

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They tried healing turrets and they said they didn’t like the way it was working. So they decided to give her this amazing rework. 5000 HP BARRIER? PEOPLE ARE MAD ABOUT THAT? WHAT? I’ll trade you Valkyrie for a 5000 HP barrier any day!