They Destroyed Why People Played Doom (And How To Fix Him)

I’ll agree that his ability to have crazy fast movement and do an instant death wombo combo on squishies isn’t exactly healthy haha, but I think my suggestions for his rework would fix this while still giving the option for the old rollout playstyle.

I don’t play Tjorb so I can’t speak to how players felt about his changes, but his changes came around 2 years after he came out (with OG overwatch) and I can say that Tjorb is much less mechanically complex than Doom, so the loss of skill/training for his old playstyle wouldn’t have been that hard a hit.
My issue isn’t with them reworking Doom itself, its with them invalidating a mechanically complex skillset that players have been training the last 5 years and showed no signs of going away.
But like I said above, I think my suggestion in the post would give the best of both worlds without being as annoying or OP as he was before.

Well others think it was cheap. Also others like Torb and Symmettra original play. The change has happened.

I just agreed it was a bit unfair and listed how it could be changed while keeping rollouts lol.

You can’t support Rollouts if you’re going to keep them a Tank. That’s too hyper aggressive mobililty for that role.

He will be fine it takes abit more skill now to use parkour and that is what everyone wanted right, or did that only apply to supports/tanks.

If thats the case then hammond needs to be reworked too so he cant roll anymore. And now he can fly over buildings with the press of a button. You’ll arguably have more Dooms flying at you out of nowhere now because his winston leap is so braindead easy.

I don’t think most people were saying supports and tanks need more skill for their mobility. Either way though, its not that it takes more skill for his parkour, its that alot of his parkour cant even be done anymore, and you get absolutely no incentive for it with slam’s air-time charge gone.

Alot of his parkour can still be done… Literally saw a video about someone playing doomfist doing parkour…

8 second slam just ruins that. Sure you can fly around but unless you are opening with punch bot you are not getting out.

All movement is for movement only and if you want to damage you will have to stay grounded

Thats more or less the trade off I suggested in my suggested changes in order to keep his rollout playstyle. Anything else and players will complain he’s doing too much damage and movement for a tank character.

I could see a longer slam timer if he got uppercut back but Tank fist rollouts look so useless.

Maybe if you cancel seismic slam you get part of the cooldown refunded or start the cooldown the moment you use it so certain rollouts will seem fun.

But that 8 seconds? Ugh so bad.

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Yes, hammond needs a rework. I don’t understand the point of him in this tank era of OW2. He seems out of place.

IDK i’d say he fits better here with what they’re going for than old OW if they’re going for a more individual play based death match style.

what does doom do that other tanks don’t do better in ov2? melee range bruiser->rein, scary damage combo->hog, heavy dd displacement->hammond, high survivability? most tanks if not all of them… dive/engage tank->dva, like wtf is dooms crucial role in the tank category im having a hard time trying to figure out where he fits and who DOESN’T do doom’s job better. this also all co-oncides with the fact that he’s putting himself in the enemy’s playing field STILL, but doesn’t have some kind of survive button like wb shield or hog heal or a way to instantly make space like the threat of a hog hook or let his team follow with a rein shield. i just cannot tell what doom’s purpose is

Haven’t got into the beta yet, but I kind of agree after watching more gameplay today. Seems like the devs want him to be a displacer/disruptor but with the tiny damage all of his abilities do I just don’t see it. He can knock away or slow someone for a second but thats inferior compared to the utility other tanks have.

If they wanna keep this new rework doom his numbers def need to be tweaked, but imo my suggestions or at least something to bring back a bit of the old rollout playstyle without making him busted is needed.

Also kind of sad to see that GetQuakedOn was calling for some buffs for him in his alpha impressions vid but they ended up nerfing him even more for the beta. So far they’re following old doom’s path of over-nerfing him, except worse because this new doom isn’t nearly as much fun to play.

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doomfist now have a Hand armor made by plastic

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it’s so funny seeing doomfist’s giant robot arm gauntlet charge up, a thing that looks like it could devastate a tank, and then deal next to zero damage hahahaha. he looks so lame now its insane


After having played the beta since the twitch drops I can now say I still stand by everything I said, not much more to it then that.

I want my dmg back , tankfist is boring as hell , doom = high rish high reward + slot of time to learn , and they took both , even if they fixed the lack of skill he needs to play or the lack of freedom is combos , they will never give him his dmg back and that is what upsets me , without the dmg and killing threat you have no reward and as a tank you have no risk since you dont get one shoted and they dont have a million cc to chain on you . in my opinion the only doom that is variable is the real doomfist ow1 doom fist , not frogfist or tankfist .

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Definitely agree. Doubt his damage will come back as EVEN NOW people still complain he’s too strong, which just goes to show they probably never knew how to counter him in the first place, but at least give us back his old moveset.

this isn’t a forum post, this is a thesis :sob:

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