They cant be serious with the Sombra skin

And you know this how exactly??

Just my thinking after several/dozens of negative experiences since launch with Blizz.

Iam not saying it like a fact, its not proven.

Notice anything out of place? Perhaps a BlizzCon logo or a different color scheme. This skin wasn’t made for BlizzCon it was tacked on last minute because they probably forgot to make another recolored BlizzCon skin.

Its based on another Blizzard game this year Diablo . . .
Other blizzard games got other blizzard stuff as thier skins and mounts . . .

ugh if you can’t get it don’t sweat it, it’s just a skin, you’ll live

Blizzard please I want to get Halloween lootboxes (if you make it good) don’t do this to me

What Blizzard should do is this.

Step 1. Sell Blizz con tickets.
Step 2. Hold Blizz con.
Step 3. At the end of Blizz con, like the very last moment, hand out the reward for everyone who attended both in person and virtually.
Step 4. Watch the utter melt down when someone sees a skin in the game that they can no longer access because Blizz con is already over.

They give out a skin for blizz-con ticket holders every year, just cause they’re giving out a legendary doesn’t make them greedy, it’s them saying “thank you for coming!” Plus all those other skins, you don’t have to get them, its a cosmetic it’s not changing the game in a substancial way, it’s literally just skins and emotes, plus it will come out to everyone in 2019 anyway. They practically give everyone everything for free like new heroes, events, etc. that when they do make something cost money people lose it, it’s genuinely rude and frustrating