“They have a Symmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

“what a cheap character”
“unskill spammer”
“such a bs hero”

Things i hear on constant basis after triple+ kills as new symmetra. Hue.

I take this approach at the choke battles when barriers are a factor. Keep in mind this is a team game, I wouldn’t be trying to do this solo. Assume my team is doing their job somewhat competently.

Get my turrets up to the left and right. Don’t want any peekers. Take my position to either side. Find the spot where you can fire and charge up against enemy barrier but where they can’t see you. I keep saying that I regard Primary 3.0 as a tool more than a weapon… this is one of those cases that leads me to that opinion.

You’re helping to burn the barrier down (more efficiently, I BELIEVE than if you were hammering orbs into it from the backline), you are protecting your team from peeks, you are getting your L3 beam and you are refilling your ammo. Once the barrier is burned you are going in with L3 charge and full ammo for your orbs… not too shabby.

You’re still going to want to use a combination of orbs and beam (and maybe some re-positioned turrets) for the finishing touches… even at L3, the beam is not a replacement for orbs IMO… but it is a badass thing to have alongside them.

If you ever do find yourself soloing or duoing a tank within 10 meters (and I’m sorry… positioning? but let’s be honest with ourselves, these situations do happen), the beam is a better tool than the orbs against any tank except Zarya. Against her it is pretty much orb or nothing.

Isnt that why she has turrets as well? Its not like her gun is her only means of attack.

Turrets are situational. They’re best left up high and at choke points. Attempting to use them offensively is asking for them to be destroyed, netting you a cooldown.

I’m not saying it can’t be done, quite the contrary, just saying that it’s exceedingly risky to move turrets for singular DPS on a target.

Have you tried right clicking?

I’m sure Kris has. In fact, I’m certain everyone posting in this thread has tried right clicking. You know as well as I do that it’s not as accurate as a button push while sights are on your target. Depending on the range, you have more chance to miss your target than you do to hit it.

That’s not to say that it can’t still be used to great effect. It’s just saying it’s more difficult than just right clicking.

To be fair I’ve never heard someone say that with the previous Symmetra.

It was typically “oh you are playing Symmetra? Thanks for throwing” or “Can someone take out the shield gen? I heard the shield gen voice line 27 times in a row and it’s getting annoying.”

And of course, the most vocal one of all was Junkrat.

“Oi think they have a shieeeeeld generator!”


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Dunno. I’ve enjoyed new Sym a lot more since patch. Her damage is much more consistent, even though M1 does need to be tweaked somewhat. She’s not the “sit back and wait” hero, and can actually make plays.

Yes, you do have to aim with right click. Most heroes do. Her projectile is actually really quick, and not very hard to use, given the splash.

Agreed, it’s not that hard to use. It’s not that hard to miss either, thankfully you can send another orb downfield quickly enough to compensate.

She’s barely pulling 1k more damage on average compared to pre rework. Soon you’ll be at that stage where you realise almost every insta lock dps in quick play does under 4k damage a game.

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Thank you! I never realized my mouse has two buttons. What a mind breaking discovery!

The fact that there’s only one thing out of her whole kit that works fine doesn’t negate the fact that everything else in her kit is atrocious - from her useless primary, to the slow flying noisy insta killed turrets on huge cooldown, to her useless situational ultimate.

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The point of this entire rework though is to make Sym viable. Aka actually wanted on a team.

And I am struggling to find a scenario in which the people who so vigorously reported us just for choosing her will actually want her to STAY on the team beyond being a personal taxi for a Orisa.

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Primary needs tweaking, but it’s not useless for melting tanks. You can wreck their front line if you play with a Reinhardt. Turrets are better than they’ve ever been. Her ultimate charges rather quickly and can definitely be a game-changer if you use it appropriately.

She requires more coordination with her team now, but that doesn’t make her a worse hero. She might be worse if you relied on holding down mouse1 on that Genji that keeps flanking.

Your statement is objectively wrong if you’ve bothered to do basic math and how the tick-rate works. Literally Mercy’s pistol can out-dps Sym 3.0 in a 5 second interval. No one in their right mind would let you charge to level 3 and even then it’s not effective. Why would you take Sym as DPS if you are fully dependent on a Rein and a pocket of Mercy (which is what she needs to barely do her job properly)? You won’t. Any DPS does the job better. Turrets die by a cough still and can be killed mid-air. Her ultimate is incredibly situational and particularly bad when attacking with payload. She is objectively bad in every department.


As I said, the primary needs tweaking. Her right click, however, is incredibly effective. If you can aim it, you should have zero problems dealing with a Mercy. If you’re shooting turrets directly into a team fight, yes they’ll die midair, but they’re still much more effective than they were pre-patch.