“They have a Symmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

Well up until. … what was it a week ago? There was this category known as defense. Whose job was to hold and defend a point or objective. Punishing those who try to enter like bastion junkrat mei or widow. And like torb, sym 2.0 was a DPS but with even more support utility.
Unfortunately like torb and bastion she is not that strong on attack cause straight offense is not their thing. It’s much easier to use a sniper or an explosives expert for assault then the others. And because some of the defense and offense worked well for both, to many players thought all should.
And while I am sure many can get use out of heroes on both you have to admit a lot are much stronger towards one or the other.

Examples. (Including tanks)

  • both roles 10 or 11
    S76, sombra, mccree, pharah, widow, hanzo, junk, rien, dva, and zarya ( situationally Hammond for map defense )

  • attack primary 8 or 7
    Reaper, genji, tracer, doomfist, sym 3.0, Winston , roadhog, and (ignoring the situational above) Hammond

  • defense primary 5
    Sym 2.0, torb, bastion, mei, and orisa

  • and for the most part all healers are both

And like I said it’s not that they can not do both roles it is just that they are clearly stronger in one then the other

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yeah soldier is gonna just walk past your entire team to get to your healerrs, unless he is stupid he won’t

if he does either your tanks or dps will punish him for getting too close, tactical visor works best from a distance

molten core is mostly his turret and not torb himself, she can completely stop it

she can stop over half of barrage and if your team gets graved you can save all them probably if you know pharah is gonna barrage

roadhogs ult can also be blocked

dvas bomb can also be blocked

symmetra is more useful than ever i don’t know why anyone says she is worse

You forgot deadeye

Except before she just had and a regular ability that could block most of if not all the damage from those.

Oh and she could use it to not just block but kill pharah, along with also blocking the the ults of rien, and doomfist since it was an instant cast.

Ones I will give you this ult shield is better at blocking. Can block Sound barrier, inspire, and blizzard, and probably can block Transcendence for longer, maybe bastion but he tends to be pretty close for some reason even tho I’m fairly certain long range would serve him better

Oh before you ask about s76 you already said he tends to be at long/mid range. That’s why the old barrier worked.

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I highlighted the one part of your post that was plain wrong. Explanation as to why you should NEVER use primary fire until it gets fixed will be included in my quote link below this paragraph. New Symmetra should only ever be using her sentries or orbs for damage due to the disgraceful failure by the Overwatch developer staff.

Sym 2.0 vs 3.0 Beam Damage - This is a Nerf! - #3 by Pachimari-2662

You can really melt it down to the following:

On the one side there are the dps that are spiteful about the change that the old Symmetra player now need to learn a completely new hero. And that they don’t have to fear the autolock any more.

On the other side there are the Sym players that are pissed off because they played that hero for a reason. And that’s gone now. Completely gone.

Just give Symmetra in the hero choice menu the possibilty to chose the setup (old/new). You would be astonished.

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Unfortunately they seem to be unable to admit they were wrong. They will most likely never revert symmetra.
Best we can hope for is that when they finally release sanjay he’ll get a tweaked version of the 2.0 kit

Edit: even tho I have said that the kits will be backwards then. Sym should have the methodical kit while the talon member should have the chaotic kit.


Am i the only person who just throws turrets at my feet and hope for the best?

Issue here is not that you are consistently getting gold damage. You probably would have with Sym 2.0 if you had played her instead of assuming she was trash tier. I sure as hell did and I am not a god tier player by any means.

What you need to consider is what is Sym 3.0’s damage like compared to Sym 2.0’s damage. That is it. People who looked down on Sym 2.0 will say all day and night that Sym 3.0 has better damage. People who used her in both phases can tell you that their damage took a hit with the change.

But that is all based on emotions and has the issue of observer bias. What about hard facts on damage for Symmetra 2.0 vs 3.0?

Please click the following link for hard facts on why Sym 3.0’s primary beam is a huge nerf. It is not the lost auto lock, it is the failure of Blizzard to compensate for that lost accuracy for even top tier players.

Sym 2.0 vs 3.0 Beam Damage - This is a Nerf! - #3 by Pachimari-2662


Sym was sh^t before though. There was no hero I could be playing before that made me say “oh no they have a Sym better swap off” only “Sweet, they have a Sym I can just swap to Pharah and sh*t on them”.

It was never about “I have to swap because they’ve countered me with Sym” so much as “Oh, they have a Sym, let’s exploit that for an easy victory”…

See my early post about this.
Just cause you couldn’t make sym work doesn’t mean others could not.

The odd part is I felt that way about genji and tracer when I played old sym. Unless the genji was smart and hit me with the dash ult dash or tracer did the old blink blink pulse bomb recall combo. I had nothing to worry about.


I dunno. I’ve charged up my gun from above an Orisa or Rein shield, then dropped down behind them and killed them all.

It helps to have a healer pocketing you, but most dps can probably say that.

But that’s why I say “if the situation looks favorable.”

if she enables rein/zarya (the preferred comp atm afaik) to be played on maps where they are bad well enough

that’s not a gimmick, that’s a must-pick on numbani, gibraltar, probably dorado A, would be nice on Rt. 66 A, and many more points because the only way to play the best comp on that map is with her on the team

also it’s not fair to say the turrets need a buff because we haven’t seen much of them in organized play

actually, we don’t really know how strong anything will be until top tier teams show us how well it works on their opponents

Oh I know exactly what will happen, it will be exactly the same reasoning you’re using. They’ll use her as a teleport slave, they’ll get some flashy plays, people like you will take that as justification for your opinion, and the fact that said pros immediately switched off her when they needed somebody for anything else won’t even cross your mind.

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so ana during old triple tank was a nade slave? during beyblade she was a nano slave? Without those two things Zen was much more powerful than her (and look what happened once nade died)

Ana is an effective healer, has a strong ult, and arguably makes a better dps since she’s a sniper. She isn’t an equivalent to Symmetra really only being effective in higher level play as a chauffeur.

Pretty much yes. But to understand that you need to bring your mentality back into what was the meta back then.

At that time, the normal pro meta had a stage in the team fight that was called “shield wars”. As in, every single fight was “Approach, break their shields, push once enemy Rein have no shield, retreat if your shield breaks”. So matches were much slower than they are today.

During that meta, NiP pulled out a triple tank formations that allowed Ana to get her ultimate much faster than anyone else in the enemy team by making use of her grenade (with +100% healing buff) to heal copious amounts of damage from the three tanks at the same time. That allowed her to Nano during the first fight, and that nano enabled Rein to farm his ult (because it also had a speed buff with it), and let the other two tanks finish them off from. Because both teams were mostly hitting barriers instead of making picks, neither side really got much ult charge. Ana broke that balance, and let her whole team get ult stupidly fast and repeat the process ad infinitum.

So yeah, Triple Tank had Ana fast Nano as the cornerstone of the whole formation, and it relied in her tanks get damaged a lot, grenade them as a bunch, and land one healing shot at each to bring them all to full health and earn 80% ult charge in the process. It was so extreme that the moment they nerfed her biotic grenade to “only” +50% healing buff, triple tank died to Dive.

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She just needs more attention and care. Find the right time to use her primary fire since the range on it is bad and charge time is long af and learn to use her secondary fire more. Also her turrets can still melt a Genji easily. Just try to burst him instead of trying to track him. Because you can’t do anything with just left click anymore.

Oh please don’t. She’s not in the same class as Reaper for the job but her antitank contribution especially vs. Barriers at choke is quite good. That’s in addition to her having a rocket launcher. And a teleporter. And an awesome ult.

Really great history lesson, dude. Do you blog about Overwatch? Would subscribe.

How so?

Why would you ever seriously take Symmetra 3.0 for barrier and tank busting when both Junkrat and Bastion are more lethal, can do it quicker, and further than Symmetra?

Symmetra needs to be right on top of a barrier to charge. This means two things:

  1. It’s an abandoned shield and the charge she does get will dissipate by the time enemies are in range.

  2. Someone is behind that shield and if they had brain cells they would hammer their weapon into her head since her primary is focused on eating their shield and she can’t hurt them.

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