New game. New platform. Old data.
I thought that getting my skins from OW1 wouldn’t screw my account since I switched from PC to Console. Wow, was I wrong.
I started playing all the way back with OW1 beta. I’m a filthy casual and play every ranked game with my wife who, honestly, plays super inconsistently and not that great. She has other talents… Very few games per season locked us down into low ranks. I proved this with a video 3 years ago by ranking 1000 points different across three accounts in one play session. (
I even showed a buddy how playing the same games with him and performing the same (we kept track and played the same 2 characters back and forth) advanced his rank much faster than mine because of my bad data Blizzard was holding against me.
Now in season 2, my record in support is 25 wins 13 losses. (with a similar performance first season.)
Guess what my rank is.
Bronze 1 - But look at that huge amount of games that Should Not Be Relevant.
Damage 6:1 = Silver 1 (I think I did better first season but overbuff doesn’t have it)
Tank? 10:12 isn’t even that awful (definitely did better 1st season) In Bronze, every “healer” plays Ana, Moira, or Baptiste to solo DPS and every actual DPS flanks the whole time (badly) so there’s never follow up to a push and you’re always abandoned so… yeah good luck playing tank in deep bronze when randomly queued. Better luck winning at roulette… the Russian kind. (I won 12 in a row first season as soon as I grouped with a team that had voice)
You think higher ranks are inconsistent? Try playing against smurfing new accounts with children and newbs the matchmaker has no clue what to do with. It’s literally hopeless.
I’m old enough to be most players’ father (and unfortunately grandfather to some of these children literally stuck on walls in bronze) So my reaction time and fine motor control isn’t top tier, but my positioning, prediction, call outs, game comprehension, and overall teamplay are, at least, MUCH better than average.
Most of you who haven’t played accounts between bronze and plat don’t know what I do: The game environment is so different between ranks it requires big playstyle changes. (winning with chaotic individuals is different from coordinating with a team)
The auto-aim on PS4 does make up for my age but me and many of you are screwed by old data… PC Data at that!!!
I thought a change in game AND platform would finally free me. Nope! They screwed me as soon as I linked accounts to get my skins.