“They have a Symmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

Did you miss this part?
They don’t have to do a bunch of changes all at once. In fact I extremely dislike that cause it worked so well for mercy and these very changes to symmetra.

These are just a bunch of QoL changes I thought up for her.

Edit 3: if you haven’t read this yet please tell me what of the things I mentioned you find unfair.

And I explained twice why I dislike her.

Edit 1 : and no zarya just charges up to 190dps has plasma grenades to lob that do 95dmg and 90dmg splash oh and the splash radius also increases with charge. Oh and has twice symmetra’s health along with a personal barrier.

Edit 2: Oh and let’s not forget almost twice the range.

Yeah except I made Symmetra work in Diamond SR on PC. Sorry to burst your bubble - and what are you? A hidden profile console player. :rofl: Unhide your profile first and then talk about higher skill floor or better yet get some hours on PC before you talk nonsense. Maybe in console, Symmetra was good but on PC literally everyone and their mother can destroy you. A 200 hp hero with zero sustain, no mobility, no escape ability that requires 60%+ accuracy to sustain any sort of damage and is literally unable to 1vs1 absolute anyone from the entire roster of OW. With a gimmicky ult to boot, the only DPS that doesn’t have an ult that somehow assists in getting kills. Not to mention it’s incredibly situational. Please get off your holy horse and don’t talk nonsense when it’s clear as day Sym 3.0 is absolutely useless. No one in their right mind would pick Sym for a DPS slot when even Junkrat does a more reliable damage. :sweat_smile:

PS. I bet if you unhide your profile that we’ll find out you are not even a Symmetra player, probably a Genji/Tracer or a Mercy main. And in the unlikely case you are a Symmetra player - Sym on console and Sym on PC cannot be compared.


Mercy main here! Every single symmetra i have faced i have pistol whipped, in her current state she doesnt scare me, i can easily 1v1 her if she isnt near her turret nest


Yep, literally anyone can 1vs1 Symmetra currently. Also her turrets take two shots from Mercy’s pistol to kill. :rofl:

Congratulations, you are the one… the fact that you burdened your teams with a trash hero all the way to diamond has no bearing on whether she was or wasn’t trash…she was, and she was changed BECAUSE she was.

The fact that you wear a diamond rating like a badge of honor for playing a character so rarely chosen is evidence that she was trash. No one brags that they got Genji, Mercy, Rein, Zen to diamond, because so what?

Your anomaly doesnt make her viable any more than the fact that Christy Brown could paint with his left foot means that Cerebral Palsy makes you a great artist.

Am flagging posts like these from now.

I think the new ultimate and TP enable team attacks that otherwise wouldn’t work and can be powerful initiators.

However, it remains to be seen if that is enough to make up for being a DPS with no reliable ranged damage, mostly worthless primary fire, no combat mobility, no sustain and no survivability.

Her DPS with orbs is average though, up to almost 120 if fighting close range.

She will counter Wrecking Ball!
With her turret, she can block his rolling in the point making him easier to kill

I’ve consistantly topped damage and eliminations with new Symmetra over the last few days, and Genji’s don’t cause me anymore trouble than they did before, but I suppose since I play a lot of Zarya I’m used to the similar aiming.

Yeah, those 4 golds almost every game sure burdened my team. I don’t wear it like a badge of honor but facts do have that stinging feel to them sometimes, don’t they? :sweat_smile:

Nice try console boy. Also you got it all wrong, I do think Sym 2.0 was bad. I just think Sym 3.0 is worse. :rofl:


You dont like 3.0, that’s great for you, it doesnt make her unviable. Only time will tell whether she is or not, but her kit is much better.

the problem is blizzard had no real way of buffing the old sym in that old state without making her a sub 2500 terrorist again. What were they going to do to make her viable in gm keep the lock on in and just buff the speed at which she starts to microwave people?

On the other hand there are people who still thought the old sym was overpowered. Truth is she stopped running around low gold microwaving half a team before someone noticed like oh gee a year ago? That worked once in a blue moon.

She was the best counter to so many cheese comps and now she’s just a gimmick hero with no strengths and a whole bunch of weaknesses she never had.

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Cool your jets, OP. Yes, she has been changed to the damage category now, but that doesn’t mean she can just go gung ho on everyone. Sombra is in the damage category too, but she’s not a counter to most. The reason she’s there though is because she’s a disruptor.

Symmetra has her place as well, but you have to stop thinking she’s going to play like Soldier, Junkrat, Pharah, etc. with a reliable amount of damage at any given time, just because she shares the damage category now with other DPS.

I don’t think people get how strong she is, lmao…

Her right click is her new primary fire pretty much, it’s god damn AMAZING.

AND her shield makes her better at shield dancing than winston. You can TP teammates to high ground they couldn’t normally reach, AND her ult, being a massive shield, can cut off sound barrier, and transcendence if used correctly, like in a grav. I’m just hoping she won’t be OP.

she is actually even more squishy right now. THe new sym seems like she demands a pocket


its sad that symm will be even more a “throw” hero than she was before


I hate everything about this rework.

And I’m already so tired of fighting it when we never get acknowledged anyway.



The old teleporter was also scary as heck especially when having a good symmmetra that knows where and how to hide it.

Symmetra on defense is now like nothing.


Reliably? And which ones? Diamond Tracers and Genjis should be shredding Symmetras, I could see ranks like Bronze-Silver, but Diamond? Pffft. I wouldn’t know though, so your anecdote will have to be considered gospel I guess. :ok_hand:

Edit: Oh wait, I said GOOD, getting into a slightly above average rank doesn’t mean good by default, hell, there are no shortage of GM players with bewildering lack of GM tier play.