“They have a Symmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

Shes a tank buster without the means to engage or range. A worse reaper if such a thing is even possible

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Second (or third) this. I think before they nerfed her new beam on the PTR it was fine, but now it’s not even meh. I used her alt-fire more than her primary fire both before and after the rework, but I don’t think her primary fire should be so underwhelming.

They also said it was going to have more range than her old beam but it just doesn’t seem that way, maybe because the latch fall-off visuals were so ridiculous pre-rework.

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Yeah no they definitely lied about the range increase. Unless you count .5 meters a buff.

Her old primary required 7 m to lock on but it stretched to 9.5 m before breaking.

When they said they were giving her a range increase after taking away the auto aim, I expected something along the lines of 16-20 m. You know, longer than her old gun and just as if not longer than the TANK’s beam.

Her primary is holding her back from her true potential. One of the perks of old Sym was that she was self reliant and not a damsel in distress like Mercy.

And now Mercy can hold her own and survive better than Dpsymmetra.

Her primary needs to WORK, her enemies need to respect and fear her, and her allies need to actually want to KEEP Symmetra in the dps slot and not ask her to switch after hitching a ride with Vaswani Taxi Services.


Your statement is point and simple wrong. Facts can be bittersweet sometimes. Diamond Tracers and Genjis should be shredding Symmetras in theory, in practice - not always the case. Again, you are only a smurf hiding behind a private profile so I really can’t take your point seriously.

Wiggle all you want, the fact of the matter is Sym 2.0 needed a buff and that buff ain’t 3.0 cause 3.0 is actually worse. I don’t know how but they managed to make the worst hero in OW with the most situational abilities even worse and more situational. Another fun fact is that every hero in OW counters someone - the same should be true for Symmetra, she shouldn’t be the exception to the rule. Right now not only she ain’t a counter to anything, she can’t 1vs1 to save her life. Literally a Mercy can out-dps Sym because Sym has the same range and requires pin-point accuracy with zero mobility, sustain or escape ability. So yeah, nice try.

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Why did you reply to the same post twice. And why all the text? I already said I’m taking your anecdote as gospel here. If you say Diamond Flankers get countered by Symmetra, then by golly I’ll just believe you and assume you’re a Diamond Symmetra main who was countering Diamond Flankers. No need to be so defensive.

As to private profiles, Blizzard set that automatically, and I don’t have the game installed anymore so ya. Though I’m unsure what my profile has to do with anything in the first place (EDIT: never mind that yours isn’t even clickable so I have to ask you if you have any self-awareness at all now). Looks to me like you’re just finding reasons to be hostile because a terrible character remained terrible. :man_shrugging:

Just pointed that your original statement is incorrect. Like I said, Symmetra used to be a soft counter to flankers, she doesn’t counter anything anymore.

I’m not really a main in anything as I can play anything as the situation requires. It’s strange that mine isn’t clickable considering it’s set to open and set to public, strange.

No at all, I was under the impression that you think Symmetra is fine based on your other arguments. If you think current Sym is as bad as previous Sym than we are of the same opinion. Sym 3.0 is abysmal and in no way an answer to how bad Sym 2.0 was.

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Rank has a lot to do with how effective Symmetra was against flankers. A good Tracer or good Genji almost always won that fight.

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“Symmetra counters groups now herp derp”

It just shows people have no idea of this hero and Blizzard cave in to their feedback, their BS feedback… which has no relevance to what the actual hero is like.


Turrets need less HP, Lúcio can’t destroy them! And the deploy range… too much!

I’ll miss that, it was my go to strategy for pirate ship

Not sure what to do about it now


Go back to spawn, press H and switch to bastion yourself I guess.

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Double pirate ship…

She isn’t a must pick. She’s part of a gimmick strat.

The turret has 30hp and each of your multiple bullets does 20. Aim.
It needs a buff not a nerf.

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What specialties did old sym have? Under performing in a few roles?

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Not really:

D.Va and Roadhog kill her too fast.
Rein and Orisa have to much HP (including Barrier HP) for a hero with less DPS than Mercy or Ana.
Zarya wins the beam battle cause she has more HP, DPS and a defensive tool.
Winston MIGHT lose if you have ca. 100% accuracy and he puts his barrier in a stupid place.

Her beam could actually wipe some comps if you had a pocket healer.
Her barrier was a great tool in Dive comps and it could stop many ults.
Her shield gen was also great. There is a reason inspire was nerfed: increased HP is super strong on Tracer and others.
Her orb could charge her ult in 4 seconds.
6 Turrets (Car wash) might be useless most of the time, but it was super fun.

You see this BS right here.

This was the gawd damn problem. All this toxicity (man I hate typing this over used term) and shade thrown at sym 2.0 players.

I have a bit of logic and unfortunate revalation for you.
If 2.0 sym players could not put in any work and all they did was die nobody would use her ever. That’s why no pros use sym. Their teams are far to coordinated to get enough value out of her.
But it is not our fault you suck with sym.
I can’t tank or play widow for poop. I don’t say widow and tank players are useless or that their characters are crap.
That’s all on you.

P.S. Beschiss while I think your post is BS. This is not directed at you specifically. It’s more at the general idea.
Your post is just the one that sent me off. Like if anybody complains about the loss of sym’s barrier and somebody replies “der hur learn to aim LoL” or if you say that new ghostbusters movie isn’t funny, the characters are weak and the plot progression is lacking. And then you get the response of " you’r a racist sexist who lives in a basement " ignoring everything anybody says.
So yeah not at you and sorry for rambling.

Okay so where did sym 2.0 fit into the hero roster. Off support? DPS? Flanker? Tank buster?

Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t care less what people play. But sym 2.0 was simply poor hero design.

I wouldn’t use “hidden profile console player” as an insult… most people have no idea that profiles are hidden by default… in fact I learned about this yesterday and have yet to go into my settings to change it

" We played a few times on PTR and not a real competitive match"
Is what you’re saying.