“They have a Symmetra and she counters me. Maybe I should switch.”

And nobody did say this with the old alteration of symetra.

Good genji didn’t fear symetra she has no rang, no mobility and low life.

Oh and I do not think the new kit is useless.
But it is not sym.
And obviously it needs something more

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And if you let a genji kill you at range instead of baiting him in and burning him down, you weren’t a good sym


How do you bait him in ? Could you please explain.

this is what most Symm players had been saying from the VERY start of her Rework but nobody listened and everyone told them to be quiet and give it a shot… All Symm needed were:

  1. No more Auto Lock
  2. Faster Moving Orbs
  3. Projectable Turrets (maybe 4 instead of 3 but HP on them isn’t that important, 1 is fine just direct hits to destroy no splash)
  4. Either or Faster Cooldown or larger Photon Barrier.

That was IT… but what did we get instead? A recycled hero asset with NEW HERO… due to the toxicity and hatred of the community they have KILLED a good Indian hero and got blizzard to recycle her assets… RIP Symm…

at least Sombra retains her freaking kit.

EDIT: I can also almost guarantee you when Torb’s rework comes along it will be treated like Symm’s rework by the community due to again all the hatred against Torb players

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It’s not that they don’t understand, it’s that they refuse to play a hero that other people now like.

Almost every genji I’ve ever seen starts to get really annoyed if he can’t kill you after awhile.
And if after that you let him get a hit with his shurekin, they tend to try to jump in and dash you. If you position yourself right and placed your turrets properly … hit him with your beam. He panics trys to either dash kill you or dash escape.
Right at two other turrets you set.
He is now dead.
Thank you for using the suicide both.

Edit: hardest match up other then snipers is Winston ( your usually better off switching to be completely honest) because he is up to chance. If you beam was not already charged you better pray he jumps in while you are charging an orb.


I’m sorry you’re having trouble with Sym 3.0. A lot of us aren’t. I’ve long observed on these forums that if someone comes asking for help with something they are struggling with, they usually get a LOT of good advice. Like, TONS of it.

But threads like this just die. They really do. You might get a person or two that will give you some good advice on your problem playing a certain hero, but overall if you just phrase your opinion based on a hero’s natural abilites, rather than your own abilities as a player, it just goes nowhere fast.

Just ask for help, dude. It’s there. It’s not that hard.

Yo, lots of Symmetra mains are having trouble because they changed her kit so much. It’s actually ridiculous to ask someone to completely relearn their main. And now we’re even more mad about the changes because so many people gave Blizzard their feedback and said how these changes really aren’t fixing Symmetra’s role in the game and they did nothing in response. They didn’t even acknowledge the feedback.

Besides that, well-rounded advice for this kit doesn’t even exist yet because it’s so new and so unnecessarily different.


After playing the new Sym, I would revert her Ult back to teleporter. The barrier feels useless compared to her mini shield which could be used defensively. I can deal with only 3 turrets but her damage for her primary needs to ramp up faster or have the range extended. I loved her niche but I was playing Anubis and there isn’t any worry about a Sym nest or her getting teleporter.


I think this is something pretty much everyone can agree on. Extend the range to 12m, and let secondary fire against shields charge primary.

Keep in mind I prefer sym 2.0 but here. Not all need to be added at once.

Symmetra 3.0
adjustment recommendations

  • beam
    Since it is just a glorified turret beam (even has the same range)

-Add a slow effect to the beam similar to her old turrets level one would be the same as one 2.0 turret and 3 would be equal to either 3 of the old or half of the new ones.
-Lower charge time to 1.5
-lower tick rate to 4 a second on levels 2 and 3
-bring back the old hover ray when not hitting a target. This will help with both aim and hit detection for the symmetra
-increase range to 15meters
if it is going to look like zarya’s beam on the user end give it the same range

  • sentry turrets

-Add a 4th turret lower damage to 45dps
-only four can be active but you can hold 6 recharge time stays at 10 you spawn with a stack of 2

  • teleporter

-speed up deployment animation.

  • barrier ultimate

-allies who pass through the barrier gain 75 shield health (removed upon death mercy rez could maintain it tho)
-enemies who pass through are slowed 25% as long as the ultimate is active ( mercy rez also removes)

Add passive

-if jump button is held symmetra creates a hard light platform and runs in the current direction of tavel for 5meters. ( you and allies Can jump off platform but you can’t stand on it)
-cool down 12sec

There fixed

Edit: incase anybody wants to know why I would never play 3.0 I have always hated and have trouble aiming zarya’s beam I keep thinking I should be hitting the target when I am not. So from the word go I hated it as soon as I saw the primary fire


Yeah, most of us are not.

I prefer Sym 2.0, too, but for going off of Sym 3.0, these additions sound way better than the new live. The visual beam range versus the actual beam range is a nightmare, and just plain bad design. A slow effect would really make up for how absurdly hard it is to aim with her, and she absolutely needs at least one more turret. Deploy animations desperately need to be sped up all around, and giving barriers to allies is just a nice nod to her previous abilities.

Sure, Jan… I’ll just go back to the previously pinned PTR board on the rework and admire all the responses about how indisputably perfect Sym 3.0’s abilities are…


Yeah sometimes I question if she is more “supportive” than the old symm. Thing is that she feels almost there. The tickrate on her primary fire makes it useless even in situations where you want to be using it. Her health is still at 200. And I think her ult is little underwhelming.

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I added this incase you missed it

See, I aim Zarya’s beam at least marginally better than Sym’s new beam. I enjoy playing Zarya much more than Sym 3.0, but that doesn’t mean I’m a god at her.

Also I believe I said earlier (in some thread if not this one) that I disliked spamming with OG hanzo (his new fire rate feels better) and I swear the orbs have the same rate but you can’t hold them.

That is just way too much. Zarya doesnt have Pharah missiles on secondary or projected turrets, nor does her beam charge to 180 DPS.

I think that you’re gonna have to just mourn old Sym, the new one is already super powerful in the right hands, but it appears you just dont want to learn it, but what you are asking for would make her God tier.