They’re ruining Symmetra

Honestly same though.

She kinda feels like Zarya 2.0 ngl

i think it’s best to hold our criticism against it until we can actually try how good/bad it will be…

From what i’ve read, it seems like the changes has more positives than negatives, namely:

  • turret placement with a projectile means Symm now isn’t as stiff on Attack, and that’s a good thing!

  • 30 HP for turrets is actually more than we asked for(most of us asked for 10 HP minimum), as it can now force a winston to either melee it or stay for 1 whole second to destroy each of them, instead of him just simply looking at it.

  • no lock on? tbh i favor this. The way Geoff explained it makes it seems like it would function like Zarya’s or Moira’s beam, and actually give her range. People would also make fun of me less about her being no brain no aim :+1:

  • Tele as E still won’t undermine Rez’s current usefulness, and you still have to make plans to use it unlike the 2.0 Rez.

  • PB as an ult is still under development though. But come on, a gigantic barrier with 5000 health can be amazing as an ult if used correctly… especially since she’ll be more builder-based than before.

  • With Brigitte coming, i honestly don’t mind that we lost SG. What she’s getting from the rework seems to benefit her more than what she lost anyway.

All in all i’m just glad they still make her the “no heal support” that she is, even if they moved her to Defense.
Great job team Geoff! :smiley:

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The tele sounds actually fun. Portal Gun like, and it could do some VERY cool things.

sym/brigitte/torb stacked up would be overpowered if shield gen stays


It’s gonna at for almost another season so…

Assuming Sym becomes useful, yeah I could see that.

TP doesnt appear in spawn anymore (didnt you read the dev posts yourself?) instead the entrance spawns at her feet, and the exit up to 25 meters away. It also allows certain abilities through like Torb turret, rip tires and dva ults. also also it apparently has no usage limit. Sounds amazing!

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I like her. There’s infinite possibilities with a hero that can shape her own reality out of hard light, literally infinite and that’s all I care about.


At the very least, I think the teleporter change is a bad idea. Orisa and Torbjorn are the only two who would effectively benefit from it outside of ultimate ability usage.

We don’t know how much stronger they are. They never gave specific numbers, only that they’re having an increase in damage and slowing effect, and that they’re going to be better alone instead of in clusters.

There’s multiple auto-aim heroes that can do better. And they said the diameter of the beam would be larger and the damage would be higher, so I think she would still be a low-precision hero anyway.

We don’t know how she’ll play out yet. No need to count the chickens before the eggs hatch.

more changes mean hardwork not laziness. laziness would be just changing one part of her design and call it a rework. people at EA might like the way you think


Geoff said that the turrets are getting 30 health too, so Winston won’t be able to take them down as easy.

Turrets are also getting a buff to damage and slow.

It sounds like they’re trying to make sym more orientated around her TP and weapon, rather than relying on her turrets to do a lot of damage.

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I’ll give them a try for sure but I have very little faith in them redesigning the entire hero and moving her ultimate to E given their track record. I’m still hopeful I’ll like her in the end but it’s not great to think that literally nothing about her will play the same.

Nah, zarya and rein can contest high ground.

What I’m saying is with the level of changes they’re doing they could have just added a model and called it a new hero and nobody would ever know, because the changes so far are that vastly different.

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LOLOLOL really? We were joking that’s what they’d do.

But you know what, they DID learn that from Mercy.

This is intentional.

They learned from Mercy that you can move an ult to an ability and make the character completely broken OP, leave them there for 3 months while everyone and their Monte cries bitter tears. Then they swoop in and nerf it to the ground and be seen by the community as the hero they are.



Here’s a link I compiled everything they’ve said so far into a neat post detailing it in order of abilities
h ttps://

Kinda, but they’re out of place there. Defending the first points on Gibraltar or Numbani is harder than the second point in Horizon Lunar Colony, if you ask me.

we will know.

This rework is still too similar to Symm’s 2.0 playstyle, and making a new hero out of it will just completely kill Symm as a pick.

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